Chapter III. A late evening

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Your p.o.v

I huffed as I finally reached my destination: my single-room apartment located at the last floor of the disheveled building. Climbing the stairs proved to be much difficult than I thought it would be: the stairs were wet or muddy here and there and I almost tripped over them twice.

I could hear my parents' slow steps following behind me, as well as my mom complaining about mess:

- It's really nobody cleaning in here!? Jesus, my mom mumbled.

Judging by the abandoned display of this place, I would say that no one is here. At all. And besides, as I were making my way, I didn't spot nor seen a sign of any other presence: no one entering or exiting the building, besides the three of us, no music playing behind the closed doors, not a single voice. Our steps echoing was all that could be heard. I found it somewhat strange, but I didn't think much of it, because my parents finally caught up with me.

My mom was holding on the banister, catching her breath, as my dad fumbled in the pocket of his black coat. I watch him calmly as he reveals a key and unlocks the white wooden door, whick slowly swings open with a loud creaking noise. We step inside, my dad leading the way and my mom closing the door back behind us. I take a look at the inside as I place my bags on the floor: it wasn't as crammed as I expected, it wasn't big, but it was spacious enough for a person or even two. We were in the lobby and I couldn't help but notice that my mom was right: the place was furnitured: in a corner was placed a small wardrobe and a mirror as well as a wooden hanger. Walking further, my father opened a door, reaveling a nice kitchen on the other side. It didn't have a counter or numerous cabinets. It was pretty much empty, the only things in there being: a metal table and two metallic chairs on each side of it, a small cupboard and a rusty sink. The morning sunlight shining through the window was illuminating the room, making me notice that the table and cabinet were quite dusty and the floor had different stains on it.

"Messy like hell. I can't stay in a place like this. I gotta clean this up."

Moving on to the bathroom, quite the same story. It was small and not pristine - just like the rest of the apartment or even worse. The corners of the walls were adorned by spider webs and mould. The rest of the walls were half covered in faience, but it wasn't in a good state either: many pieces were missing and a big part of the remaining ones were cracked. The once white enameled surface of the sink, bathtub and toilet wasn't white anymore. It turned to a faded yellowish shade, which made them look unsanitary and infectious.

"I'll be needing gallons of bleach to scrub this off."

I thought as I was trying not to make a face of pure disgust and keep up a neutral facade for the sake of my parents.

"I'll be needing a bucket of white wallpaint and a roller as well..."

Finally, the bedrooms. Yes, bedrooms. There were two bedrooms, instead of one, how I was initially told by my parents. Both were big and seemed cleaner than the rest of the apartment, excepting they were a bit dusty. Each of them had a wardrobe and a small table with a chair, but there was only one bed in the first bedroom - I didn't know what to think of this, but I was just happy I wasn't going to spend my first night in my new home sleeping on the floor. The bed was matrimonial type, which made me think that the people who lived here previously were a couple. But why didn't got their furniture when they moved out? I wondered.

"Maybe they switched with something much nicer than this."

The other bedroom simply had a small sofa on the left side of the room and two armchairs on the right side, a small table laying between the armchairs. Judging by the furniture and the way it was placed, the room didn't quite look like a bedroom, but more like a guest room, but then again, it seemed too cramed for that. Maybe the foster owner had used this room as an office, where he or she could have worked from home.

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