Chapter six.

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"Jungkook... Look at me." Your breath was loud and fast, your heart beating as if it could leap from your chest, you felt sick, you felt weak, you were scared... So, so scared. With the blindfold in your hands you watched as his shoulders lifted and fell, his back to you, both hands on the wooden table in front of him, he was just as you were. Scared.

A few hours earlier.

Sleeping felt impossible.
There were oh so many things that a while back seemed impossible, but somehow, some crazy way, shit just started to become that... Possible.
If you were being honest with yourself, there was this part of you, this... Safe part of you that wanted to just be that. Safe. Turn your back on this whole idea and go back to your normal life. But after almost the whole night reminiscing in memories, the faint feeling of being touched by him, to hear his voice again to honestly, see him, you felt sure that this is what you had to do. Now, you hadn't really thought out just how things would go, confronting him was the only thing you were sure of. You didn't know how you were going to do so, what you would say. Yet again you found yourself without a plan, something you were not fond of. You still had a few hours before the sun came up, so getting out of bed and sitting in front of your computer you did what you did best.
You planned everything.
And the first step to your plan was making sure there were no misunderstandings.
You were already sure that Jungkook was the Stranger, but you needed proof.

You stood outside the Frat House and watched as the boys came out one by one.
In your red summer dress and wearing very, and I mean very obvious sunglasses you waited until Jungkook came out, but that never happened. When you spotted Namjoon, you quickly made your way to him.
"Joon!" You called.
His head spun around at the familiar voice calling out his name in the almost peak of the morning.
"Y/N, what are you...?" He started speaking.
"Good morning, sorry, this is unexpected, I just wanted to speak to you real quick." You said as you watched the boy's bloated sleep-deprived face twist in confusion.
"Uhm, sure... What's up?"
"Is Jungkook still asleep?" You asked.
"Oh... I'm pretty sure he didn't come back to the house last night, didn't see any of his bodyguards and well, I was awake almost all night." He said and you sighed.
You sighed, you just needed to get something that could prove he was the Stranger.
"Listen... Is there any chance... And look, this is gonna sound weird, but I just want to... Uhm, I want to surprise Jungkook and I really need to get into his room, but I know he has like a hundred locks and I was wondering since you're the house president if you know the code?" You lied.
Namjoon seemed a little bit suspicious at first, but he smiled, a sweet smile that made you confused.
"You two really hit it off, huh? I'm glad, honestly, the kid needs to let out some steam." He said.
You grinned, a chuckle leaving you. Little did he know just how much steam Jungkook let out on a weekly basis.
Namjoon was certain to give you the code and soon, you were on your way into the frat house.
As you made your way up the stairs you momentarily stood in front of Jungkook's room. There was a nervousness that you just couldn't contain inside of you. What if he was there? How would you confront him like that? He could just lie to you, say that you are delusional. You took a deep breath, put in the code and the door unlocked.
As you slowly made your way in, it was empty, just the faint light from the rising sun peeking from his window.
His room was... Him. It was neat and minimalist, but as you looked around you felt a sense of loneliness in everything, in the way his pencils were organized and the way he didn't have any pictures or posters... It was just as if the person who slept there would leave at any given second. And maybe... Just maybe that was your biggest fear in confronting Jungkook, having him leave and never see him again. As you looked around you sighed again, you needed to find something, you decided to open his desk drawers. There you found yourself gasping as not one but several sketches were organized inside. They weren't ordinary sketches, they were detailed drawings of you... You in the coffee shop reading a book. You in class bitting down on your pencil, and of course, there were the lewd ones. You put your hand over your mouth, cheeks heating up as you saw the detailed lines of you tied up completely bare in the hotel bed. The blindfold on, but on the same sheet, right beside that, were your eyes. Several different sketches of your eyes looking down, or looking straight to you, or... To him.
You felt slightly overwhelmed, this was how Jungkook saw you, he saw you in a way that you never could have imagined. He saw you as something beautiful, something precious and you could feel that by the way he drew you.
