Chapter 19

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Rikuo kept visiting your shrine from now and then, fearing for your safety, more than his, his mind was filled with worrisome as he's worried about his clan that has become hectic since the disappearance of his grandfather and also he's worried about the constant rumors regarding shrine being destroyed.

(sfx:your notification)

From: Kiyotsugu-kun

Yosh Yoshh!!! └○◊○┘Morning! Yamazakura-kun!! I hereby inviting you to our next location for hunting!! You and the girls are going to hunt in search of shrine that hasn't been destroyed!! There are chances that a yokai might come!!!! Meet us at Nura-kun's house.

'Rikuo-kun's house?', you then switched your gaze to Rikuo who was pacing back and forth around your shrine. "Rikuo-kun", you called out to him softly, making him quickly turned his head to look at you. "what's wrong? Did you get hurt?", he quickly rush to your side. "I'm fine~ I'm actually curious why your friends are at your place despite the owner of the place being here instead", you giggled at the end seeing him sweatdropped.

He scratched the back of his head with his usual awkward laugh, "'s scary nowadays and Kiyotsugu-kun really like to go yokai hunting around this time....but it's seriously dangerous...........", then there was a long pause before realization hit him like a swift arrow locking it's target, "wait...(name)-chan, how did you know they were staying at my place?".

You smiled at him, "I didn't say they were staying at your place", you replied in a matter-of-fact voice, "Kiyotsugu-kun texted me to meet them there about yokai hunting in shrines, shouldn't you go? Me, Tsuoki and Tsubaki will stay here, incase intruders will come". He stared at you with a small frown, before replying, "we heard that the God and the Goddess of shrine were destroyed by Shikoku yokai, it's probably Sodemogi-sama, you heard of it, right?".

His voice were laced with concern. 'Sodemogi-sama', you thought to yourself. "that yokai will tug on your sleeve, whatever you do, do not turn around, if you do...quickly give them your sleeves...or you will be in a death curse, okay (name)-chan?", he slowly stepped backward to go back to his household, " safe, take care of yourself".

He then quickly ran down the flight of stairs to rush back to his household.

Tsuoki heaved out a loud sigh to catch your attention, "finalllyyyy he left". You turned your head to look at him with a smile, "you seem satisfied", before you giggled lightly. "he's been coming here almost every day, it's almost as if it's his second home", he rolled his eyes in annoyance, but then Tsubaki cut him off, "Tsuoki's just jealous that Rikuo-san hangs out with y-!".

Right on time Tsuoki rushed to close Tsubaki's mouth from spouting nonsense, "Tsubaki....sometimes it's better to just shut your mouth", he snarled before letting go of his brother, "say something like that again, I'll kill you even if we're related". Tsubaki smirked his cocky-ass smirk, "try me".

"you both do know that I'm here right?", you shook your head in disbelief with a small smile trying to tug on your lips, you dusted your attire before going back in to do your unfinished homework that was supposed to be done in that previous week along with your newest homework. You're quite glad that Tsuoki could help you with your homework since he attended school during your absence just for you education.

"the old man said you should translate it this way", Tsuoki showed his notes while he compare with your translation.

"right...", you bit your bottom lip before re-doing your translation again.

While you were busy doing your homework, you could hear someone knocking from your door shrine, you wondered who it was so you checked, and it was the girl who was sick the day before the festival. You smiled widely and brought her in with open arms, "how are you feeling Miko-san?". She smiled happily and engulfed you into hug, "ever since m'lady cured me I never felt more alive, THANK YOU SO MUCH! For the first time in forever, I could run and play with my younger brothers and sisters, even if they didn't know what I've been through, they even thanked me for playing with them. Please m'lady, how can I ever repay you?", she held both of your hand in place while tears of joy were running down her now crimson cheeks.

Tugging your sleeve and wiping her tears with it gently, you grinned, "your smile already makes me happy, just pay our shrine a visit when you have time, we'll make sure to give you good luck and good health". She nodded her head with her brightest smile, "yes! I'll visit your shrine everyday! Thank you".

Just in time, Tsubaki came along with a tray of tea for the visitor.

A few hours later, Rikuo called you and he sounded very worried.

"(name)-chan, where are you right now?".

You raised an eyebrow before replying, "I'm still at my shrine, is everything okay over there?".

" 's fine! I mean....umm.. something actually happen, and I need your help but, Torii-san got Sodemogi-sama's curse".

"what?!? Where's Sodemogi-sama then? Did you ask him to retract his curse?".

"for now we are going to find him, but (name)-chan....despite us needing your help, what about your shrine? It's preferable for a the goddess of shrine to stay and protect their shrine, I'm afraid the Shikoku whom were incharge in destroying the shrine were not there, however if you can pray for Torii-san from afar with the help of Senba-sama, it would be a great help (name)-chan".

You thought to yourself, 'I don't do well in healing from afar though', you shook your head off that thought and replied, "I will try my best, Rikuo-kun". Then on the other line, you could hear him smiling through his word as he said, "okay, I'm counting on you", and he hung up.

Frowning to yourself as you looked at your hand, "this is going to be hard".

The Girl That Yokai Loves ((mainly) Nura Rikuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now