Chapter three.

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Ever since you were a little girl all of your days were planned out, you woke up the same time, had a healthy breakfast and did your chores, going to college was no different apart from the tight schedule you maintained for class. It wasn't that you didn't like being spontaneous or didn't enjoy just living life to it's fullest, you just were used to it. Used to being always prepared, always organized and always on time, sometimes even ahead of time. Adding your weekly meeting with the stranger and now your tutoring with Jungkook made you feel a little unsteady. It wasn't because you were doing something shameful with the stranger, no, your inner self was way past that by now, you were actually looking forward to it. But there was still a part of you - the control freak part of you - that felt like maybe you were being too bold with your time. As you walked to class with your bag on your shoulder you felt anxiety bubble in your stomach, you had so much to focus on, and you barely noticed when someone tapped you on the shoulder. 

"Y/N, right?" The low voice asked and you whipped your head in his direction.
"Taehuyng!" You said with surprise as he walked alongside you.
"Call me Tae, please." He smiled and you couldn't help but smile back. "Sorry for jumping you like this, I just saw you walking and you seemed to be bothered in your thoughts and I guess we never really got a proper introduction." He smiled again, putting his hands in his pocket and you saw a faint pink cover his face.
"Oh my God, I just remembered, I'm so sorry for leaving like that, I- uh, something come up!" You bit on your lower lip remembering how you left the boy hanging at the party. He chuckled, his shoulders bouncing up and down.
"Yeah, Jungkook came up." He teased you. You lifted your eyebrows.
"Yeah, I don't know why he cut you off like that at the party." You said.
"You're attractive so, I don't judge him, did you two have fun afterward?"

"What do you mean?" You questioned in confusion.
"You two left, so I assumed that's what you meant with 'something came up'." He answered.
It took you a few seconds to register what he was suggesting and you quickly shook your head.
"Oh! No! I didn't... Sleep... You know, I didn't sleep with Jungkook." You felt your cheeks grow hot.
"Really?" He asked brows meeting in the middle. "I was so sure because as soon as you left, he left right after and it was his frat house, so I assumed..." He trailed off and you continued shaking your head. You almost didn't notice the little smile he gave you when he understood that you hadn't slept with Jungkook.
"Jungkook is a... " You tried to think of what you could fit Jungkook into... A crush? A very, very hot boy you felt drawn too? "I guess he's a friend? He's tutoring me on Thursdays." You told Tae with a shy smile.
"He's already got a hold of you, any chance you can spare some time for a drink with me after class?" He stopped walking and tilted his head to the side.
Tae was very handsome, the type of handsome that hurt and you couldn't deny the way he made you blush. You sucked your lower lip into your mouth, the idea of having a date with this handsome boy making you a little excited, but, you remembered you had plans. Very shameful plans.
"Ah, I'm sorry I have p-plans after class, I do every Friday actually... But, maybe tomorrow?" He smiled again, this time wider at not being turned down.
"Yeah, tomorrow is fine." He said and you smiled wide as well. You took your phone out and handed it to him so he could put in his number and he did, sending himself a text before handing it back to you.
"Great, so... I'll text you later then, I kind of have to go, I'm late for class." He laughed and pointed to the opposite direction you two were going.
"Wait, I thought you were going this way too." You noticed.
"I just wanted to talk to you." He said with a soft voice that made you feel your cheeks heat up yet again. "See you tomorrow, Y/N." And you waved at him before turning and finishing your walk to class.

At around lunchtime, you met with Malia and she was already stuffing a burrito she got into her mouth. You looked at her bag with Mexican food and you couldn't help but feel your mouth salivate.
"Just go get some." She said with humor in her voice.
You opened your bank app on your phone to see if you had enough money for it almost gasping out loud when you say the big numbers on the screen. You had forgotten that your meetings with the stranger were... Being paid for. You quickly closed your phone, not bothering to close the app before you got up and went for the Mexican food truck, not long after you sat down happy with your food, you and Malia talking about random things.
"I'm going to Namjoon's later." She said when you both were slurping down your mini churros.
"You two seem serious." You pointed out and she shrugged.
Malia was the girl every guy wanted, she was fun and beautiful and she always had the guys attention, so seeing her going out with Namjoon again made you feel a sense of pride.
"Well, he's a nice guy and he has a dick... So... He's already winning." She tried to brush you off.
"I have a date tomorrow." You said in a small voice, knowing that it would make Malia start to question.
"What? A date, with who? Jungkook?" She asked with a glint of curiosity in her eyes.
"Actually... That boy, Taehyung?" You answered. "He's been texting me, but... I guess I wouldn't say no to a date with Jungkook." You laughed.