You left the sketches in the drawer and further looked for something else and soon enough you found it.
The blindfold.
Not just any blindfold, this was the first one, from the first day.
It gave you a feeling of nostalgia, melancholy, the idea of all that just becoming a memory.
You weren't in love with just the stranger, you were in love with the quiet boy, the one that shoved his hands in his pockets and that asked you invasive question, you were in love with him. And the two together made things even stronger.

The second step to your plan was making sure that if things went wrong, he wouldn't be alone, that he wouldn't freak out, so you took out your phone as you made your way out of the frat house and called.
"Miss Y/L/N?" The voice said on the other line.
"Listen, I need to speak to you, but it has to be a secret, if you tell him, I'm going to leave and never come back do you understand me?" You threatened.
"Yes." He said after a while.
"Good, meet me at the cafe in twenty minutes, if he's with you, make something up."
And you hung up.
This part of the plan was the part you were most worried about.
You knew Jungkook was a troubled guy, that he has severe anxieties and the last thing you wanted was to trigger him in any way possible.
So as you waited in the cafe you fidgeted with the blindfold in your hands, looking down at the wood. Not long after, he came in and slowly made his way to the table.
"Miss, Y/L/N." He said in a calm voice. You looked up to see the same man that had stopped you a while back to give you the proposition.
"Call me Y/N, please, there is something serious I need to discuss with you." You said in a firm tone.
"Fine, Y/N." He sighed, taking off his glasses and placing them into his pocket. "What is this about?"
"Listen, Mister... Wait, what's your name." You asked.
"Jin." He answered simply.
"Ok, listen, Jin, I know Jungkook is your client and that you must have confidentiality terms with him and all, but... I found out, ok?" You started and watched as he adjusted himself in the chair.
"I... I don't know who you're talking about, Y/N." He said.
"Cut the bullshit, Jin, I'm not here to threaten him, I'm here to make sure that he's going to be ok." You said and you saw him swallow. You looked down, now fidgeting with the blindfold. "Look, you told me he was a good kid and I know he is, I feel it... I feel it so much that all I want is to be with him, but I can't do that while he's lying to me." You admitted in a defeated voice.
"He's not lying to you-' Jin started to say in an outraged voice.
"Fine, omitting. Whatever." You shrugged, rolling your eyes. "I'm going to confront him today." It came out less secure than you wish it had. "And I don't know how that's going to go... I don't know if he's going to want to leave and never look back, if he's going to freak out, all I'm asking of you is that you make sure he's ok, that he's safe and that he's taken care of in case that happens." Jin was silent for a few moments, looking you in the eyes while he assessed the information. Jin seemed like a good guy to you, you could see that he really cared about Jungkook and that his concern was real, not just professional.
He sighed and looked down at the table.
"Ok." He said simply and you felt the air you were holding leave you.
"Ok." You mimicked him, a faint relief in your voice. "Don't tell him I know, don't tell him I'm going to confront him, all I want is to do this the right way, all I want is honesty, if he's honest with me, I'll be all his." You didn't know to whom exactly you were saying that, if it was to Jin or to yourself, but either way, it was the truth, you breathed out, the air coming out a little shaky.
"He... He really liked you." You heard Jin's voice and your eyes traveled up, looking him in the eyes again. He seemed less formal than before, a little more relaxed, but always with that worry in his eyes. "Jungkook isn't only my boss he's my friend and all I want for him is to have a normal life with friends and a normal relationship." He finished in a low voice. You bit on your lower lip nodding in understanding, but soon, looking down at the blindfold again.
"Why hasn't he told me yet?" You asked. Jin pursed his lips, a bitter chuckle leaving him.
"He's scared, scared you'll think he's a freak that he's... A pervert, I don't know." He admitted trying himself to understand the boy's reasons.
