Chapter 4

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As they emerged from behind the bushes where they had dismounted their ragwort steeds, something caught Cardan's attention. "What is that?" He asked pointing to a large building that was right across the road. 

"That's the mall." Said Taryn. "They have really good coffee."

"Coffee?" Questioned Cardan. "What might that be?" Heather gasped and turned to Jude.

"You haven't taken Cardan out to coffee yet?" Heather asked. Jude looked down guiltily.

"Jude, were you supposed to take me here?" Asked Cardan raising an eyebrow.  

"I didn't have to." She replied. "I was going to take you to coffee but then we both got busy. Maybe we can go to the mall and get coffee after laser tag." 

They walked down the road in silence for a little while until they came to a pizza parlor.

"Yay! We're here!" Cried Oak jumping up and down. Taryn laughed as he ran in circles around them.

When they walked into the restaurant, a waitress with long silvery blue hair and bright green eyes greeted them. When she saw Cardan, she blushed and started twirling her hair around her finger. Jude rolled her eyes and glared at the girl. If she noticed, she didn't show it. 

"Hello sir! How can I help you?" She said batting  her mascara coated lashes at him.

"Umm," Cardan said as he looked at Jude. "What should we get?" He whispered to her. 

"We'll take one cheese pizza, one pepperoni pizza and one meat lovers pizza." She said. 

"Ok." Said the girl. "Is it for here or to-go?" 

"For here." Said Cardan  flashing her a smile. 

The girl grinned back at him and started biting her lip. "Can you please show us to our seats?" Asked Jude, annoyed.

"Of course." She replied. "By the way, my name is Katie if you need anything!" Then she turned and walked off.

When they had been seated, Jude let out an exasperated sigh and Taryn and Heather burst out into a fit of giggles.

"Why is everyone laughing? Asked Vivi. "Is there an inside joke or something that no one told me about?"

"No." Said Taryn still laughing. "It's just that Jude looked so annoyed at our waitress! She was glaring daggers at her the whole time we were ordering!"

"Ooh! Someone is jealous!" Teased Vivi. "She doesn't want any girl flirting with her precious Cardan."

Cardan laughed. "Why would you be jealous? You know that you're the only one I have eyes for." He said kissing her. At that, Jude smiled.

"I know." She said "I just hate it that other girls act like they can take you away from me. I never want you to leave me again. When you were a snake, I was distraught so just think about how horrible it would be for me to see you with someone else."

"Aww!" Cried Taryn. "They're so in love!"

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