"I want to see with my own eyes." She said extending her hand and grabbing your phone, you didn't mind, Malia knew almost everything about you. She unlocked your phone, being your best friend and roommate she knew your code, and when she went silent you just took it as her reading the texts.
"Y/N? Why is your bank account flooding with cash?" She asked not taking her eyes off of your phone. You stopped sipping on your drink feeling a cold wave go down your spine, you felt as if all of the blood in your face left. She raised her eyes to you, waiting for an answer, and when she saw the utterly terrified look on your face, she already had her answer.
"Oh. My. God!" She said the last loudly. "You little slut!" You tried shushing her so no one would hear her freaking out.
"Malia, I can explain..." Your voice was low as you looked around.
"I cannot believe you, I am so... "She kept shaking her head. "Proud!" She finally said.
You turned your head to her, confusion spreading on your features.
"What? You're not mad?" You asked as you saw her calm down and look at your phone one last time before turning it off and handing it to you.
"What, are you kidding? This is the most badass thing you've ever done! I'm not mad at all." She said and you felt less at ease. "So, is the old guy any good?" She asked and you felt your face turn hot.
"Jesus, Malia, he's not an old guy." You said, grabbing your drink again.
"Oh! That's even better! Is he some hot mid thirties CEO, tell me everything!" She was excited out of her mind, and you couldn't help but feel a little bit excited too that your best friend also knew about your little shameful side.
You told her about the meetings with the stranger, how you didn't know his name or what he looked like because of the blindfold, how he never actually fucked you or let you get him off for that matter.
"So, he literally makes you cum multiple times and pays you for it?" She asked. You nodded and she shook her head. "How come shit like that doesn't happen to me?" She huffed, frustrated. You just laughed.
"I'm meeting him again tonight." You told her. And her frown turned into a smirk.
"Y/N, Y/N... You're turning into a whore, how can you juggle three men at the same time? I'm not even that much of a whore." She said and you raised your eyebrows.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Well, you have this... Christian Gray guy that is invested, literally, in you, then little old quiet boy Jungkook, who never even spoke to me after seeing him multiple times, but somehow he's now tutoring you and a date with no one other than Kim Taehyung, the biggest fuck boy on campus. I mean, you're thriving, my dear." You just looked at her. "Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually glad to see you doing something so wild for once." You felt a little bit of shame but shrugged it off. You didn't even know the guy, the stranger. It wasn't like you could fall for him and Jungkook just seemed too closed off for you to see a chance of dating him, even if you somehow wanted to, but Tae was a boy that was clearly into you and you were attracted to him, so, you had to at least try, right? You and Malia finished your conversation and each headed back to class, you focused on getting home at the right time so you could prepare for your appointment later at night.

You stepped out of the car and into the hotel lobby once again, the same receptionist greeted you with a wide smile and already handed you the keycard for room 55.
It was the same as the first time, candles lit the room, the bath was drawn and you sighed as you put your purse down, taking a quick look at your phone to see how much time you had. You placed it on top of the room table and started undressing. You didn't know why he had wanted you so desperately last time and you couldn't help but feel the heat running down your body as you remembered the way he spoke to you. Damn you loved his voice. How low and raspy it was, how serious and demanding. You definitely couldn't forget the way his thick and muscular thigh felt under your core. You felt yourself getting aroused as you stepped in the bath, already starting the demanding routine the stranger wanted you to follow for each meeting. You looked at the Vanilla scented body wash, it was a weird coincidence, but somehow you didn't mind as you washed your body well, soaking the smell into your skin.
Already dried up and seated at the edge of the bed with the blindfold on, you waited. You were anticipating every single action that would go down in this room and you couldn't help but try to picture the stranger in your head. You gave him dark hair and dark eyes, it matched the way he made you feel. You wondered if he wanted the blindfold on because he was famous. Or maybe, it was really just a kink. Whatever reasons he had to not allow you to see his face was worth enduring because the way he made you feel was nothing like you have ever known before. You couldn't help but imagine what would happen if one day you just decided to take the blindfold off. Would he get mad, would he vanish and you'd never see, well, hear him again?
Your thoughts were interrupted as soon as you heard the door. It had been three times already, but still, it seemed like the first. The tap of his shoes on the floor made you shiver, how could he be so intimidating just by walking into a room?
As the sound slowly got closer, you already felt yourself getting wet, Jesus, he had such an effect on you. You heard the chair, from the small table in the corner of the room move and you assumed he sat down in front of you. It was silent now, you could only hear his breathing. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, this was new. You opened your mouth to speak, but was soon interrupted.
