Chapter one.

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You were shocked. 

With a disclosure agreement in hand and a bright memory of the man and what he was offering you. You couldn't shake the shock and outrage you were feeling.
"M'am, please understand, my client has found an interest in you and what we are offering is quite fair for what he wants". They said with a very condescending look on their face.
You remember your mouth hanging open, anger bubbling inside, outrage. Outrage.
"I'm not a prostitute". You answered simply, voice calm, but somehow filled with an ultimate disgust.
"We in no way think you are a prostitute, we rather you do it for free, but, seeing we know you have financial problems, him and us thought that compensation might be a good way to persuade you."
And with that, you got up, away from the coffee table in the little café near your apartment where you were ambushed in. Never in a hundred years would you think that someone would come up to you and offer you money in exchange for sexual interaction. And the fact that they knew about your financial problem? This was creepy and extremely frightening.
But you couldn't believe the words your best friend Malia was uttering while you finished telling her about the encounter with the suited man in the café.
"I mean, I'm always telling you to take risks Y/N, maybe this isn't so bad, maybe it's some hot guy who just wants a fuck, kinda like Christian Grey, from that movie, you know?" She said while she tried on different pieces of your clothing.
"I can't believe you're even suggesting I accept this, this is first class creepy, for all I know they can either be trying to kidnap me for sex trafficking or it's an old guy who can't get inside someone's pants, and Fifty Shades of Gray was a book, the movie came afterward."
"Honestly, if it were sex trafficking you'd already be in a basement somewhere and with money? Any old man can get laid... Or married. You get the point." She said looking at you through the mirror.
You rolled your eyes, there was no way you would accept it. Even if the money stated in the papers was high enough to pay four months of your monthly expenses. You looked at the contract and sighed, this was crazy, you never thought you'd be the lead character of some BDSM soft porn fanfiction, but somehow, there you were with a contract in your hand.
"You know, rich people pay a lot of money for creepy things, Malia, like have you seen the Dark Web? It's full of rich people paying to kill and shit, maybe it says in this contract that if I die they have no responsibility and then you'll be finishing law school with guilt because your best friend died in the hands of a wealthy creepy old guy."
Malia just rolled her eyes, finally deciding on your dark red dress that fit her perfectly.
"Let's make a deal-" She started while walking up to you with a black dress in her hand. "I'll take a look at it, If the contract is legit, you'll consider, if it's not, you throw it away and continue living your life like a normal person." You squinted, scoffing and taking the dress from her hand.
"You can either have some fun with the idea of it or continue suffering for your ex, who by the way, has been over you for six months." She started tying her hair up.
Just the thought of your ex made your body curl a little. It's been already a while since you both had broken up, but you couldn't get over him. You were always a safe person, chose the safe major, the safe job and dated the safe guy. But when he ended things with a simple "I need some thrill in my life." You couldn't help but feel like your whole heart had shattered.
"Come on, you don't have to do anything, it's just for fun, let me take a look at the contract." She said again, now going through your make up.
You looked at the papers again and back at her biting your lower lip and finally sighing.
"Fine, but, this doesn't mean I'll accept it."
She smiled and let out a little "miau", teasing you. You threw your pillow at her and she laughed.
Shaking your head you got up, putting the dress away and sitting back down on your bed to get ready to work on your paper for class.
You watched your friend as she got ready to go out, party, have fun. You weren't like that, of course, you loved to have fun, but you always were someone who never took risks, and given you had a paper to finish, you couldn't spare one night of fun and leave it for tomorrow... That just wasn't you.
You barely noticed when Malia left the apartment you both shared with a quick "I'm going now, don't wait up." And a kiss to your cheek while you focused on the words.
It only took a couple of hours and soon you were closing your laptop and getting under the covers on a Friday night... Alone.

A couple of weeks went by and you had almost forgotten about the creepy suited guy with the contract when Malia woke you up throwing the contract in your face.
"It's legit." She said while you groaned and pushed the papers out of your face.
"What the fuck, Malia? It's Saturday, I spent all night finishing my paper." You said while sitting up on the bed and rubbing your eyes.
"Oh, you mean the paper due to like... Two weeks from now? You're such a nerd." She said with her arms crossed. You picked up the contract and looked at her with a questioning face.
"The contract is legit, we had a deal... Will you consider?" She asked.