"Jin, I agreed to let him do things to me for money, what does that say of me?" You asked, feeling your cheeks a little red with admitting the fact. Jin shrugged, hands coming to cross in front of his chest.
"I just hope this works, I thought that telling him to ask you on a date was going to fix it." He shook his head as if he couldn't understand why things went wrong.
"Wait, that was you?" You frowned.
Jin looked up at you, a side smile on his face.
"Yeah, I've been telling him to ask you out for months." He chuckled.
Your eyes bulged slightly, months? You looked back down at the table.
"I'm in love with him." You said it out loud and looked at Jin again.
The smile on him was genuine. As if he was looking at something endearing to him, you felt your cheeks hot.
You both were cut off by the sound of Jun's phone, he looked at it for a moment and looked at you.
"Is it him?"
"Yeah... I should go." You pursed your lips and nodded.
After you said your goodbyes, you felt your stomach turn. You were nervous, what if in the end, maybe Jungkook didn't have feelings for you, he wanted to keep things separate? But Jin had said he really liked you. You shook your head getting rid of bad thoughts and made your way back to your apartment.
As the day went by, you nervously waited for the clock to hit seven. Witch each hour that went by you rehearsed everything in your head. Malia would peek through the door and sigh, she was almost just as anxious as you were. After all, she knew how much you liked him. You distracted yourself by taking a shower when the clock hit six and soon enough, it was seven. You waited by your window your stomach felt as if it was turning inside of you.
When you saw the car park outside you made your way to the living room and Malie was standing there, waiting with a hopeful look on her face.
"Ok weirdo, good luck." She said while she gave you a quick hug. You nodded and looked at her.
"Before I go... There is something I need to say to you." You had to say something, after all, if things went bad with Jungkook, maybe at least one thing could go right.
Malia had a confused look on her face but nodded.
"Namjoon really, really likes you... I know you're not the type to date and all, but he's an amazing guy and he deserves good things, so... Either step up and be with him or stop breaking his heart." You said with a firm tone to your voice.
You knew Malia wasn't a bad person, but she was terrified of commitment, so maybe she just needed a push.
Malia swallowed and bit her lower lip, but nodded.
You smiled at her and made your way out of the apartment, once again getting in the car and making your way to the hotel.
You clutched your phone all the way to the hotel and looked at the driver who seemed just as impassive as ever.

Just as you were the first time you had come to the hotel, you were shaking and nervous. You walked slowly into the lobby, this time you had a feeling you were being watched, but you didn't dare look around as you made your way to the receptionist. She looked up at you and she smiled when she recognized you, you smiled back, this time a little more secure than when you first came. When she gave you the key, you clutched it in your hand, making your way to the elevators. AS you got in it all started to feel a little worse, the fear of Jungkook leaving, the fear of him having a breakdown. You breathed in and out slowly, trying to control your heartbeat. When the doors opened you took in the hallway, you haven't ever noticed the way the warm light painted the walls and how the carpet was littered with Roman designs. You always knew this was a five-star hotel, but maybe just now you started to notice the small things and feel nostalgic about them. When you stopped in front of the room you waited a few seconds before you put in the card key and stepped in. Candles. Everywhere. Just like the first time, the smell was so good and relaxing that you closed your eyes and breathed them in. You never got the chance to appreciate how much effort he put in to make sure you were comfortable and now, if things didn't go well, you wanted to take it all in. You walked into the bathroom and saw the body wash a feeling of fondness taking over you, honestly, ever since you and Yoongi had broken up, you hated that smell, but Jungkook made you like it again. You looked around, the hairdryer, the towels, you gently caressed the soft fabric before walking back into the room and sitting on the bed, you caressed the fabric underneath you and looked around. You hoped that things would go well, you wanted them to go well not because of this room, but because of what it represented. It represented you feeling free for one. Being cared for (Somehow). Being able to know yourself and to meet him.