"Hello, sweetheart." His low, raspy voice made you let out the air you didn't know you were holding.
"Hello... Sir." You said low.
"My favorite thing in the world... Is walking into this room and seeing you bare for me. All because of me and just for me." He said.
His words made you shiver yet again. Why wasn't he touching you?
"I-I'm wet for you too." You admitted in a shy voice.
You heard him breathe out.
"Show me." He demanded.
You swallowed, opening your legs slowly and leaning back on the bed, holding yourself up.
He groaned in a low voice as he saw your glistening folds.
"Such a pretty cunt on a pretty girl." His voice was drowning in lust.
You were getting wetter with his dirty words, your core aching with the need of his touch. You bit your lower lip, already feeling your body get hotter.
"It's yours, Sir." You said.
"Oh.. Mine? Is that so?" He sounded condescending, but still intimidating. His voice was so low and so hot.
"A-All yours to touch, kiss, eat... F-fuck." You felt your cheeks hot. You really wanted him to fuck you.
He was silent for a few seconds and that made you a little self-conscious. Your knees flinched threatening to close.
"You were very bratty on the phone yesterday, sweetheart." His voice carried slight humor to it as if he was teasing you.
You opened your mouth to argue, but, he didn't let you.
"You want me to fuck you so bad, don't you?" He asked and you nodded, biting your lower lip with the idea of being filled up with him, your core clenched and he noticed.
"So... Fucking... Desperate." He said even lower.
You were yearning for his touch so bad, you didn't understand why he was seated in that stupid chain and not in bed with you, touching you, making you cum hard and good like he usually does.
"My cock is throbbing, did you know that?" He told you and you clenched again. Fuck. You heard him unzip his pants and shuffle a little with it. "Ah... I'm leaking. There's a clear stripe of pre-cum leaking down my cock, sweetheart." Oh my God. You felt your mouth water, fuck, why was he doing this? The idea of him with his cock in his hands while he looked at you was making you start to drip into the covers.
"You're just so desperate to get fucked right, aren't you? So desperate for me so slowly shove my cock inside that tight cunt of yours, filling you up to the brim... Feel my balls slap against that ass again and again while I fuck you hard and fast, am I right?" You whined, your core clenching hard making a gush of your juices slide out. "Look at that, look at the needy cunt you have sweetheart, so wet... I bet it's starting to hurt from all the throbbing." He said.
You felt desperate, the aching in your core was unbearable, your nipples were so hard and you were so desperate to be touched. To be fucked by him. You couldn't think straight, breathe right. You heard the wet sounds that came from him, you could hear them perfectly, the sound of his hand going up and down his length, he was... He was jerking off right in front of you and you couldn't do anything.
"S-sir... Please." You begged, the sounds making you move your hips back and forth slowly.
"Fuck... Look at you, such a mess, I bet you'd look so beautiful stuffed with my cock, feeling my cum inside of you hot, feeling my cum fill you up... A-Ah... Fuck." He was jerking faster now, and your hips followed his pace. "Maybe I'd fuck that throat of yours, stuff that pretty mouth, watch you gag and drool all over my hard cock." His breath was shallow and his voice low and raspy, he sounded so fucking hot, it was making you feel like you could cum right there.
"P-please Sir, please... Fuck, please." You begged with a whiny voice. You felt like you could cry if he didn't touch you soon or if he didn't do anything.
"Beg harder for me, baby, come on, you're a good fucking slut." You moaned, an electric wave going through your body at his words.
"Sir, please, I'm such a slut for you... My pussy is hurting so bad, please, please touch me, please make me cum. I'm all yours, Sir, my.. My body is just yours... Only you can make me cum, fuck... Please, please!" You begged and whined and his hand moved faster with that. You didn't know if you wanted to make him cum or if you wanted him to stop and make you cum, but either would be good for you.
"Such a dirty whore, talking dirty to me on the phone, I thought you were a good girl, sweetheart, just the way I like them, good and obedient, my little slut." He groaned and his voice was laced with his pleasure.
"I-I'm sorry, Sir, I'm so sorry..." You felt tears prickle in the corner of your eyes, he was torturing you, this was punishment. Your hips moved with him and even if there was no pressure or touch at all you felt a wave hit your body, your toes curled and you grabbed tighter on the bed felling your core clench violently while you felt the ecstasy of an unexpected and shocking orgasm. You moaned loud and high pitched as you closed your eyes shut under the blindfold, the tears staining the fabric as you felt yourself leaking down into the bed. It hit you hard and your arms faltered, making you fall back onto the bed as you tried to control your breathing. The room went silent. You couldn't hear him at all, maybe it was because of how hard your full body orgasm hit you.