You opened your mouth not believing she was actually asking.
"I don't understand why you're so invested in me having sex for money, Malia, you know, my mother told me you were a bad influence when we met in first year." You said trying to diverge the subject.
"This isn't about the sex or the money, it's about you always doing everything as if life was planned out for you, I'm always telling you that you have to take chances, risks, try new things, meet new people." She sat down on the edge of the bed. "I don't know... It's not every day some rich guy takes an interest in a College girl and offers her money to do some dirty things, I'd do it!" She said.
"Well, then maybe you should go in my place." You stated already irritated with where the discussion was going.
"Yeah, but they don't want me-" She pushed the contract closer to you. "-they want you." And she left the room, leaving you with the contract in hand.
You looked at it and read the phone number written in pen at the bottom of the last page. You took your phone and dialed, looking at the numbers on the screen. Were you doing it out of peer pressure? Were you really a boring person? Did you need to do something like this to become interesting? You turned your phone off without actually calling and decided to make some coffee instead.
It wasn't until around nine at night when you saw Malia get out of the shower that you took a deep breath and walked over to her room.
"I'm going out with you today." You said and she just looked at you while she dried her hair.
"Yeah, you wanted me to take risks? Fine, I'll go out to party, get drunk and stuff with you today." You gestured and she laughed.
"Partying isn't actually taking risks, it's living." She raised her eyebrows.
You opened your mouth and tightened your hands in fists taking a deep breath.
"Do you want me to go out with you today or not?" You asked irritated.
"Hell yes!" She smiled going to her closet and already talking about choosing something 'sexy' for you to wear.

You see, there was a reason why you never actually partied. You always ended up in the corner of whatever frat house the party was happening with a sour drink in your hand while you watched Malia suck on some guys face and this time it wasn't any different. You were there, leaning against a wall with a red solo cup in your hand, a drink that was way too bitter to be safe and watching your friend grind against the boy you knew as Namjoon one of the frat boys. You sighed, already regretting coming in the first place, maybe there was some new point you could have added to your paper, or maybe you could start on your final essay. You got pushed out of your thoughts when a hand landed on your hips.
"Long time no see, beautiful." The voice you were ever so familiar with said in your ear.
Yoongi, your ex-boyfriend. You couldn't help but feel your heart constrict a little. This was the boy you planned a whole life with and the one that left you because you weren't thrilling enough.
"Yoongi! Yeah... Six months." You smiled softly at him, you felt your hips go hot where his hand was. Of course, you remembered all of the good romantic moments you had with him, the cute ones... But you also remembered the... Hot ones and your body was also remembering and clearly complaining about the six months of celibacy.
He looked beautiful, almost the same, except for the hair that was now a mint green color, something that you clearly wouldn't have approved of if you two were still together.
"You look beautiful." He said and you felt your face go hot. How was it he still had such a huge effect on you when it's been so long.
"T-thanks... Y-you too." You said trying to avoid his eyes.
The bitter drink had already left you with a fuzzy head and Yoongi was no different, you could smell the alcohol in his breath that was ever so close to your skin.
"Hey, want to go outside for some air?" He offered and you nodded, already submissive to his wishes.
You followed him out to the back garden, a secluded place only the frat brothers had access to, he opened the sliding door and you sat down on the steps, him joining you a couple of moments later.
It was an awkward silence, you with your full drink in hand and him with his hands in the white hoodie he was wearing.
"I like your hair." You said trying to put an and to the awkwardness.
He smiled at you an almost forced grin.
You looked down at your drink and decided you needed a little bit more of liquid courage gulping it down in one go.
"Wow! Calm down there... Those drinks that Hosoek made are pretty strong." He said and you coughed when you finished, whipping your mouth with the back of your hand.
You looked at him and he was smiling, that smile that made you fall in love with him from the beginning and soon he was leaning in to kiss you. Your whole body felt electric when his lips met yours again after so long. The familiar kiss soon turned into a hot make-out session and soon enough he was pulling you by the hand inside the house and up the stairs to his room. While you walked down the hallway of the frat house, you noticed a silver door with a code lock and you furrowed your brows, Yoongie fumbled with his keys and looked at where you were looking.
