When I was 13

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Katniss POV

"Katniss Everdeen, Katniss Everdeen? Please report to the principal office . . . IMMEDIATELY. Thank you," I sighed as I heard my name being blasted across the speakers, wondering what I had done wrong this time.

As I got to the door I froze, and suddenly thoughts rushed into my head a million kilometres an hour. Am I going to become home schooled? I'm only 13! Is this what they do when you get expelled? Although I hesitated, I was sure that wasn't the case; Caesar Flickerman all ways was kind to me, like a father would be, he was always there  when my father . . . died and I was scowling at myself for thinking that for even a moment that he would do such a thing. I knocked. 

It was less than a second after and he already opened up the door with that grin on his face that I always laughed at and tears in his eyes. He greeted me, and told me that I would want to sit down. 

"Katniss, have you enjoyed your time at district 12 because. . ." His voice broke and he buried his hands in his head, He was crying and he motioned me to look at the screen. It showed himself and said,

"If I am showing you this video right now, it means two things. One: It means I'm too weak to tell you this, myself being a wreak that you and both know too well, I knew I wouldn't be able to say it, so instead I made a video. The second thing is; your grades are outstanding Katniss, you can complete a maths question that grade 10 students take about 40-50 minuets to complete and you took 18 minuets! The fact that you can even finish the question is . . . amazing, unbelievable, you are in grade 8."

Online Caesar took a shaky breath and continued, "the maths test you did at the end of last week, was a test to see if you would be able to go to Panem for high school as a year 9 student. The results were 98%  correct and all you needed was 70 % given the level of difficulty of the test. You will go there at the end of this week, and with your mathematics level, the price is halved. Thank you, Katniss."

"B-but, there is Friday,"

I ran into Caesars arms and stayed there until the bell rung for 2nd period. 

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