You saw the blindfold on the bed and decided to put it on top of the wooden table right across from the bed but instead, taking out the first one, the one you took from his room and looking at it for a while, they were different colors, the one you put on the table was a light graffiti color and it was a plain cotton while the one in your hand was almost pitch black, but it shined with red and it was velvet. You decided to slide that one on instead and wait.
It took him longer this time. Maybe it was because you didn't do your routine, maybe it was because you had already waited all day. There was a thought at the back of your head, maybe Jin had told him, maybe he wasn't coming. You tried to calm your heartbeat and your breathing, but you were more nervous than you have ever been. More than the first time you had come here, more than when he called you, or when he took you out and your senses where heightened by the sight deprivation. Your foot was bouncing nervously, you shook your head, maybe you should leave, and let things go.
No. No, you couldn't, you had to stay, you wanted Jungkook, now you just needed to make sure he wanted you too. You heard a noise at the door and you held your breath.
The door unlocked.
And then his shoes on the floor. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Soon, you could smell his cologne in the air and you couldn't help but feel a series of feeling at once. Right in front of you was Jungkook. The same boy that had tutored you, that had stood up for you, that had taken you out. The same boy with that shy smile you were sure not so many people had the chance to see. The same one that... That had made you feel things you never thought you could feel, make your body do things you didn't know it was capable of. You let the air out, swallowing hard as you felt the dizziness from his smell. You felt multiple things.
Nervous. Scared. Turned on. It was a natural body reacting to the whole situation.
"Hello, sweetheart." It made all the hairs on your body stand up. His voice was soft, so much softer than usual. There was a tenderness to it as if he was longing to see you. You could feel it.
"Hello, Sir." You answered in almost the same matter. Voice soft and tender.
"I see you're still dressed." He pointed out, amusement in his voice.
"Yes..." You said, slowly getting up and standing. "I'm here to talk." You said while you adjusted the blindfold on your face.
He was silent for a while, maybe he noticed the blindfold, maybe he didn't. He was quiet until...
"Hm..." And you gulped, his voice was the one most powerful thing. The thing that made your legs shake, your heart go wild and your body want to bend to his every will. You cursed yourself mentally for being aroused in a moment like this.
"I-I'm here to tell you something." You said already feeling your courage crumble. Voice shaky.
"Go on." He said simply and you took in a deep breath. His voice sounded different like there was curiosity in them, but he was insecure.
"I... I met someone." You started, just like you had planned. "I met someone that... I am completely in love with." You felt a lump in your throat and heard him shift. "He's... Smart and he's funny and he's so, so very handsome. But, these are the least of things that I love about him..." You could feel tears accumulate in your closed eyes. You dropped your head. "I love that he understands me... And that he sees through me. I love how he stood up for me just because he cares about me, even if he has never told me that before. I love how he's quiet and how comfortable we both can be in silence. I love so many things about him..." You felt the lump in your throat grow bigger, you breathed in. "I love that he sees me in a way that all my insecurities and traumas make me blind to, but somehow he does." You heard him shift again. "I'm in love with him. And all I want is to be with him, all I want is for him to be able to look me in the eyes and tell me he feels the same way, but he can't." You felt tears stain the blindfold, voice cracked.
"Why can't he?" His voice was strained, low, weak. As if he had already understood as if he noticed that you were talking about him and that you knew he was right in front of you.
"Because... Jungkook. Because he's scared." And you lifted your hands to the blindfold slowly.
"No, Y/N, don't..." He said before you pulled it off voice just a whisper, but you didn't stop, you pulled it off and you were met with the light of the room again.
You couldn't catch a glimpse of him before he turned around, he was fast.
Both hands on the wooden table, he was gripping it tightly looking straight at the other blindfold in front of him, you could tell his breathing was off, that he was trying to control it. You feared he could have a breakdown so you decided to speak.
"And I'm scared too, I'm scared of feeling these things for you and not knowing if you'll ever... Feel the same way about me." You continued saying, now it was done, what would happen from this moment on would decide everything.
