Chapter 8

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As soon as she didn't hear Cardan's footsteps, she ducked around a corner to catch her breath. Oh boy. She thought to herself, I am in big trouble now that he knows that we are on opposite teams. I hope that I can tag him without getting seen.

She was trying to decide which way to run when all of a sudden, she felt someone tap her shoulder. She whirled around and came face to face with a smirking Cardan.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?" He asked with a mocking grin. Her face heated and she tried to duck under his arm, but he caught her and made her turn to face him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Somewhere where you aren't." She replied.

"My dearest Jude! I thought we were over this whole we're enemies thing!"

"Not when we're playing laser tag we're not!"

"Fine then. Be that way." He said, pushing her against the wall. He leaned over her, his mouth inches away from hers and he kissed her.

As much as she wanted to beat him, she didn't stop him as his mouth closed over hers and she kissed him back. Cardan's hands moved up her back and she buried her hands in his hair pulling him closer to her. Let him think I'm falling for it. She thought to herself.

He pulled away suddenly and looked down at her. "I love you Jude." He said to her. "Even when we're playing laser tag."

"I love you too." She said. "However, since I can't have you getting me," she shot him with her laser gun; "I'll still have to shoot you!"

"Hey!" Cardan called after her but she was already gone, blending in with the darkness around her.

A/N: Hello! I'm back! I'm so sorry that it took me this long to update but I'm back and I should be able to update more regularly now! Thank you so much for all of the votes and comments! I don't plan on ending this story any time soon so be sure to stick around! Sorry if this chapter isn't as good this time. I haven't written in over 5 months (gosh it's been a long time I'm so sorry) so my writing skills have gotten pretty bad. I hope you all stay healthy and safe! Have a wonderful day!

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