I know- I'm late ahhdjajs. After I set up a schedule smh. But anyways, I have a feeling you guys'll enjoy this chapter ;)
-Episode 6 start-
아... 피곤하다.
Ah... I'm tired.시험기간이라, 밤 늦게까지 책을 펼쳤다.
There was going to be an exam, so I stayed up late to hit the books그래도 학교에 안가도 돼서 다행이다.
But I'm glad that I didn't have to go to school today토요일이니까!
Because it's saturday!잠깐 쉬고 싶은 마음에 침대에서 뒹굴거렸다.
I want to relax for the day, so I rolled on to my bed..그때.
...온시완에게서 온 메신지다.
It’s a message from Zion..뭐야...
What the...또 이상한 거 시키려고 그러는 거 아냐?
What does he want?괜히 귀찮은 마음에 답장하지 않았다.
I don't bother to reply.그런데
왜 답장 안 함.
Why aren't you replying야야야야
Heyheyheyhey.야야양 아야 아
Heyheyaadfnmlljkllㅇ(this can mean huh, yeah, or ok)
...정신없게 대화창을 도배한다.
He spams the chat with a frenzy barrage of annoying texts으... 진짜 시끄러워.
Ugh... So annoyingZion:
Wow...진짜 답장 안 하네?
You're really not answering?진짜 답장 안 하네?
Can't you just reply with anything? Even a dot will do.Me:
MC 아...
MC ...아씨... 너한테 할 말 있다니까.
I have something to tell you.Me:
월요일에 얘기 해
Tell me about it on MondayZion:
지금 바쁘냐...?
Are you busy rn..?Me:
...뭔가 할말이 있는 걸까.
Is there something that need to be said?무슨 일 때문에 그러는 거냐고 답장을 했다.
I replied with "Is something wrong?"그러더니
and then,Zion:
주겸이가 너한테 뭐 전해달래.
Look, Lwrence wants me to say something to you.Me:
응? 나한테?
Huh? To me?Zion:
아... 귀찮은데
.. Fine.Zion:
내가 너회 동네로 갈게.
I'll go to your neighborhoodMe:
학생회 그놈들 - An alternate universe/prequel (maybe) FAN translation
Losoweoof. I was looking arounf the DF notice board and I noticed this game. I was so excited but when I tried to google for translations there were none (that I was aware of) so, I decided to do the stupid and attempt to translate the game with a combin...