"P-please, please put it back on." You heard him beg. And you furrowed your eyebrows.
"No, Jungkook... I won't put it back on." You argued. "You've looked me in the eyes so many times... You told me that you felt comfortable around me." You breathed in. I'm sorry it's so hard for you, I'd switch places with you if I could, but I can't keep doing this, living like this." You felt a dull ache in your chest as you watched his shaking figure. "Now either look me in the eyes and tell me you want me too or tell me you don't."
He was silent, taking the whole thing in, now that he was found out there was nowhere left to run, he could have you or he could lose you forever.
"You know I want you." He said shaking his head, voice so low it was almost a whisper. You pursed your lips, swallowing.
"Then tell me." You asked with a weak voice. "Look at me and tell me, please." You begged.
Your heart was beating violently in your chest, it felt as if the air in the room wasn't enough to breathe.
He went silent, a silence that this time felt terrible, felt terrifying.
"Jungkook... Look at me." Your breath was loud and fast, your heart beating as if it could leap from your chest, you felt sick, you felt weak, you were scared... So, so scared. With the blindfold in your hands you watched as his shoulders lifted and fell, his back to you, both hands on the wooden table in front of him, he was just as you were. Scared. Just as Jin had said earlier. Slowly he leaned back from the table, you felt as the tears streamed down your cheeks, all you wanted was him to tell you.
Slowly he turned around, eyes meeting yours as you could see just how scared he was. It made you want to cry harder. He stood in front of you, eyes slightly red, dark circles under them. He looked fragile, unprotected, vulnerable. You wanted to run to him and kiss him, hold him.
"You're so stupid." You cursed him as you brought both hands to your face and whipped away your tears. "I'm so stupidly in love with you, with both sides of you and you... Why did you have to hide this from me?" You couldn't control your rambling, you just felt as you cried and whined at him, he looked ashamed and you shook your head, controlling yourself and finally looking at him, he looked back, no sign of looking away.
"I-I love you, Jungkook." Your voice came out in a sincere whisper.
"Fuck" He cursed out and right then, you thought he was going to say he didn't feel the same so you looked down. "I love you too." You looked up at him and he took a step forward closing the gap between the two of you quickly and attaching his lips to yours. You gasped as he took your face in his hands, as his body crashed into yours. He kissed you tenderly, passionately, he kissed you as if you were the most precious thing on this earth and you kissed him back, hands coming to wrap around his neck. This time you allowed your heart to beat violently in your chest, you allowed your stomach to turn and twist inside of you because this time, this time you felt like you had a good reason. Jungkook separated his mouth from yours only to look at you for a while taking in all your features, make sure this was real with his swollen lips and irregular breathing.
"I'm sorry., I missed you so much." Jungkook started saying and you shook your head, lips coming to his again to shut him up. You kissed him deeply hands coming to intertwine in his hair, when you licked his lower lip he opened his mouth, allowing you to deepened the kiss even more, and with the feeling of your tongue Jungkook let out a very low and short groan that sent a wave through your body. Soon, you two fell on the bed, teeth clashing into the now desperate and needy kiss. Is was like he didn't want to let you go, too scared of losing you again and you were eager to hang on, so eager that when your dress went over your head, you attached your lips to his without even breathing and he took off his shirt while gently and sweetly kissing down your neck.
It was different this time, it wasn't lust... No, it was a lot more.
Slowly you two made your way up the bed, kissing each other tenderly, soft whimpers leaving your lips when he'd roam his hand around your body. This rough fingers that worked so delicately on you, you learned that you were highly addicted to it.
Jungkook broke the kiss to look at you again and when he saw your swollen lips, flushed cheeks and a caring look in your eyes he was overwhelmed by just how stupid he was before, shaking his head.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry, I'm so, so, sorry, I shouldn't..." He started. And you shook your head again, hands coming to caress his face.