"Did... Did you just cum?" He asked. And you were still catching your breath when you heard him get up. He walked slowly towards you, sitting at the edge of the bed. "Answer me." His voice was lower.
You nodded, too taken back to even feel surprised.
"Holy shit... I didn't even touch you." He sounded shocked but aroused. The idea of him touching you had you arching your back slightly. Trying to incentive him to touch you.
"Sir... Please touch me, I'll be a good girl... I promise." Your voice was weak.
He didn't answer you, instead, you felt the tip of his fingers on your cheek and you melted into his touch. He caressed up and down your cheek, then down to your chin and your neck, his touch was so delicate and it made all the hairs in your body stand.
"Fuck... You're so beautiful." He whispered more to himself than to you.
For a second you felt your heart flutter, you wanted him to say beautiful things to you all day... Everyday... But, it was so irrational of you to even feel or want that from a stranger.
You were brought back to reality when you felt the tip of his fingers brush against your nipple, it was so gentle as if he was mapping your body and it felt so good. You arched your back into his touch and he pressed harder.
"I want to kiss your whole body." He admitted with a soft voice and you whined.
"Please do..." You really wanted him to. You wanted his touch and to feel him, you wanted him to take you whole.
His body moved to hover over you as his lips met your neck, it was gentle, he grazed his nose against your skin, inhaling the smell of the body wash he asked you to use. Leaving small and gentle kisses all over your neck and down to your shoulders, you felt your hands move on their own, grabbing him by his shoulders and hugging his neck while he buried his face into the crook of your neck. His body tensed up for a few seconds, but he soon relaxed as he felt you shiver under his lips.
He was wearing a hoodie. That was all you could tell. A hoodie that felt soft and smelled like a very expensive fabric softener. You couldn't tell how long he spent kissing your neck, shoulders, and chest, it was like he was worshiping your body. As he came up again you felt his breath against your lips. Your heart was beating violently in your chest, as his nose grazed yours gently. You wanted to stretch up and kiss him, you wanted him to kiss you so bad.
"Kiss me." You whispered. You could almost feel his lips against yours. And then it happened.
His lips touched yours and you gasp. They were warm and soft, he kissed you gently at first, a wave running through your body with the sensation. You opened your mouth slightly, and he deepened the kiss his tongue coming to meet yours, ever so delicately. You hugged his neck tighter, your fingers digging slightly into the fabric of his hoodie. He tasted like coffee and mint. But it was sweet and addicting you wanted to kiss him forever if you could.
Soon, the kiss got hotter, a little more desperate, his tongue massaging yours ever so desperately and what started as a gentle kiss became a hot make-out session. His free hand came up to tangle in the back of your head, in your hair. His body came down into yours and you felt him, his bulge, free from his pants and boxers that were tugged down from his earlier actions. The skin of his length against your pubic mound made you moan into his mouth, he started grinding slowly into you, the pressure of his body jerking himself slowly. Your body started feeling hot again, your core pulsing slightly, this was the first time he kissed you... The first time you were so close to feeling him fuck you, you broke free from the kiss, trying to catch your breath as his lips came down to your neck to sucked and bit on the skin.
You involuntarily opened your legs wider, allowing him to grind harder into you and the light pressure that the fabric that was pulled down against your clit had you whimpering.
"S-sir..." You called for him, your hands sliding down his back and under his clothes. You wanted to touch him too, feel his skin against yours. His body tensed up again with the touch of your fingers and he stopped. He was still, his mouth on your skin and his breath uneasy.
You gulped thinking you went too far, but he didn't move. He didn't say anything either, so you started moving your hand up the side of his body. He shivered as your fingers came up and as they went down. You moved your hand to the side, to graze against his stomach and you felt his hard abs clench, he was letting you touch him.
"S-sir..." You called again in a whiny whisper.
Your hand started sliding down slowly waiting to see if he'd stop you. You felt his head leave the crook of your neck as it hovered over your face. You adjusted your body under him very slowly, afraid that any movement might scare him off.
"Please..." You begged. Your hand finally meeting the head of his cock and his whole body jerked. You could feel his hard head wet with pre-cum, it felt hot and painfully hard. You slid your hand down his length all the way to the base of his cock, were you engulfed your hand around it delicately. He still was silent, just letting you do whatever it was you were doing, you could feel his heavy breath against your face.
As you adjusted your body under him slowly, you bit your lower lip. Was this really happening? You felt insecure. What if he was letting you touch him like this just to never look for you again? What if he was letting you touch him but was getting really upset? You felt his shaky breath against your face again, your throbbing core aching for him.