"Oh, new kid, moved in two months ago, we think he has OCD or something, never comes out, never speaks to anyone, pretty sure he's an alien or something." Your curiosity was taking the best of you, but you were now drunk and turned on, so as soon as Yoongi's door was open your mouth was on his and you both were stumbling inside of the room.
You couldn't deny that sex with Yoongi was good, at least you thought it was, sometimes you came and others... You faked it. It was safer that way, you avoided hurting his ego and also avoided a discussion, so no different from when you two were dating, you had to fake it and for all he knew, you had an orgasm and so did he. While you two dated he rarely ate you out or fingered you and when he did you just wanted to make him happy and just pretended. You knew it wouldn't be anything good in the long run, but your mother had always told you that your fingers were your best friend. So when he fell down next to you on the bed with an erratic breath and a satisfied smile on his face you couldn't help but think you did exactly what you were supposed to do. Make the guy you were in love with happy. You had a huge smile on your face while you pulled his covers up to your body and he glanced at you noticing the smile.
"Was I that good, baby?" He asked, his ego over the roof.
"Y-yeah..." You lied. "And I'm happy... Happy we're doing this again... I missed you." You said looking at the man you loved.
"Doing this again?" He asked his brows meeting in the middle.
"Well, yeah... I think six months is enough of being away from each other, I'm glad you decided we should be together, I think that way too." You smiled wider.
Yoongi was silent for a couple of seconds, closing his eyes and sighing.
"Of course you would think that... I forgot it's you." He said with a low voice. Your smile faltered.
"Y/N we aren't getting back together..." He said avoiding your eyes.
Now your smile was completely gone.
"What? But... But I thought..."
"No, I just wanted to fuck... " He said sitting up on the bed and looking for his shirt.
You swallowed thick. Feeling your heart break all over again and soon enough your vision was blurry. He looked at you and tightened his jaw.
"Y/N it's called a booty call, it's what normal people do, they have sex for sex. Not everything has to be planned out, has to mean something... " He continued and you got up looking for your clothes. "This is exactly why I broke up with you, you always think things have a deeper meaning then they do, you don't take risks, you don't have fun just for fun... Everything you do is planned, you have to think it through.. Just... Live." He said and you stopped, standing straight and looking into the eyes of a man you loved and barely recognized.
You put on your clothes and got your bag, opening the door and closing it behind you. You put a hand over your mouth trying to stop yourself from sobbing. You heard a door slam and your head turned towards the metal door that you were curious about earlier. Tears running down your eyes and feeling mad at yourself, you ignored the door and went down the stairs, passing your friend who was now kissing the boy from earlier without noticing you. You stepped out of the party and got your phone to call an uber, as soon as you unlock your phone you saw the numbers on the screen. The same ones on the contract in your house.
You were a safe person... You were.
But you found yourself dialing and soon enough, it was ringing.
Your body shook, your tears flowing down silently. You didn't know what you were doing, you were drunk, cold and heartbroken, but as soon as the voice answered you couldn't stop the words coming from your mouth.
"I'll do it." You said and your body froze.
You could hear the person on the other line rusting through some papers and soon they answered.
"Meet me at the coffee shop near your place tomorrow at noon, bring the contract signed." And they hung up.
You stayed still for a few minutes, your phone still hot against your ear.
You started overthinking everything even with your drunk head but you wouldn't go back on your word.
No... You'd take risks. You'd be the fun person. You'd live.

You were a safe person, Jesus fuck... You were. But you felt nothing but safe while you waited in the café with the contract in hand. You didn't mind waking Malia up while you made your way to the coffee shop, your hair a mess, your face was swollen from crying over your dumb ass of an ex-boyfriend. You put on the first shirt and sweat pants you found and just went through it.
As you sat there, you started to think about all the implications this meant.
Were you a prostitute? Your mother would disown you if she found out. What had happened to your morals? Your values? What if it actually was an old disgusting man who just wanted to fuck, what if you couldn't go through it? What if they didn't pay? 'Sex for sex' You heard Yoongi's voice in the back of your mind.
You looked at the contract, promising yourself that you'd do it once... Just one time wouldn't be a bad thing, right? And if you felt like you were in danger, you could always tell Malia and she'd come to save you.
You tried to control your breath as your heart pounding in your chest, you checked your clock and it was five to noon, you looked at the door and started considering taking a run for it. Maybe they'd understand. You saw the door open and a man in a black suit in his late twenties come in, sunglasses on, it was the same man from before. You looked down, avoiding eye contact, maybe he wouldn't recognize you, maybe he wouldn't see you.
