The Signs During Quarantine

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Aries: Is finally starting that TV show that they said they were gonna watch but has been putting off for months.

Taurus: Has eaten all their quarantine snacks in one day and is suffering. Hates that whenever they go to the grocery store there is absolutely nothing to buy. Doesn't mind staying home, but definitely minds having to stay home because they're told they need to.

Gemini: Made memes about the situation in the beginning but now that things escalated they turned to spreading important info instead, binge watches movies and shows now that they have a lot of time to finish them.

Cancer: Mostly sleeps and if they're not asleep, they spend the day wishing they were. However anxiety about catching the virus has been a vague worry for them and they wish everything was back to normal

Leo: Is absolutely not thriving. Wishes they could go outside and meet up their friends and meet up at places, texts and video chats their friends quite often and always makes sure they're doing well.

Virgo: Is actually being productive now that they have so much time on their hands.

Libra: They're constantly on social media because even if they can barely leave the house, they're still gonna post about what they've done that day, mostly chats with their friends online and encourages others to be safe

Scorpio: Social distancing? Staying inside at all times? Nothing out of the ordinary here, this is routine for them. 

Sagittarius: Hates being stuck inside all day and desperately wishes they could go anywhere even though they never felt like doing so when they had the chance.

Capricorn: Is finally reading all their stories they have been interested in but never started or finished. 

Aquarius: Enjoyed the solitude in the beginning, but now longs for the freedom to go wherever and visit whoever they want to, occupies their time by binge watching youtube videos.

Pisces: Somehow is procastinating even more now that school had closed, their routine consists of mostly whatever they feel like doing at the moment without sparing any thoughts towards their work.

Thought this chapter was suited for our current predicament 😔, how is everyone coping with the pandemic? All the stores around me still open are completely devoid of paper towels and toilet paper, it's ridiculous.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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