Chapter II. Living on your own

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Your p.o.v.

I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock painfully penetrating my eardrums. I smacked it with my left fist, annoyed and I turned on my other side, trying to cuddle myself back to sleep.

'It's too damn early...' I thought and, without realising it, I fell back asleep.

I don't know how long it had been, until I felt my mom at the edge of my bed, shaking me and rushing me to get up:

- Y/N, sweetheart, wake up! We are gonna be late. You are always such a pain in the morning... Get. Out. Of. Bed. Now! I heard my, now annoyed, mom complaining.

I let out a sleepy, long sigh as I finally decide to get up.

I sleepily greet her good morning and then I drag my way out of my room and to the bathroom. I enter the bathroom, scratching the back of my head and letting out a yawn. I take a quick look in the mirror, taking in that I looked like a zombie from "The Walking Dead". I yawn and turn on the tap, splashing my face with cold water, the cool droplets hitting my S/C skin, making me feel somewhat refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Then I decide to take a quick shower.

After I quickly finish my morning routine, I go back to my room so I can get ready. It didn't take me long picking an outfit, since all my clothes were packed up and waiting in the trunk of my parents' car since yesterday, all besides a pair of blue jeans, a nice, navy-blue, short-sleeved shirt and a grey jacket. It didn't took me more than three minutes to get all dressed up. I fix my hair, slowly dragging my fingers through my h/c locks while inspecting my reflection in the mirror.

- Looks like I'm ready to go, I say to myself as I bend down to pick up my backpack and then hung it over one of my shoulders as I step out of my room, closing the door shut behind me.

- Y/N! Hurry up! I could hear my mom shouting from down the hallway.

- Coming right now! I yell back, as I sprint my way through the hallway, stoping qt the front door. There stood my parents, waiting for me.

- What took you so long? my dad asked.

Judging by the pissed expression on his face, I came to realize that he wasn't actually expecting a reply from me.

- Anyway... Let's go! he said as he procedeed to step out of the appartement, my mom and I following shortly behind him. Then, he locked the door and we got outside of the apartment building, were dad parked his Mercedes-Benz C Class.
We got in the car, my dad on the driver's seat, of course, my mom next to him, and I was sitting on the back
seat, leaning my head against the backrest.

My dad starts the engine and the car begins to move. I take a look at the clock of the dashboard and it read 5:17 a.m! Why did we even need to wake up so early? Still, it was Sunday...

- Mom? I ask.

- Yeah, Y/N. Do you need something?

- Why do we need to leave so early in the morning? School doesn't start until tomorrow, I state.

- Yes, but we need to take you to your new place today, so you have time to unpack and accomodate. Besides, it's better for us to be on the road early, so we avoid traffic.

I nod and don't say anything anymore, averting my gaze to the window. My parents decided that I couldn't stay in a hostel, being affraid that the beating from a few weeks ago will repeat again. Althogh I always tell them that I love them, they have been begun to feel guilty from the day I had been hospitalized. So this time, they refused to take any more 'useless risks' and instead rented a single-room for me, very near of my future school. It was small but had everything I needed, it was even furnished and my parents found the price really affordable.

"You belong to me, sucker!" (Yandere OC x Reader) (EN)  Where stories live. Discover now