College Could Be Nice

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(Castiel's POV)

Thursday Afternoon

"Man, Ms. Talbot was a real hard-ass today," I said to Charlie. Charlie and I had been best friends since first grade, when my brother, Michael, started dating her sister, Becky. Honestly, I thought Becky was weird and I was garteful when they broke up, but Charlie and I have been inseparable ever since.

"Isn't she always?" Charlie replied with a smirk. "Seriously, how much homework can one teacher possibly give on a freaking Wednesday night?"

"Apparently a lot," my voice was tinged with exhaustion. "I'm going to head home and get started on that essay. It's probably going to take me all night long if I don't start now. See you tomorrow, Charlie!"

"Bye, Cassie!" she called as I headed out of the school to my 1969 Dodge Charger. I lived for classic cars. As far as I was concerned, I had the coolest car in the school. What more could the most popular kid in school possibly want? My parent's had tons of money, I was a star tight end on the football team, and, at any given time, you could ask anyone in our small town of Mount Vernon, Iowa, and they would know who I am. Life was good.

When I got home, something was wrong. I could tell right away.

"Hello?" I called. "Is there anyone home?" 

I knew that was a stupid question, considering my dad's car and my siblings' cars were in the driveway.

"Yeah, Cassie. We're in here!" someone called from the dining room. It wasn't really a room, more like a hall. Like I said before: tons of money.

I walked into the room to see my dad, brothers, Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael, and sister, Anna, siting at the table. They look as if they had been waiting fo rme to get home. 

"Hey, Michael. Since when have you been home?" I asked, surprised to see my brother home from college.

"Since about an hour ago," he replied with a smile on his face. "It's good to see you, Cassie."

"Good to see you too," I said, giving him a hug, I turned to the rest of my family. "Why are you all in here? It seems like you're waiting for me."

My dad spoke for the first time. "Cassie, we got a call from a school," he said.

"Wait? A school? Like a college?" I asked incredelously. "About what?"

"Castiel," my brother Raphael said. He was the only one who still called me by my full name, aside from teachers. "They want to recruit you for football. I'm so proud of you man."

"Really? You guys have got to be kidding me!? It's March, the season is long over with for the year." I said. "Who was it?"

"The University of Minnesota!" Anna squealed. "They're sending someone to talk to you after school tomorrow! EEEEKKKK!!!!!"

Wow, I thought. The Univeristy of Minnesota. It's always been a dream of mine to go there. It's also a family tradition; my dad went there, his dad, and his dad before him. it would be so awesome if I got to go as well.

"Well," I started. "What a good way to end a normal day."

(Dean's POV)

Friday Morning

"Sammy! Get your ass out of bed!" I called from downstairs. It was our first day at another new school. THUNK! I heard from the room above me. Well, the little moose is up, I guess. As he came down the stairs looking disheveled, I said, "What took you so long, bitch?"

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