He slowly walked towards you, a folder in his hands and sat.
"Miss Y/L/N, I'm glad you could make it." He started.
You swallowed thick, your breath was erratic.
"I'm not a prostitute, I'm... I'm not a whore." Was all you could answer with a lump in your throat.
He nodded, looking down at the table.
"We know... That's exactly why he chose you." And you lifted your eyebrows.
"Why... Why exactly did he choose me?" You asked fidgeting with your fingers.
The man took his sunglasses off, tucking them inside his pocket and resting the folder on the table.
"He has his reasons." Was all he said and it was your turn to nod.
"What's his name?" You asked and the man tilted his head.
"That's classified." He answered.
"What? If I'm going to have sex with this person I should at least know his name." You said, outrage taking over you once again.
"There will be no direct sex involved, my client has a particular need that does not have to do with having sex." The man said.
"So... It's not sexual?" You asked and he chuckled.
"Oh, it is sexual... I'll explain all your questions as soon as you give me the contract." He looked serious.
You took a deep breath and looked at the contract on your lap.
Were you really going to do this?
"Is he an old man?" You asked.
"That's cla-"
"Classified, right." You said bitting your cheeks from the inside.
You looked beaten, broken... You truly looked like someone desperate and your reasoning was as stupid as ever.
Of course, you could use the money, but you've been doing fine without it. 'It's not about the money, it's not about the sex' This time you heard your friend's voice in the back of your head.
The man in front of you clearly saw your struggle and looked around once before leaning in and lowering his voice.
"He's a good kid, he's different, but he's good... You're safe and you won't be judged. You can quit the moment you want and he will understand." He said and leaned back in the chair again.
You looked at him. Kid... So he wasn't an old man. Different? What if he was a Sadist? Just like that Christian Gray guy? You closed your eyes and extended the contract to the man in front of you. He took the contract and sighed, almost sounded relieved. He opened the folder and took out some papers handing them to you while he put the contract inside.
"Those are your instructions, please, follow them thoroughly, he's a perfectionist. We will give you half of the money now and the rest after the service, we advise you do not run off before doing what you are being paid to do."
You looked over the papers he handed over but couldn't pay attention to them. You suddenly felt lost for words.
"Do you have any questions?" He asked while he saw you confused and lost.
"When?" You asked, chewing on your lower lip.
"You'll get a text message with the date and time, there will be a car waiting for you." He answered. "Anything else?"
You thought hard, but there was nothing else you could think about so you shook your head.
"Perfect then, it was nice doing business with you." He got up and extended his hand, you took it reluctantly but shook it nevertheless and the man was off, all that was left was the noise of the bell on top of the coffee shop door.
You stayed there for what seemed like hours, staring at the papers but not reading any of it when your phone rang. It read "Malia" and you knew she was going to question why you left early and why you weren't home on a Sunday. You ordered coffee and decided to actually read the instructions on the paper, turning your phone off.

Date, time and location to be decided beforehand.
Subject is to pick up the key from the reception and go to the room, undress and wash herself with the chosen scented cosmetics chosen by the client, such cosmetics will already be in the location.
Subject is to dry her hair and body, put on the blindfold that will be in the decided location and wait.

The client will not tolerate questions, being late or not following the instructions, if so happens the subject will not be paid and the contract will be terminated effective immediately.
Subject is to address the client with the title "Sir" and is highly advised to not take off the blindfold until after the client has left the room.

What? You asked yourself. So... You wouldn't see who it was? He was going to fuck you, but you couldn't see nor talk to him unless talked to? But then again, the man did say there wouldn't actually be any sex happening. Maybe he just wanted to torture you. You couldn't help but feel curious. The other pages were filled with instructions regarding disclosure and health, regarding other partners and communication. You felt exhausted, mentally and emotionally, so as soon as you saw the sun start going down you paid for your coffee and got up, turning on your phone. There were several missed calls and texts from Malia, a text from your mother and another one from an Unknown Number, you unlocked your phone and read the text.

"Wednesday, 19h. Room 55. A car will be waiting, don't be late."

