Chapter IV. Friend

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Your P.O.V.

I take a sharp inhale trying to recover from the shock I had moments ago. I look outside the glass doors and I feel that strange sensation, that fear from earlier getting a hold of me again.
It was getting dark quickly, but the halogen street lights placed alongside the sidewalk enhaced it in a fuzzy yet warm light and made possible to make out the silhouettes and even the faces of the people passing by.

Not calming myself down completely, I get startled again, this time by a voice:

- May I help you, mister? a middle-aged female, which I assumed it was the shop assistant, asked me casually. She was standing behind a counter, fixing me with her gaze and sipping something from a brown mug.

- Indeed, you can madame, I utter, trying to be polite, a slight stammer still lacing my voice and turn my body to where she was sitting, to my right, so I was facing her. I have just moved in and I am looking for some... upkeep material, for my new room, I state, trailing off at the end as I mentally recall the things I need.

She looks at me patiently, waiting for me to gather my thoughts.

- Firstly, I'll be needing some wallpaint, I say and the woman nods her head and stands up from her desk and begins to pace toward a certain section of the shop, where a large array of lime and paint was displayed. I grab a small cart and silently trail behind her, my eyes roaming through the bunch of wallpaint containers advertising different hues and shades. I don't take long to make a choice as grab two containers of white wallpaint and a larger buchet of lime.

'Hopefully, these will be enough" I think as I carefully place the products in the small cart.

- I suppose you'll be needing a roller or a paintbrush too, right? I hear the voice of the shop assistant who was standing just a few feet away, adjusting a few wallpaint containers on a shelf.

- Yes, I respond.

She walks further down the same section and gestures towards a lower shelf with paintbrushes of different sizes.

- And the rollers are just right next to the brushes, she says.

I thank her as I pick a medium size roller and put it in my cart as well. I also take a small paintbrush, thinking it would be hard to paint the corners using the roller.

- Do you need anything else? the clerk spoke again, tilting her head slightly at my direction as she spoke.

- Yes. Some cleaning products, I answer and as we begin to make our way towards another area of the shop the sound of the doors opening and closing, followed by footsteps, clicking of heals to be exact, reaches my ears.

- The cleaning products are right around the corner, she replies. If you need anything else, you find me at the cash desk, says the woman and walks away.

I nod at her and I decide to leave the cart there, as I quickly pick up the rest of the things. I grab a bottle of bleach and one of sanitizer from the shelf, along with the rest of the things from the cleaning section, whilst mentally revising my shopping list. After that, I make my way to another section from where I pick up a bottle of shower gel, one of shampoo and a roll of paper towels without too much thought.

'This is all, I guess..." I think as I push the trolley towards the cash register, keeping my eyes down and I am startled when my cart bumps into something and I simultaneously hear a small yelp from the person and my (E/C) orbs shoot towards the source of the sound.

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