You slowly slid his cock between your folds, all the way up to your clit. He groaned and that was enough incentive for you to do it again, mixing his pre-cum with the leaking juices that coated your throbbing pussy. Each time the head of his cock brushed against your clit you whimpered and each time he breathed out or either groaned low.
"Please... Fuck me." You whispered aligning his cock with your entrance, the head touching your hole and you involuntarily clenched, desperate.
It happened very fast.
One second everything was going in the right direction, his body bucked forward, his cock breaching your whole slightly, the moan in the back of your throat ripping out and he cursed, impulsing his body up and away from you.
You sat up, hearing him zip his pants and you knew that if you didn't say anything this could be the last time you ever met with him.
"Sir, please... Don't leave me again." You begged and he stopped. "I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have... I shouldn't ha-" You felt like you could cry, your bottom lip quivering with the idea of not seeing him again. "Please don't leave... just... Talk to me, please." You begged, your voice breaking.
You heard him sigh and move, sitting on the chair. You suddenly felt cold, your body shivering and trembling, how could you have been so stupid? This was something he paid you for.. This wasn't a date or anything intimate it was just a stranger paying you to fulfill whatever fantasy or kink he had. You heard him get up and shuffle with something before you felt a soft fabric cover your body, it was a blanket, he was covering you up. You suddenly felt ashamed, your cheeks feeling hot and you knew they were red. He sat down again... Silence once again filling the room.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-" You started saying.
"No... I let you, I'm the one that should apologize." He said, his voice contained, almost... Professional.
You went silent again, both of you.
"Are you going to stop seeing me?" You asked almost innocently and when he didn't answer immediately you curved your head down scared he could see how disappointed you were.
"Y/N... If I could, I'd see you every day." He said and again you felt your heart flutter. "I still remember the first time I saw you." His voice was soft and... Familiar, you just couldn't pinpoint were from.
"Can I ask... Please... Just, why can't we fuck?" You asked really just trying to understand and he sighed.
"You really don't know how to follow rules, do you?" He almost said in a bittersweet tone.
You looked down again.
"It's not that I don't want to... trust me, I'd give anything to fuck you." He said.
"Then why don't you?" You asked feeling a bit embarrassed.
He was quiet as if he was thinking of what to say, and you couldn't help but feel rejected.
"Intimacy." He answered. "In my head... Sex is intimate. When I fuck a girl, I want it to be more than sex or arousal. I want it to be... Love."
You felt your mouth agape, your heart beating in your chest, but aching for some reason. You couldn't understand why you were so disappointed that he'd never fuck you because you felt like he would never develop feelings for you and everything just came crashing down.
"But I like this, I like giving you pleasure, Y/N. I like our arrangement, it's simple... Not complicated. I get to make you feel good and feel proud of myself for it, like... I've accomplished something. And it's all thanks to you. " His words felt like a sting. That's all this was after all... A professional arrangement. An... Accomplishment. Even if the way he kissed you felt tender, even if the way he spoke to you felt safe. Even if for whatever reason you were crushing on this stranger, and right there you made up your mind.
"I'm sorry I overstepped your boundaries, it won't happen again." You said in a stern voice.
"I'm sorry for... Losing control, that too, won't happen again." He answered in a professional voice. You forced a weak smile and he stood up. "I should probably go now." He said and soon, he was out the door. Unlike the other times, this time... You stayed. You took off your blindfold and rolled yourself in the blanket crawling up into the bed. You wanted to enjoy the smell of his cologne in the air for as long as you could and for what you have decided... Was the last time.

Tae was funny, sweet and charming. The way he energetically told you about this one time a guy from his frat slept with his head in the toilet almost made you want to smile, but you were too upset to do so and he seemed to notice.
"Hey, everything ok?" He asked and you blinked a couple of times looking down at your drink and back up at him.
"Yeah... Yeah... Sorry, just, stressed about school, you know?" You lied and he nodded.
When you had woken up in the morning you checked your phone to see the text, scheduling your meeting for the next Friday. Nothing had changed for the stranger, but too much had changed for you. It was almost childish how you had developed a crush on someone you had met only three times and barely spoken to, yet, the intensity of it all was too confusing for you to allow get any worse. So, you had decided to stop seeing him. You were still thinking of how you would tell him or... How that would work, but for now you were too upset to think about it.
"So, you want to get out of here?" Tae asked with a smug smile on his face. Malia's words came into your head. Biggest fuckboy on campus. And you sighed, you didn't even know why you had accepted going out with Tae now that your head was full of a strangers voice.
