
606 51 34

Words : 256 
Minutes : 1 min
Published on :  07/12/2019
Title Name : Prologue

Drishti was in love with someone, she lost hope on loving him. She was in love with him for 1 year and 2 months, he knew she was in love with him. He played with her feeling by giving hope and hope. Though they are in the same class, Drishti couldnt move on.

She just couldn't!

She cried her heart out, but it didnt work. Her sister helped her to move on, but still it didnt work. No matter how broken Drishti was, she smiled and laughed despite her depression and sadness. But she thought one day, that day she would over come her broken heart, till her prince comes to her, till she fall for that person and give herself to him. She decided to wait. But how long?
The next day she just embarrassed herself front of someone, embarrasing herself was nothing, cause she was a carefree, happy go girl. But for the first time when she embarrassed herself she was scared and she was emabrrassed! She wanted to hide herself from that human.

But the human who saw her, who embarrassed herself front of him, just gave a confusion -what the hell- look.

And that day even her sister, Divya was shocked to see her sister just ran away from this guy, who did make her sister feel some thing new in her. 

Lets see how Drishti's life goes, by embarrassment in her own life which has love!!

Embarrassment Love~ DivyaDristhiWhere stories live. Discover now