The Gym || Tom Felton

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You're an aerobics instructor in the most popular gym of Venice, California. Dancing has always been your passion and now you make a living doing what you love to do. The gym accepts new members every day, and today, someone you thought you'd never see again just signed up his membership: your old friend Tom.

You've always been a Harry Potter fan, from the books to the films. Your favorite actor is Tom Felton. You two are the same age and, yes, he has been your biggest crush from the first time you saw him in Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone.

In your Senior Year of High School, you had the luck to participate in the Student Exchange Program and you were sent to London. From all schools you could have been sent to, you were sent to the same school where Tom was studying. Really? Was this some kind of joke? Nope. It was a happy coincidence.

You met Tom when you got lost the first day of school. He helped you find your classroom. Both of you had exactly the same class schedule. You couldn't believe it. Tom was friendly, sweet and handsome, very very handsome. He was everything you imagined and even more, but you tried your best not to freak out, of course.

Tom and you shared a wonderful friendship since then. You were the only one who noticed his sadness every time he was bullied for his role in Harry Potter. You were always there for him and he sweetly thanked you in the prom, where you went together as friends. It was the most wonderful night of your life. You had fallen for him, but you never had the courage to tell him.

Tom and you kept in touch just a few years after graduation. Then he met Jade. His eyes had a beautiful sparkle when he talked about her and you couldn't help but feel jealous. But you couldn't blame him. You were the coward who never told him what you felt for him. You became distant when she became his girlfriend to give him some space.

Today, you're teaching your last aerobics class of the day with energy and enthusiasm, in a crop top bra and leggings set, like you do every day, when a new student joins your class: Tom. A beautiful smile lights your face up when you see him through the mirror. He has changed a lot since the last time you saw him. He let his hair and facial hair grow, and has a beautiful tanned looking skin. He looks stronger, healthier and sexier than ever.

Tom noticed that it's you who is teaching the class and smiled back at you through the mirror with that beautiful smile that used to drive you wild. And it still does. You feel that the room starts getting hotter than usual when you notice him staring at your sexy abs from time to time.

—Alright, class dismissed. Thanks for coming —you tell your students while they're applauding.

—(Y/N/N)? —Tom asks while walking towards you.

—Tommy! I can't believe it's you! —You reply and you both share a warm hug.

—Oops! I'm sweating, I'm sorry —he says trying to break the hug, but you don't let him to.

—I don't care. Besides, I'm sweating too —you hug him stronger and you both giggle—. I missed you, old friend —you gently stroke his sweaty forehead with your fingers, unsticking his luscious blond locks tenderly. He smiles.

—I missed you too, old friend —he tells you sweetly, gently tucking behind your ear a strand of your hair that had fallen off your ponytail. You smile.

—I love having a big glass of yogurt with granola at the end of the day. Do you want one? My treat.

—Sure! It sounds delicious!

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