You took a deep breath and walked home, papers in your hand and a feeling of regret, but... How could you regret something that didn't even happen yet? The man did say you could walk away at any second. That you were safe. But, did you believe him? Why would someone go through so much trouble for you anyway? Like your ex thought and even your best friend, you were a boring person, why you? As you got home, you went straight to your room, ignoring Malia and her questions.
"I'm tired Malia, we can talk tomorrow after class." You said, getting under your covers and preparing, wishing you could sleep all the way to Thursday and miss your new... Appointment. You checked your phone again, reading the text message and deciding to check your bank account and sure enough, there it was, half of the money, you felt like you were going to be sick, but swallowed it. You closed your eyes shut, and just as fast as your sleep came, Wednesday came.

You busied yourself all throughout Monday and Tuesday, trying to distract yourself from the weird turn your stomach insisted on doing whenever you remembered what you agreed upon, but as soon as you got home from class on Wednesday, you felt like throwing up. You didn't tell Malia that you had agreed, you knew that if you did, you wouldn't hear the end of it, and you wanted to be honest with yourself... You didn't want to be judged. So you made something up when she asked if you wanted to binge-watch Narcos with her, saying you had plans with your mother, someone she didn't like and would most likely not call. As you saw 19 o'clock approach, you chose out a light black dress, some simple heels and didn't bother putting on makeup. As you gathered your purse and checked your phone you tried calming your heartbeat and ignore the bitter taste at the back of your throat. You got in the elevator, hands sweating and when you left your building there was a black SUV with dark windows waiting for you. You approached it and left your hand hanging on the top of the door handle, you could feel your heart in your throat, but you shut your eyes closed and opened it, sliding in and shutting it. The driver didn't talk to you, didn't look at you, you were silent the whole trip. 'You could back out any second' You told yourself again and again. But deep inside you were curious, not just about this... Different 'kid' but, curious to see if you were capable of actually doing something so far from what you were used to. Curious if you had the guts to actually be... A risk-taker. And when your eyes saw the car stop in front of the five-star hotel, you lifted your chin and waited for the clerk to open the door, you walked tall all the way to the reception, hotel employees nodding at you.
"T-there is a key for r-room 55 for me." You tried to keep a steady voice to the hotel receptionist, a pretty woman, long black hair with clear blue eyes. Maybe he should have chosen her instead. You shook your head. No, he chose you for a reason. The woman smiled, asked you for your name and you told her, soon, she was handing over a key card directing you towards the elevators. You smiled at her wondering if she knew what you were there for and as soon as the doors closed you started feeling like you would faint.
You were at an expensive hotel, ready to do god knows what with a complete stranger. Jesus, you were such a slut. You rushed to the room as soon as you heard the bel from the elevator go off, you wanted to get this over and done with.
You got in looking around, the room was so beautiful, there were scented candles lit that made the whole atmosphere more relaxing, you closed the door behind you and tried to remember your instructions. Wash, right. You slowly walked towards the bathroom, the bathtub was already full and you approached it putting a hand in. It was still hot, recently drawn. you shook your head and unzipped your dress, neatly folding it and putting it on top of the sink taking off your heels. You slowly got in the bathtub and let the hot water soak your naked skin, you felt more relaxed while you dipped your head in letting it soak your hair. As you looked around for the cosmetics, you saw that it was the same scent you used when you went on dates with Yoongi and the thought of it just made you feel worse, what would Yoongie think if he knew, would he think you were less boring? Maybe he would think you're a slut. You wanted to leave, but you were already here, so you washed with the Vanilla scented body wash making sure you were clean. After you were done you got out, grabbing a soft towel that was clearly not from the hotel as you saw two J's sowed onto it. You wrapped your body in it and proceeded to follow the other instructions. You dried your hair and brushed your teeth, hanging the towel back in its place and walking towards the room, sure enough, there was a black blindfold on the bed and you slowly walked towards the bed, your heart now beating loudly in your chest. You sat down on the bed and put on the blindfold, now all you had to do was wait. Your body was shaking, even though the room was warm and the smell from the candles was nice, you still felt scared, nervous, but mostly scared. After what seemed like twenty minutes, you heard the door beep and you took that as someone inserting a key card and it opened. All your senses were activated. You couldn't stop trembling, and you heard every little sound in the room.