"It's ok, we're ok." You said in a soft voice. "I'm yours." And you saw the shine in his eyes when you said it. He was quiet for a few seconds and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"You're mine..." He whispered back, lips coming to caress yours gently as he slowly rid you of your underwear, you arched your body, helping him. You knew what was going to happen, it was something you've wanted for a long time, ever since you first got into this room and you remembered what Jungkook had said about intimacy and suddenly you understood a lot. You wanted nothing more than to be intimate with Jungkook, but on another level, not just physically, you wanted to be able to hold his hand for everyone to see, kiss him in the stupid supermarket while you both chose cheap bland hoodies. You wanted Jungkook and you were going to give him all of you in return. Jungkook gently kissed down your neck, soft pecks, and love bites, the air was filled with the sound of your soft whimpers and his fingers caressed every inch of your body as he made his way down, slowly he hovered over your center, lips coming gently to kiss at your pubic mound. When he licked up your core you arched your back, eyes shutting and a moan leaving your lips.
It was one thing to feel him, but to watch him? It was another thing completely, you felt just how sensitive watching Jungkook eat you out made you, just how fast it was making you approach your orgasm while he gently sucked on your clit, savoring your taste just like he probably did the other times only this time, he was doing it for his own pleasure as well.
"J-Jungkook." You called his name in a whispered moan and his eyes flickered up to you, dark and blown out, they were divine. "I-I don't want to c-cum so f-fast, please." You begged in a weak voice.
Jungkook planted small kisses to your core before pulling away and coming up to your lips again where he let you taste yourself on his tongue. There was a proud smile on his lips, maybe because he had you now, or maybe, just maybe because he knew he could make you cum with a snap of his fingers.
"Can you taste how sweet you are?" He questioned with a low hint of hunger to his voice.
You nodded, lips coming up to his as he gently closed his eyes and shoved his own pants down and kicked them to the floor, his kisses gently went to your jaw and then your neck, he was being rougher now, already taken over by lust and the desire to finally be with you the way you wanted.
When you felt his erection sprung free you looked down, mouth slightly watering and core clenching over nothing. You wanted nothing more than to taste him too, to make him feel good and he seemed to notice your eagerness.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll have all the time in the world for that, right now, I just really want to fuck you the way I should have a long time ago." He said in a low husky voice that had you whimpering.
Jungkook slowly aligned himself with your entrance, hands coming up to wrap with yours as his forehead rested on your own.
"Hey, look at me." He asked as you looked down where your bodies would soon connect. You flickered your eyes to him, already squirming as you felt the tip already breach you slightly. "I want to look you in the eyes while I fuck you, I want you to see just what you do to me, just how crazy you drive me, just how much I want you, love you, do you understand?" He gently inched himself in a little more, your mouth opened and a moan left it, your walls were already clenching around his tip and you could feel your wetness leak from you.
"Answer me, sweetheart." He demanded in a stern, yet velvet voice.
"Y-yes, Sir, yes, I-I understand." You stuttered while you tried to answer him.
"No... Not Sir, my name, say my name." He requested and you could barely think straight.
"Yes, Jungkook, y-yes, yes." You whispered.
"Such a good girl for me." He cooed and you clenched even harder.
When Jungkook breached your walls you couldn't hold back the moan that ripped through your throat, you squeezed his hands tight, your walls clenching violently around him. You felt so full, so good, having Jungkook inside of you was even better than you had imagined.
"F-fuck, don't squeeze so tight." His voice was strained in pleasure, face contorted in it too. His breathing shallow and you felt him twitch. "So fucking tight, what a delicious fucking cunt." He whispered to himself and the dirty manner in which he spoke made you clench even harder.
"Jungkook..." You whined his name and he stared straight into your lust drowning eyes.
"P-please move, p-please." You begged.
"Don't worry baby, I'll give you what you want." He said trying to control his own voice.
When he pulled out and ground back into you, another moan ripped out of you, he was filling you out perfectly, it was as if your bodies were made for each other. You heard the groan coming from his lips, his eyes still staring into your own, but now they were only slits, hazy eyes while he gently started a grinding pace in and out of you.
