Chapter 12

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Carley's POV:
A: "Ready to get this meeting started?"
J: "I still can't believe you're in on this." He looks at Avilasa.
A: "Well believe it because I'm not going anywhere." I still wasn't sure about Avilasa. Josh & I don't know her that well, & we don't want to make her mad. She's a wild card in all of this.
C: "We know, & us two aren't going anywhere either." I say pointing in between myself & Josh.
A: "That's fine just don't mess with what I want." She tilts her head in a cocky way raising an eyebrow.
C: "Fine, but you might want to talk to Josh." I give a sarcastic smile to him & Avilasa glares at him.
A: "What is she talking about?"
J: "I had to teach Tom a lesson."
A: "Why...wait.." she says holding her hand up to stop him before he can get a word out. "I don't care that's unacceptable." And I give Josh the 'I told you so look.' "Carley you can deal with that as you please."
C: "Like I can get payback?" I smirk.
A: "Yep!" She nods her head. Josh lets out a deep sigh frustrated.
J: "But...?" Avilasa interrupts him.
A: "But no...moving on.."
C: "What are the terms since we both want the same thing? Tom." I honestly hate compromising but if I don't she might just take him away or out us, & Josh & I don't want that at all.
A: "Umm I think that I should be able to come up to the cabin & see him as much as I'd like to." My jaw drops literally.
C: "No no no!" I shake my head.
A: "Ah ah ah," she waves her finger. "I can take him & Y/N away & put the both of y'all in jail with the snap of my fingers, & y'all will have nothing. So..." she props her elbows on the table leaning in. "If you want this squad, group, whatever to work, you're both going listen to me now. Do we all understand?" She looks at both of us. We both nod. "I want to hear it!" She says through gritted teeth. "I need verbal confirmation."
J+C: "We understand," we let out an irritated sigh. I didn't expect that this was how the meeting was gonna go.
A: "Good I'll be up there within maybe the next day or two & don't hurt Tommy will ya? Or the both of you will get what's coming."
We both gulp unsure if me & Josh did the right thing, & right now is a no. "See ya real soon, bye loves." She says as she scoots out of the booth & walks out of the cafe as her heals click.
Tom's POV:
I felt so bad about the way I snapped at Y/N but really 'We just got caught up in the moment'? I have no idea what to think or feel right now. There's so many things going on. 1) I'm locked in a room with a girl I like who's confused about her feelings, 2) My body hurts so much right now, 3) I need Y/N's help though I told her I don't need it which was a huge mistake, & 4) I'm so afraid about if Josh & Carley saw Y/N & me kissing because I can't take another beating, & I can't let Y/N go through that, & they might separate us. I knew I made Y/N cry from the little sniffles I could hear as she still sat next to me. She didn't have the energy to move, & it breaks my heart that I hurt her. I know she didn't mean to hurt me after I've sat here for maybe 30 minutes replaying our conversation in my head over & over. But she's right this situation we're in just made us grow closer which I hate the way it happened, but I'm glad it's happening. But this isn't the time to bicker because we still need to find a way out.
T: "I'm sorry," I say breaking the silence. "But you were partially wrong though." She lifts her head up when I say that & turns her gaze to face me & sits there in silence not wanting to answer & to just let me speak. "True we might've got caught up in the moment, but you can't hide the feelings behind that kiss Y/N-you just can't." She leans her head back against the wall & sighs. "But I am sorry though for snapping at you. You can still call me Thomas. I was just mad in the moment. I had time to think about what you said, & I'm truly sorry."
Y/N: "What did you see?" She asks ignoring everything I've just talked about.
T: "I'm sorry...what did I see?"
Y/N: "Yes Thomas. What did you see on your way there & back from & to this room?" She says calmly.
T: "Well I noticed our room is at the end of the hall of the bottom floor so we're in the basement. There were three other rooms & we went into the one farthest from this room which was close to the stairs. And there's a locked door with a lock pad on the door at the front of the hall with a window. I noticed some trees so we might be in the woods or something."
Y/N: "Wow..." she sighs. "You're very observant. I guess you did one right thing." She gives a slight chuckle.
T: "I'm glad you can find the humor in this." I roll my eyes jokingly & chuckle a little bit as well.
Y/N: "Thank you though." I turn my gaze towards her as she looks me in the eyes. "For taking my place though it would've been different, but still thank you."
T: "Anytime. I'll always look out for you even if it gets me hurt, or you might not care for me."
Y/N: "Don't say that."
T: "What?"
Y/N: "That I don't care for you because I do. I just need some time to sort out my feelings & to get to know you more. We've got plenty of time though. It's not like we're leaving anytime soon."
T: "True, but before we do that let's start making a plan on how we get out of here."
Y/N: "If they don't kill or separate us after seeing that video."
T: "True, but we're both getting out of here together..."
Y/N: "Alive, & then you're taking me out right?"
T: "Definitely."

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