"Tae, listen, I'm sorry... I don't think this is going to work." You said and the smile turned into a straight line as he blinked a couple of times.
"Oh... I thought..." He started saying, clearly embarrassed.
"I know, I just... I kinda like someone and I didn't realize until yesterday, I'm really sorry." You said and he nodded.
"Jungkook." He said.
"What? No! Jungkook is just a friend, I promise, it's... It's someone else, no one you know." You tried to reassure him and he smiled.
"It's ok, really, you're pretty cool and you know, really hot, but I guess we can try to be friends too?" He asked and you smiled at him nodding.
Tae walked you home, and if you thought dealing with him was a little stressful, you weren't prepared for Malia.
As soon as you stepped in, she was barging out of her room to ask you questions. You were quiet while you walked to your room and changed into clothes other than the ones from the day before. She was asking how it went, what he did and if you had any idea of who he could be, she was excited. The pride and admiration in her voice made everything worse, so you decided to not tell her about your decision, instead, indulging her. Your answers were short and even if Malia didn't seem satisfied with them, it seemed like enough for her to eventually stop asking and allow you to be alone.
You needed to distract yourself, think of anything other than the stranger and your only escape mechanism was to study or organize your schedule. You buried yourself in work until you were too exhausted to even think straight. Grabbing your phone you laid in bed, ready to sleep, you read over the text messages that he had sent you, sighing and feeling bad. It was a smart move. Why continue something that is meant to be professional if there is a chance you might confuse things and develop feelings for him? Someone who clearly had no interest in you other than... Sexual? You typed ou the message, feeling like even if it wasn't a final decision, it wasn't entirely cowardly of you.

"Something came up this Friday, I won't be able to attend. Raincheck."

And you shut your phone off, closing your eyes and preparing to sleep.
Thursday had come by in a flash as you busied yourself with anything you could. Helping other people with their monthly fair projects, helping others study and organize their schedule. You wish you could say it was easy to forget the stranger, but his texts were coming every day more often. After you had sent that text you had woken up to three texts from him.
"I hope nothing changed."
"We can bring our meeting forward if that works for you."
And when you answered with a simple. "Busy week, sorry." He came back with.
"What can I do to help? I wouldn't like to disrupt our schedule."
You didn't answer him. And the other texts that followed that one seemed as if he was desperately trying to avoid you missing out on your appointment. Looking at your phone as you walked to your chosen class you read the text from the night before.
"Do not ignore me." You almost felt mad but knew you had to tell him soon.
Walking into class you shoved your phone back into your bag and saw Namjoon seated already next to were you usually do, but you were too tired to answer any of his questions so you decided to sit in the back of the room. You watched the lecture and could barely focus on it, you really wanted to understand that class, but all you could think about was the texts that were unanswered in your phone. In a blink of an eye, class ended and you sighed, shaking your head and packing your things, it wasn't too long after you noticed a figure standing next to you while you shoved the last of your books into your bag.
"Why didn't you sit where you usually do?" He asked and you looked up to see Jungkook, his eyes dark and stressed. It was as if he was annoyed.
"Just needed some time alone today." You shrugged and he took a deep breath. "Are we still up for the tutoring? I barely got anything from today's class." You admitted tiredly and Jungkook nodded not taking his eyes off you. You looked tired and stressed and it was noticeable.
You two walked in silence to the cafe, Jungkook seemed tenser than last time and when you both sat down he was quiet, looking at you with something you couldn't pinpoint.
"So.. Uhm..." You started but he cut you.
"Is your phone working?" He asked and you blinked a couple of times taking your phone from your bag and checking.
"Uh... Yeah, why?" You asked. He looked down swallowing hard than looking up at you again.
"Maybe you should get my number, so you could ask me questions when you have them." His voice was serious and low, it made you feel something.
"Yeah, ok... That's nice, thanks." You smiled at him, handing him your phone. Jungkook dialed his number and gave it back to you.
For the rest of the tutoring, he was monosyllabic, just answering your questions with yes or no and handing you his notebook. You tried to start a conversation but he would give you short answers and it seemed as if one more thing in your life was going wrong. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, you were clearly stressed and that seemed to catch Jungkook's attention.
"You seem stressed." He pointed out.
"That's because I am." You admitted. "I try to be so organized and... Correct and I end up just fucking up." You said. "And even when I tried doing something out of my comfort zone... My methodic head fucked it up." You shook your head.
"What do you mean?" He asked. You looked up at him, maybe sharing it with someone could be good, even if not the whole truth, but at the same time, you just wanted to forget.