He let go of one of your hands and came to cup your face, lips crashing into yours. This was different, it was intimate, it was slow and sensual, it was love and lust.
He separated your mouth's yet again to whisper.
"You're so beautiful." He said and you bit your lower lip, cheeks flushed with pleasure and the way he called you beautiful.
"I love you." You whispered back.
It didn't take long for Jungkook's grinding to become rougher, his cock hitting your sweet spot again and again while his body rubbed and grinded into you.
Soon, it was gasp's and moans and whimpers all around the room, your body sweating and sensitive, it didn't take long for you to feel the familiar trace of your orgasm approaching you and when you clenched hard and opened your mouth, Jungkook's cock twitched.
"Close already, baby?" He asked and you didn't answer, instead, you let the feeling of it slowly creep onto you. "That's it, sweetheart, cum all over my cock, let me watch you cumming for me you always look so beautiful when you cum." He instructed.
And soon you were squirming and moaning and shaking under Jungkook, clenching violently around his length eyes focused on his while he had a tight grip on your chin.
"Look at me while you cum." He said. "Jesus fuck, you're so beautiful I might cum just by watching you."
As he rode out your orgasm he slowed down, lips coming to your to kiss you gently while he slowly moved his hips in and out of you, so slowly it was almost painful. You finally closed your eyes. Feeling his body move on top of yours it was overwhelming, it was everything you ever wanted.
You heard him groan and his pace slowly got faster, he was close and you wanted nothing more than to give him the pleasure he had given you up until now, slowly, you started moving your hips to meed his, grinding up onto him.
"Oh, God..." He said in a shaky strained voice. "You feel so-so good." He praised.
Jungkook's grip on your hand tightened and soon, his hips halted deep inside of you and you felt him coat your insides with his release, a low and sensual groan leaving him as his face read nothing but pure pleasure and bliss. It was beautiful, it was heavingly, watching Jungkook feel good because of you made you feel proud and affectionate, you lifted your head, lips coming to gently kiss him and he kissed you back, breathe irregular on your lips.
When you both calmed down, Jungkook pulled out gently, laying beside you and closing his eyes.
You had a stupid smile on your face and you felt tired, he turned his head to you and you did the same, looking at him. There it was, the look that you so desperately wanted to see, the look that said: "I love you." Gently, Jungkook took your hand, locking his fingers between yours and bringing it up to his lips, leaving a sweet kiss on them.
"When did you notice?" He asked after you two were silent for a while, he looked at your fingers, playing with them.
"Sweetheart." You said simply with a smile on your lips. Jungkook looked up at you. "You called me sweetheart and it's something only... The Stranger called me." You said.
"The Stranger? Is that what you called me?" He asked and you nodded feeling slightly embarrassed. "I should have known, I always called you that and I guess it came out naturally, but I'm dense." He admitted with a chuckle.
"Yeah, well, so am I, I thought I was in love with two people but it was actually just one." You said and Jungkook smiled at you.
"You're in love with me." He said as if it was something he still needed to wrap his head around.
You nodded.
"Yeah, and I have been for a while now... Jin told me that he told you to ask me out months ago." You said without thinking.
Jungkook's eyes slightly bulged and you sat up.
"Hey, he didn't know, I asked to meet him and kind of... Threatened him so he had to go. And I already knew so, he was just trying to help." Jungkook shook his head and chuckled.
"I'll deal with him later." He said and you glared at him making him laugh.
"So... Months ago?" You asked and he looked at you again in silence before he sat up and pressed his lips gently against yours.
You closed your eyes, kissing him back and he pulled away.
"I love you." He said and you felt your cheeks blush.
"I love you too... But, I'm not letting you off the hook, tell me." You asked and he smiled, looking you in the eyes with no fear, no insecurities, just love, and comfort... Love and intimacy.

"The first time I saw you..."

The end. 

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