The man closed the door and you could hear his footsteps, you felt like you could throw up with anticipation, but as soon as the footsteps stopped in front of you, you heard him take a deep breath and everything went silent. You didn't know what to do, didn't know what would happen next, all you knew was that you were naked in a hotel room with a complete stranger in front of you and your body jumped when you heard his voice.
"Get up." He said. His voice was calm, low, deep. He sounded young but serious. You obliged, standing, the back of your legs against the bed. He walked towards you and you still shook, you tried controlling it, but you couldn't. You felt his hands reaching to the back of your head when he pulled the blindfold tighter, making sure it was secure.
"Did you follow the instructions?" He asked and this time he was close, so, so close. You could smell his cologne and it smelt good and expensive.
"Y-yes." You answered and he sighed. "I mean... Yes, sir... Yes." You corrected yourself, remembering that he wanted to be addressed as Sir.
"Lay down and go back, all the way to the headrest." He ordered and you sat back down, crawling back and resting your head on the bed.
"Open your legs." He said lower this time. And you swallowed slowly opening your legs. You felt like you could cry.
"Fuck." He cursed, almost a whisper. You didn't think he intended for you to hear.
He went silent for a moment, you took it as him admiring the view and soon you heard him go through a drawer and walk towards you. He grabbed your hands and you felt your body jolt at the sudden touch. He was warm and his hands felt strong, he sat down next to you, tying your hands together then tying it to the bed. You were restricted. If you had any hope to fight in case this was actually some psycho killer, you were doomed, and you only had yourself to blame.
He got up and again went silent.
"A-are you going to h-hurt me s-sir?" You asked, too afraid.
He was silent. You remembered, no questions. You opened your mouth to apologize, but soon he was answering.
"My only intention is to give you pleasure, Y/N." Your name rolled off his tongue like a perfect melody, it sounded erotic, it sounded... Perfect. And even though you didn't know what he meant by that, you still felt your body reacting.
You shut your mouth and waited. You just wanted it to be over.
You heard him take his clothes off, he took some time with it and you felt the bed dip as he crawled over you, you bit your lower lit, trying to keep yourself from crying, from screaming, from anything. Then you felt his hand, the tip of his fingers slowly caress your cheek, it made you let out all the air in your lungs and you decided then to just allow yourself to try to enjoy it. His fingers were gentle, caressing your face then slowly sliding down to your neck, you felt the hairs in your body stand, your nipples suddenly hard and he seemed to notice since his fingers slowly came down to gently touch your nipple. You whimpered, your back arching slightly, he gently caressed your breast, massaging your nipple erotically. And soon he shifted to your other breast, doing the same. You didn't know if it was because of the sensory deprivation, but your body was sensitive, you were maybe too aware of the strangers' touch and maybe enjoying it more then you though.
He starting going down, touching your stomach and soon the side of your body, going down your thighs and up again. It was like he was mapping your body as he did the same thing on the other side, shifting his weight on the other hand. Your body was now calm, you could feel the faint heat pooling up and you somehow welcomed it. When his lips met your neck you whined, biting on your lower lip. He pulled away and you didn't know why you wanted him back.
"Don't try to be quiet, I want to hear you." He said, his voice raspy and filled with lust. You nodded and he resumed his actions, his lips coming to kiss your neck ever so gently and you let out a small whine. It seemed to please him, his breath shaky against your skin. He kissed you gently, breathing in loudly as he smelled you. The caress of his lips against your skin felt good, them sliding down your body as he stopped sometimes to leave gentle kisses on your collar bone, shoulder then between your breasts, you knew what would come next and you couldn't help but feel the anticipation. His nose grazed your breast as he shifted towards your nipple, leaving kisses along the way. When his lips engulfed the hard bud between then you whimpered and squirmed, the sensation of his warm tongue swirling around. You felt as he took a deep breath, sucking your nipple with thirst and you felt the uncomfortable tingle in your core. You were turned on. You felt your face heat up as he gently devoured your breast, his hand coming to slowly squeeze your hips. He gave the same attention to your other breast, licking it then grazing his teeth on it before sucking and pulling slightly, you moaned, not being able to hide how good it made you feel. You shifted on the bed squirming underneath him and your hips jerked up a little enough to feel the fabric of his boxers and his very prominent bulge. You gasped and he stopped.
