Chapter Four

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Keith and Lance raced towards their rooms to grab their armor, hands joined as they ran. Once they got to their rooms, Lance looked at Keith questioningly.

"Just go put your armor on," Keith demanded. "I'll be fine!"

The two turned towards their rooms and suited up in record time. They met each other back in the hall, Keith looking extremely pale. Lance grabbed onto his hand and they ran towards their lion hangars as fast as they could. Once they got to where the two separated, Lance looking at Keith again.

"Go to your lion,"Keith demanded.

"But what about y—" Lance started.

"We don't have time to argue over this! There's more important things happening other than this stupid bite! Just go!"

Keith wrenched his hand from Lance's and ran towards Red. Lance stared for only a moment before racing to his lion as well.

"Paladins! We may not need to form Voltron but we still need to protect the castle," Shiro said. "Keith, Lance, you two take the left. Pidge, Hunk, the right. I'll go down the middle. To your positions!"

The Paladins split off to their positions and began to attack the Galra ships from the sides. Keith went to the left, following behind Lance. Lance opened a private channel with Keith.

"Keith, how're you doing, Mullet?" Lance asked him.

"For the love of God, please don't call me that right now!" Keith exclaimed, his voice sounding strained.

"Sorry, sorry. But seriously, how're you doing?" Lance asked again.

"Could be better," Keith said, through gritted teeth.

"Okay then," Lance said, worry in his voice evident. "I'll leave you be." Lance reaches to close the private line.

"Wait—" Keith shouted. "Talking... helps."

"Oh. Okay," Lance responded. "Is there anything you wanna talk about? I've got lots to say."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. I don't ca— Lance! To your left!" Lance quickly dodged the ship and shot through it.

"Soooo, we have a few options. Earth, cause why not. Uhmmm lets go with tv cause we don't really have that anymore, and how about weather? That's a great conversation starter," Lance laughed nervously, flying through the hordes of Galra ships and taking them down one by one.

"The fourth one, Keith responded, shooting a Galra fighter on Lance's tail.

"Well, okay. You've chosen both the best and the worst option. I'm gonna lay some of my Loverboy Lance magic on you," Lance's trademark smile and finger guns could almost be heard through their connection.

"Oh nooo," Keith couldn't hide his smile even if he tried. He just hoped Lance couldn't hear it.

"You good, Keith?" Pidge asked over the coms. "You haven't said anything in a while."

Keith opened up his coms with the rest of the Paladins. "Yeah I'm fine. Looks like we've nearly finished off their ships. Just a few to go," Keith's voice started to sound more and more strained as he continued talking. He switched back to the private channel. "Lance. Please say something. Anything," Keith sounded near tears.

"I can do that Keithy boy," Lance responded. "Time to lay on the Loverboy charm."

Keith chuckled. "Show me what you've got."

"Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got fine written all over you," Lance couldn't conceal the chuckle after finishing the line. "Was your dad a boxer? Because damn, you're a knockout!" Keith tried to conceal his laughter, waiting for Lance to say another line.

"Ohhh I've got a good one!" Lance exclaimed excitedly. "I may not be a genie, but I can make your dreams come true." Keith couldn't contain his laughter.

"Have these ever actually worked?" Keith asked, zooming into an explosion of fighters.

"Not for their intended purpose, but that's not important. How bad has it gotten?" Lance asked. There was only static in response. "Keith, can you hear me?" When he received no answer, Lance opened his coms with the rest of the Paladins. "Has anyone heard from Keith? He isn't answering me."

"I've heard nothing," Pidge said.

"Me neither," Hunk added.

"Paladins, we need to focus. There are only a few ships left. The sooner we take care of them, the sooner we can return to the castle. Understood?" Shiro asked.

"Understood," the other Paladins responded. Lance helped the rest of the team take out the rest of the fighters, watching as the red lion started slowing down.

Once the last fighter had been destroyed Shiro spoke through the coms. "Good work guys. Let's head back to the castle to regroup."

The Paladins flew back to the castle, Red lagging behind the rest. As soon as Lance's lion landed, he raced out of Blue's mouth and ran towards the hangar for the red lion. Once Red had landed, Lance stood at the mouth of the lion, begging her to let him in. Eventually she lowered her mouth and Lance bolted inside to find Keith passed out in the pilots chair, his skin ashen and pale.

"Keith!" Lance shouted, dashing to his side. He gripped his helmet and threw it to the side, placing his hands on the sides of Keith's face.

"Keith, you need to wake up. Keith!" Lance started to take off Keith's gloves, holding his hands while he patted Keith's cheeks in an attempt to wake him up. After a moment, Keith's eyes opened, but closed suddenly in pain, his entire body curling up.

"Keith, buddy, you have to tell me what you need," Lance said frantically.

"Anything, Please. Just make it stop!" Keith cried, tears beginning to roll down his face.

Lance began removing Keith's armor above his waist, trying to reveal as much skin as possible, doing the same for his own armor. Once their chests had been exposed from their armor, Lance sat on the ground and pulled Keith to his chest, wrapping his arms around him in a hug. The smaller boy shook in Lance's arms as the pain began to fade, burying his face in Lance's shoulder.

"Thank you," Keith said shakily, moving to wrap his arms around Lance as well.

"No problem," Lance responded, pulling Keith closer.

The two sat on the floor of the lion for a little longer before Lance broke the silence.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked.

Keith tightened his grip on Lance, burying his face farther into his chest. He nodded slightly, his tears still running down his face and Lance's chest.

"Are you ready to leave?" Lance asked, looking down at Keith.

Keith's body shook as he tried to level his breathing. Slowly, he looked up at Lance, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I don't want to move and have the pain come back. It hurts so much Lance," his bottom lip quivered as he spoke, tears pooling in his eyes. "I don't know if I can do this for much longer. Just this, the hug, is already so overwhelming but letting go just makes it so much worse!"

Lance quickly drew his arms away, panic crossing his face. "Do you want me to stop? I never meant to overwhelm you!"

Keith slowly pulled Lance's arms back to him, tucking himself back into Lance's chest. "This is a good overwhelming."

Lance settled against the control panel, letting Keith rest against his chest. "We can stay here for a little longer then." Lance heard Keith's breathing even out as he fell asleep in his arms.

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