Alternate Ending Part 6

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Tom's POV:
Y/N: "I love you," she smiles.
T: "I love you too," I smile back at her. We then head back inside to my room since there isn't a guest room for Y/N to sleep in, and I don't want her to sleep on the couch. I help Y/N get situated and comfortable in my bed. "Goodnight love," I kiss her cheek and head to the door.
Y/N: "Where are you going? You're not sleeping in here?" She asks. I stop and turn around.
T: "I'm just going to sleep on the couch," I say leaning up against the doorframe pointing my finger back in the direction of the living room.
Y/N: "Tom," she says and pauses. "We were stuck in same room and slept in the same room for maybe less than a week. I think we've been through enough to where I'm comfortable with sharing a bed with you."
T: "I know," a weak smile forms on my lips. "I just thought you would want some space so that you could finally get some real rest."
Y/N: "Space?" She scoffs. "Space is the last thing I want or need. Can you just please stay with me?" She says as her gaze on me softens, and the way she says those words 'stay with me' hit me like a ton of bricks. Hearing her say those words, and the way she said those words felt like I just traveled back in time but in reverse. Because instead she was saying those words to me instead of me saying them to her. "Tom?" She asks softly snapping out of my trance.
T: "Oh yah," I cough clearing my throat. "Um yah. I'll stay with you of course love." I then climb back in bed next to her. Y/N then scooches over closer to me. Her arm resting next to mine.
Y/N: "Sorry am I too close? I just feel safer laying close to you."
T: "I don't mind at all," I say wrapping my arm around her letting her feel safe as she lays her head on my chest. "You're safe with me from now on. I promise." She snuggles up to me a little more after I say that, and I can finally feel her relax for the first time as we drift off to sleep.
(The dream is underlined)
I saw Brynn standing in front of Y/N and I as we were tied to the chairs in the old cabin. Brynn took the knife and held it up to Y/N. I tried to break free from my restraints, but it was impossible. She took the knife and plunged it into Y/N making her scream. I flinched in my sleep thinking that this wasn't a dream at all. Next thing I know Brynn is running off, and somehow I was able to break free. I tried to stay and help Y/N, but she told me to go. Then suddenly I'm outside my feet running the fastest they could go after Brynn. I got to her and felt the boiling anger inside of me as I held a gun to her head as tears fell from my eyes. Next thing I know I'm back at the cabin. I then see Y/N's lifeless body being taken out of the cabin. "y/n," I mumble in my sleep. "Y/N?" I ask again but louder as I stir in my sleep without knowing. "Y/N?!" I scream "No!"' I say louder. My body then jolt up in a sweaty mess as I feel someone touch me.
?: "Thomas?" The worried voice mumbles, but I can't see who it is. "Thomas?" The voice asks sounding even more worried.
T: "Huh?" I saw weakly tears in my eyes as I look more closely at who this person is. "Y/N?" I say confused. I rub my eyes making sure my vision is clear and to know me seeing Y/N in front of me alive isn't just a dream. "You're alive!" I say as tears fall from my eyes. I take her into my tight embrace never wanting to let her go.
Y/N: "Ow!" She winces as I squeeze her too tight.
T: "I'm so sorry."
Y/N: "It's ok. I'm good but yah I'm alive?" She says confused.
T: "I-I had a nightmare, more like a memory where I didn't save you and you died. You didn't make it
Y/N," I hiccup from all the crying.
Y/N: "Shhh it's ok," she whispers into my ear as she rubs my back as we continue to hug. "I'm still here. Brynn isn't gonna take me away from you," she says pulling away and cupping my face as she brushes her thumb across my cheek wiping off the tears.
T: "What if this dream wasn't a dream. What if it was what would've happened if I did leave?"
Y/N: "Thomas don't think like that. You don't know."
T: "Y/N?" I pause. "Don't tell me you're denying this. I know you have been having nightmares too. You also said that you thought they felt real like they were memories. So yes I'm questioning the 'what if.'
Y/N: "You're right," she says and pauses. "I've been having similar dreams too, but who knows the 'what if?' Maybe if you did run off I could potentially still be alive."
T: "Or not?" I say my gaze leaving her lively eyes. I then feel the warm touch of her fingers life my chin up to meet her gaze.
Y/N: "But right now Thomas," she pauses and gives me a soft smile, "I'm here, with you, and that is all that matters. I also think that we should be happy that we both made it out alive, ok?" She says looking me straight in the eyes searching for something. Honesty.
T: "Ok," I sigh. "I'll let it go. Only for you," I say and she kisses my cheek then hugs me. "I love you Y/N," I say then lie down, and so does Y/N.
Y/N: "I love you too Tom," she says turning her head to face me.
T: "Don't call me that," I turn towards her, and we both laugh.
Y/N: "Ok," she grins. "I love you too Thomas," she says and leans in for a kiss. "Goodnight," she says as our lips separate, and she snuggle right back up next to me letting me hold her.
T: "Goodnight love," I softly kiss her neck. "Hey, why don't next week we make up for our date? What do you say?"
Y/N: "I'd really like that a lot," she says turning her head up to me and smiles.
T: "Then it's a date. Same time?"
Y/N: "Same time," she whispers before we both doze off finally getting the rest we need.

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