"Don't... Don't do that." He asked. A clear restraint in his voice. Softer this time, more desperate. "I'm... I'm s-sorry, sir." You whined out. He hissed, clearly turned on by your words. His mouth attacked your body, this time, less gentle, an urgency in his ministrations. You whimpered and squirmed while he left a trail of bites and kisses along your skin, trailing down. You could feel the way your core now ached, your arousal slowly dripping down your slit and you felt slightly embarrassed that this was turning you on so much. He bit your hip bone, hard enough that it would leave a mark and slowly kissed down your thigh, you felt his hands on you, bending your leg so he had access to the inside. He kisses and sucked on your skin, the sounds of his mouth making you feel hazy, it all felt too good. As he made his way up your inner thigh, your whines and whimpers got louder. And when he was close enough to where you needed him the most he stopped.
"P-please, please." You begged shamelessly.
"What a good girl... Already begging." You whined yet again. His voice and his words, the way he was making you feel, it was all too much.
Your body jolted when you felt two fingers run up your soaked slit. He groaned when he felt how wet you were.
"So wet." He whispered.
"I'm s-sorry." You whispered back, ashamed of yourself.
He went quiet. Leaving a gentle kiss on your tight.
"Don't ever apologize to me for that, don't apologize for being wet, for feeling good, and I don't want to hear you apologize when you cum... Again and again." You gulped. He said serious and determined. You heard him suck on his fingers and moan a low 'fuck', that only made you wetter and you couldn't wait for him to go on. He adjusted himself on the bed one arm hooked around your leg and the other under you, gripping your hips.
"Are you sure you want this?"
An out. He was giving you an out. Your mind was too clouded with arousal and you nodded almost immediately.
"Yes Sir, please... Please, Sir, I want this." You said in a pleading voice.
And that was enough for him.
His tongue came up your core slowly, lapping all of your juices with it. The moan that ripped through your chest was loud and sincere and he licked your clit slowly, his mouth doing wonders. You now couldn't control the sounds that left you, you tugged on your retrained hands, your body squirming while he gave attention to your bundle of nerves. He opened his mouth and sucked on your clit, his fingers dipping into your hips, probably bruising. And your arched your back, it felt so good. He was eating you out with so much hunger and so much delicacy at the same time, it was like he saw that as an art, treating it as the most important thing ever. He sucked and licked and you started feeling your core tighten your pussy clenching around nothing as you starting nearing your orgasm.
You didn't want to cum so soon, a part of you didn't want this to end so fast and the other didn't want to seem like such a sensitive person. But the truth was that you weren't used to being given so much pleasure.
You weren't used to someone wanting to give you so much pleasure.
"I'm... I'm going to.. c-cum." You warned him and he sucked harder as if ushering you to your high. Your breath was erratic, your body shaking and soon enough, you were edging your high.
"Cum for me, baby." He pulled away to say, then came down, giving open mouth kisses to your clit, licking and sucking and as if your body obeyed his every command, you arched your back and came, hard, with a loud moan and a convulsing body. He continued sucking while you came, and you started feeling the sensibility from the overstimulation. You tried to push him off with your legs but he only gripped them tighter.
"One more, sweetheart."
And you winced and whined from the overstimulation, but soon enough, your body gave in and you were convulsing yet again with your second orgasm of the night.
"That's it, good girl." He whispered as you slowly came down.
You calmed yourself, feeling your body relaxed and the thin layer of sweat on your skin.
He waited for a couple of minutes, his hand caressing your hips and his mouth resting on your inner tight.
"T-thank you..." Your voice came out weak and soft.
"I'm not done yet, sweetheart."
And then you felt a finger inside you, slowly breaching your walls, but sliding in so easily due to the amount of wetness in your core. You bit your lower lip bucking your hips towards him.
Slowly, he went all the way in, his nickles making it impossible to go any further, then he was pulling out and adding a second finger.
The stretch was welcomed and you let out low whimpers while he fucked you slowly with his fingers.
"Your cunt looks so greedy swallowing my fingers like this, sweetheart." His voice was so low and raspy, so full of lust and want. It almost seemed like he was drooling. "Can you take one more?" He asked, but didn't wait for a reply and soon he was fucking you with three fingers. Slow and torturously. You moaned a little louder while he fucked in and out of you with such patients. Soon your body was reacting on its own, your hips coming to meet his knuckles with a little bit of force.