"Remember when I told you I was having boy trouble?" He nodded. "Still having them." You gave him a weak smile.
"What's wrong this time?" He asked looking down at the table, his dark eyes serious and his mouth in a thin straight line.
"I just... I really don't want to talk about it." And once again he nodded looking serious and down at the table. "Have you ever seen Men In Black?" You asked out of nowhere and he looked up at you, a curious look on his face.
"Yes." He answered simply.
"Don't laugh at me, but..." You smiled wider. "It's one of my favorite movies and you just remind me of Agent K." You said and it took a few seconds for Jungkook to understand who you were comparing him to, but then he smiled.
"I'm too serious." He said and shook his head.
"Yeah, in an Agent K kind of way but, still, very serious." You played with your pencil.
"How is Men In Black your favorite movie?" He asked, his brows slightly furrowed.
"Well, you'd expect it to be something like... 'Pride and Prejudice' right?" You asked and he didn't change his demeanor.
"Not really, I don't assume what kind of movies you enjoy, but, Men In Black is just a really bad movie." He said with the most serious tone and for some reason that made you laugh. Hard.
Jungkook seemed taken back by that, his mouth quivering upwards slightly threatening to laugh with you.
"What?" He asked not understanding your sudden outburst.
"It's just... Seriously, why are you so serious?" You asked trying to catch your breath. Jungkook smiled, thinking for a couple of minutes.
"I have social anxiety." He said. "It's hard for me to look someone in the eyes and talk to them, I close down. I get defensive." And you smiled.
"That's understandable... But, why did you offer to tutor me if you feel uncomfortable?" You asked.
"I don't feel uncomfortable with you." You felt your cheeks red. "I guess some people I have more ease in talking to, while with others I don't." He said.
Jungkook and you were quiet for a while looking at the table between the two of you.
"Men In Black is a bad movie." He said again and you laughed loud, forgetting about the stranger for the first time ever since Friday.
"Well, what's your favorite movie?" You asked, playing with your fingers as your laugh died down. He raised his eyebrows, not expecting you to ask.
"Tarantino Movies." He answered simply. You weren't expecting him to answer that, unlike him, you expected him to like more serious and clean movies.
"Bloody movies." You said and he nodded with a shy smile on his face.
"I like the way he works with dialog, and of course... The blood." He explained. "I imagine I don't seem like someone who likes Tarantino movies, but, can we really tell from looking at someone?" He asked.
"Well, a little, Namjoon, for example, seems like the type of guy to enjoy BBC Documentaries." You chuckled.
"I can confirm that." He said.
"But, I'm not one to judge people, some things are just evident." You explained.
"How about... The boy?" He asked and you looked down, remembering the stranger. The look on your face was enough for him to understand it was something that was upsetting you.
"I don't know anything about him." You admitted. "We never really talked." And he hummed nodding and swallowing.
"It's stupid actually... I don't know him at all. He's a complete stranger." You started to realize as you spoke. "And I'm feeling heartbroken over someone who I honestly will never get to know."
His eyes looked startled as if he was shocked and you imagined that maybe it was because he thought it was surprising to have feelings for someone you didn't know.
"Wait, heartbroken?" He asked.
You bit your lower lip, maybe you were talking too much, what if he started asking questions and you couldn't answer them.
"Yeah, it's not really heartbreak, it's just, I'm a little hurt that all I am to him is... Something other then what I for some reason wanted to be." You tried to explain.
"And what do you want to be with him?" He seemed curious and a little tense. You shrugged, even you didn't know exactly what you wanted, but definitely something other than an accomplishment.
"I... I don't know, I thought I had a crush on him but... Maybe it's just physical and nothing else, he seemed pretty clear about it too, so I kind of have to put my head back in its place." You didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Do you have girl trouble?" You asked trying to change the subject of focus. He breathed in, looking at the notes and paper in front of him.
"No." He answered simply, but you weren't satisfied with his answer.
"So... No girlfriend or anyone you're interested in?" A part of you wanted to know out of curiosity and another, you have to admit, wanted to know because Jungkook was obviously someone you were interested in even if you had no intention of starting anything.
"I have a person I have encounters with, but I might have disrupted things." He said in a low serious tone. It was something that also bothered him so you didn't ask any further, instead deciding to check your phone. You didn't know why you were disappointed when you saw there were no text messages from the stranger.
"Hey, it's... Getting kinda late, I should get home." You said and he nodded, you put your things away in silence and got up smiling at him that still wore a straight line and dark eyes.
"Y/N?" He called you when you turned your back.
