Anatomy of the Signs

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Aries: The head. Mars connects to the muscular and urogenital system. It is an extension of the planet's association with physical sexual expression.

Taurus: Neck and throat. Venus was traditonally connected to the throat, kidneys, and lumbar region. Now it connects to the parathyroids that help control the calcium levels of body fluids.

Gemini: Lungs, Arms, and shoulders. Mercury is associated with respiration, the brain, and the nervous system as a whole.

Cancer: Chest, breasts, and stomach. The moon is connected to the breasts and food system, Including: oesaphagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder and intestines.

Leo: Heart and upper back. The sun traditonally rules the heart, back, and spinal column. It is also connected to the thymus

Virgo: Abdomen and digestive system. Mercury is associated with respiration, the brain, and the nervous system as a whole.

Libra: Kidneys and Lumbar region. Venus was traditonally connected to the throat, kidneys, and lumbar region. Now it connects to the parathyroids that help control the calcium levels of body fluids

Scorpio: Genetals and reproductive organs. Pluto is linked with Mars and the gonads. It also connects to the formation of the cells and the reproduction function.

Sagittarius: Hips and thighs. Jupiter links to the body's largest gland, the liver, and the purifying function. It also connects to the pituitary gland - the master gland that regulates hormone production and governs physical growth.

Capricorn: Knees and bones. Saturn is most known for its connections to the bones, but it is also known for its connection to the gall bladder, spleen, skin, and teeth.

Aquarius: Calves, shins, and ankles. Uranus connects to the circulatory system, the gonads, and pineal body.

Pisces: Feet. Neptune connects to the general nervous system and the thalamus, which plays a vital role in the sensory organs

- The underlined, italicized words are the planets,(sun, moon) your sign is ruled by. 

After having done a little research on what signs are associated with what parts of the human body and why, here is what I managed to find. Thoughts?

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