"Needy slut." He said and your face burned, you knew your cheeks were red, but it was too late to feel ashamed. "What do you want, baby?" He asked and you realized that was the first time ever. You gulped, your core feeling warm again.
"F-faster... Harder Sir, p-please." You begged.
He bit the flesh of your tight, his hand now coming to meet you at a faster pace a harder one. It felt so good, you wanted to be stretched out even more, your moans high pitched and greedy. He took that as a sign and curled his fingers inside of your brushing them right on your sweet spot, a place no one had ever found before.
"Fuck!" You cursed out and he went on, fucking you hard and fast with his long fingers. "Oh my god..." You felt your core tighten again, clenching around him. "Fuck, please... Please fuck me..." You started begging. You wanted to feel even fuller. You wanted him inside of you.
He bit harder on your tight, almost as if he was trying to ignore your words.
"Sir, please fuck me, please." You begged with a desperate voice, your high approaching you at a high speed and when you came around his fingers you felt tears at the corner of your eyes wetting the blindfold. He didn't stop, he continues fucking into you with full force and speed.
"One more." He asked again.
"I-I can't." You cried out. Your body shaking so hard it felt like you were convulsing.
"Yes you can, baby, come one, give me one more." And he put his thumb over your clit, the friction of his movements being enough to rapidly letting your fourth orgasm of the night rip through your body. You were sobbing and whining while you came. Never in your life had someone given you so much pleasure and as he helped you ride out your high, you felt yourself grow tired and weak.
"So good. You did so well, sweetheart." He said in a soft voice.
Soon he was shifting, his mouth coming to meet your core as he licked up your own cum, not leaving a single drop behind.
"Fuck, you taste so good." He whispered against your core. Shifting again and leaving the bed.
You heard him walk towards the minibar and open it, walking towards you again and sitting next to you. You felt tired, exhausted, he had taken all of the energy from you. And you rested your head on the side of his body. He untied your hands, brushing the hair out of your face.
"Sit up for me." He asked and you struggled but did as he said bringing your sore arms down to help you lift your weight.
"Drink." You felt the edge of a water bottle touch your lips and you opened drinking the water slowly.
It was silent for a few minutes and soon he was getting up again, you wanted to take off your blindfold and see the man that had given you the most pleasure you had ever felt in your life, but as soon as you put your hand on the blindfold he spoke.
"Don't." His voice, dark and serious.
You took your hand away and waited as you heard him get dressed again.
"You... You're not going to fuck me?" You asked innocently. You wished he said yes, a thought way different then from when you got here.
"No. My only wish was to give you pleasure. I told you." His voice came back to the serious tone again and you felt yourself curl into a ball slowly.
"Yes, sir." Was all you answered.
He went silent, you didn't know what he was doing, but you presumed he was just looking at your now fragile fucked out form.
"You're free to stay if you like, if not, your driver will be waiting out front for you whenever you decide to leave, the rest of your payment will be transferred first thing in the morning." And with that, you heard his footsteps and the door open then shut. Your body jolted with the noise and you waited a couple of seconds before taking off your blindfold and looking around the room. You were reminded that this was a service... That he paid you for this. A stranger had paid you to give you multiple orgasms, the best you've ever had. You felt so many emotions at once. But the one you felt the most was shame. You felt ashamed of yourself. You got up on weak legs and got dressed fast, you wanted to leave. You felt the tears start welling up in your eyes and soon you were out the door and down to the reception, people in the lobby looking at your crying figure as you left the key on top of the reception and walked out getting in the car.
"Take me home." You said between sobs and he was off. The whole drive home you tried to calm yourself.
How could you have done such a thing? You debated with yourself because you had felt so good yet the moment it was over and he talked about the money, you felt like a whore. You felt filthy. When the car stopped in front of your house you thanked the driver and went up to your apartment already waiting for Malia's interrogation, but too exhausted to answer.
Just like Sunday, you dropped on your bed and closed your eyes, wishing you could sleep fast, taking a fast look at your phone you saw you had a new text and opened it.

Unknown Number.
I hope you enjoyed tonight.

And you knew it was from him. The Stranger. The voice.
You closed your eyes remembered the sound of his voice. It made a shiver go down your spine. A voice that hade made you cum again and again just like he promised.
Soon, your exhausting caught up and you were drifting away into a calm and relaxed slumber.

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