Alternate Ending Part 4

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Time skip/End of Flashback/3rd Person's POV: C1: "And so that's what happened in your perspective?"
T/M/R/L/Haz/B: "Yes" each one said separately at the end of giving their statements to the officer.
C1: "I'm sorry Y/N wasn't able to make it," the officer says giving a weak smile. "Are you sure that is everything since Y/N isn't able to give her statement?"
T: "That's everything I can remember. I really want justice for what Brynn did."
C1: "Don't worry you will. Thank you and your friends for coming in today. If it weren't for y'all we wouldn't of been able to catch Brynn." Tom nods at his comment as he stands up and shakes the officer's hand.
T: "No problem," Tom returns the weak smile with tears in his eyes. "I better get going then. Thank you for everything you and everyone else has done." He shakes the officers hand one last time before turning and walking out of the station. As he walks back out into the world as the sun shines bright down on him, he sees Haz and Lillian standing there waiting for him.
Haz: "How'd it go?" he asks patting Tom on the back.
T: "As expected. I told them everything I know and could remember."
L: "You did good," she gives a weak smile. "We should probably head back now."
T: "Yah I agree," they head back to the car to go on their way. The car ride was silent. Emotions were high and no one felt like talking about anything that had happened. It had been a long week especially for Tom. Y/N and everything else that had happened from the physical to the emotional scars was really affecting Tom, and he had barely gotten any sleep. They then made it and pulled up in front of the building.
Haz: "Do you want us to come with you mate?" He asks as Tom opens up the door stepping outside of the car.
T: "It's ok. I'll be fine. Thank you though, but I just want this time to just be her and I.
L: "Ok. We'll be back later to pick y'all up." She gives a weak smile and waves as her and Haz drive off.
*          *          *          *          *          *
Tom's POV:
I never thought the sound of a steady heartbeat would be music to my ears. The oxygen that kept me alive. I had walked in into Y/N's hospital room setting down something on the counter as I walked in as she was sleeping. She was definitely getting more rest than I had in the past few days, but she definitely needed it more than I did after what she's gone through. She fought hard and came through and needed rest. Much needed rest. I didn't want to wake her up as I sat their next to her in a chair holding her delicate hand in mine.
T: "You're so beautiful you know that," I whisper to her though I know she can't hear me because she's sleeping. I see all the scars, the cuts, the bruises, but I still see the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. Nothing could change that. "I didn't know that the girl I'd end up falling for would be such a brave and strong woman. You're a real fighter." I tuck a piece of her loose hair behind her ear. "I really thought you were not gonna make it Y/N, but I'm glad you did. I just think about," I cough clearing my knotted throat. "what if I didn't turn back and run into the cabin? What if I chose to run after Brynn? What if you died because I chose to run after Brynn and chose not to save you? Would you still be alive?" I squeeze her hand a little tighter at the thought that she might've not been here and that I might've never gotten to hold her hand or tell her I love you again. Tears started building up in my eyes. "But I can't think about that," I say trying to hold back the tears that I desperately want to let out. "You're alive and that's all that matters. I just can't wait to pick off where we left off." I get up from my seat and pick up what I left on the counter as I walked in. I walk back over and sit back in the chair. "I couldn't wait till Friday so I went ahead and bought you some daisies, as requested," I say as her body starts to stir. Her eyes slowly flutter open. She rubs her eyes adjusting them to the dim lights.
Y/N: "What are you doing here?" she asks tired.
T: "Nothing much just wanted to visit my favorite injured person," she rolls her eyes as she pushes herself up to try and sit up.
Y/N: "Uhh," she winces as she pushes herself up.
T: "You ok!" I yell out as I stand up. "You need a doctor...ohmygosh!"
Y/N: "Tom!" She says catching my attention. "I'm fine," she says calmly. "This pain I have to get used to it."
T: "I know. I'm just worried about you," I give a weak smile. "I almost lost you," I say sitting at the end of the hospital bed.
Y/N: "But you didn't. I'm right here," she says laying her hand on top of mine. "Whatcha got there?" She asks as she gestures to the flowers.
T: "What?" I turn my head to my other hand. "These? Well these are for you of course," I say and hand them to her. She takes the bouquet of daisies and takes in their smell. "I couldn't wait till Friday to give them to you so I came to give them to you today."
Y/N: "That's sweet of you. Thank you," she leans in and kisses me on the cheek. "So when am I getting out of here? Do you know?" We both chuckle.
T: "Doctor said you could be out by tomorrow morning if you're good," she rolls her eyes at my playfulness. "I'm just kidding he said you can go home tonight. You ready?"
Y/N: "Been ready since I last stepped out of my apartment," she says giving a soft laugh.
T: "I guess you're never leaving you're apartment again I assume?"
Y/N: "Well...I do have this date with this amazingly charming sweet guy on Friday," she says tapping her chin, "and I was really looking forward to an amazing night with him and I wouldn't want to cancel."
T: "Sounds like a great guy," I say leaning in a little.
Y/N: "He really is," she says leaning in too and giving me a soft sweet kiss on the lips. "Lets head home," she says as our lips disconnected from one another's.

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