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Ella's POV- November 2019

Everyone in the room was awoken to the sound of loud bangs on the door.


I pressed my nose against Gavin's shoulder and sighed moving away from his warm body.

"I see Liam served him the papers" I mumbled.

I was sleeping so well.


I had fallen asleep pressed up against Gavin, and I could feel EVERY single one of his muscles on his lower body region.

"I got it, Els"

Ian climbed off Aly's bed.

"Stay there and if by any chance he gets past me, Gavin....kick his ass"

Gavin shifted onto his back and pulled himself into a sitting position.


James banged on the door once more as Ian stripped down into his boxers. He ran a hand through his hair, making it look messier than it actually was before opening the door.

"Dude, what the fuck?"

Aly squinted and covered her face with the blanket as the light from the hallway shimmered in as James tried to barge inside.

"I need to talk to her"

Ian was taller and heavier, so he easily shoved James back out.


Was he serious?"

"Pip doesn't owe you shit, so how about we go outside and wait for the police to come? Aly call campus police"

Ian stepped out, closing the door behind him leaving us all in the dark. A couple of seconds later, a loud thud was heard.

"Hey, Mila"

I reached over and turned on my desk lamp to light up a bit of the room.

"We just wait now"

So we did just that.

There was a knock on the door a couple of minutes later. Aly climbed out of her bed and went to open the door. She stayed by the doorway, whereas Ian quickly put his PJs back on and even a hoodie.

"Do they need to talk to Ella?"

She leaned against the doorway as Mila replied,

"No, but I just need to make sure she's in there so they can charge him"

Mila peaked into the room after Aly stepped back.

"Okay, I'll be back in a couple of minutes"


"What time is it?"

I reached for my phone as he pulled himself up on the bed, but stayed seated on the edge.

"A little past 7 AM" I answered.

Gavin yawned and rubbed his face.

"How'd he even get in?"

There was a light knock on the door.

"One second"

Aly got out of bed and went to answer the door.

"Ella, it's for you"

"Hey" I greeted as Luan stepped into the room.

I squinted as Aly turned on the light, earning a groan from everyone.

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