You didn't know why, but as soon as he said your name, all of the hairs in your body stood. A shiver went down your back and you felt like the air got trapped in your lungs. You whipped your head around, confused as to why the way he said your name made you feel so... Aroused.
"Are you busy tomorrow?" He asked and you took a few seconds to compose yourself before you blinked a couple of times and shook your head.
"Uhm..." You thought about your canceled meeting with the stranger. "No, I'm not, why?" You asked clutching the handle of your bag over your shoulder.
"There is a party at the frat, I don't usually participate but, the others are being quite insistent. Is there a chance you might enjoy coming to keep me company?" He sounded so stern and professional as if it was a business proposal. You thought about having to go to a party when your head was just so filled with problematic thoughts on the stranger. But you remembered how Jungkook said he didn't feel comfortable around people and how with you it was different, the fact he was asking you to keep him company was endearing and you could honestly use a distraction.
"Oh... I, yeah, sure, I'd love to." You smiled at him.
"It's not an obligation, you can decline if you'd like." The way he said those words made you assume he was embarrassed.
"No, I'd really love to... Also, I have to pay you back somehow." You smiled. He tensed, his eyes bulging slightly.
"Pay me back?" He seemed, scared? As if you had found out something you shouldn't have.
"Yeah... For the tutoring?"
He breathed out, nodding and avoiding your eyes.
"Yeah, that, yes, I understand." He was uncomfortable. "I'll walk you home." He said in a monotone voice as he got up and walked past you.
The walk was silent and when you said your goodbyes you gave him a weak smile. Soon, you were in your apartment with your phone in your hand. You looked at the unanswered texts and sighed, typing out a message.

"We need to talk, let's schedule a meeting for next week."

And you pressed send. For your surprise, not a minute later your phone rang.
"Hello?" You answered.
"Why not meet tomorrow?" He asked. And the sound of his voice made you close your eyes.
"I can't, I have something tomorrow." You tried to make your voice as steady as possible.
"And what is so important that you'd reschedule our meeting?" He sounded annoyed.
You thought about what to say, in reality, you didn't have anything, you just didn't want to see him so soon.
"I have a date." You lied, well, not entirely, you had agreed to go to the frat house party with Jungkook, but it wasn't necessarily a date.
"I see... And may I know who with?" There was a hint of a smile to his voice and you felt your heart flutter all over again, his voice was enough to make you melt.
"Jungkook." You said. You knew that he might get mad. But he was silent.
"Ah, the boy you thought of while you came on my thigh." You slapped a hand over your mouth in embarrassment.
"Sir!" You reprimanded.
"What, am I wrong? Did the thought of him not help you cum?" He chuckled on the other side of the line. He seemed so carefree while speaking to you on the phone.
"Maybe." You admitted shyly.
"And what does Jungkook have that makes him special enough for you to cancel on me?" He seemed like he was enjoying himself.
"Well... He's kind to me." You said.
"I'm kind to you." He said in a soft voice.
"You are, but... He's real. We talk and he's into Tarantino movies and I can also see his face and know his name." You admitted.
"Hm... Real. Am I not real?" His voice was less humorous.
"Sometimes It feels like you're not." You felt a lump in your throat. "All I hear is your voice and... Feel your touch." The other line was silent. "And I guess I want more."
"Y/N..." He said your name in an almost disappointed way.
"I know, it's not what we arranged but, just like sex is intimate for you... All the rest is for me too." You told him. "I know it's precipitated and maybe childish, but, I don't want to confuse things and Jungkook is something real, someone, that I can feel intimate without feeling like I'm screwing things up." The stranger was silent.
"So, you want to call things off." He sounded utterly disappointed.
There was a tight pain in your chest. You didn't want to call things off, but it seemed like the right thing to do.
"Yes... Sir. I do." You finally said and you heard him sigh.
"I'll have my representative send you the contracts." He said with a strained voice. "Go to bed."
"You're so demanding, mister business man." You tried to ease the mood. "How do you know I'm not in bed already?"
"Your light is on." He said and you immediately sat up looking at your window.
"Are you stalking me?" You asked feeling your heartbeat in your chest. You heard him chuckle on the other end.
"I was in the neighborhood." He said.
"Are you sure you didn't just miss me?" You teased him.
"If I say I did, would that change anything?" And you bit your lower lip, feeling your heart beat so rapidly in your chest as you walked to your window. And there you could see a silhouette leaning against a dark car with a phone to his ear.
"You wear normal clothes." You said trying to ignore his comment.
"What did you expect me to wear?" He laughed on the other end. It was the longest conversation you ever had with him and it felt right, it felt as if you two were meant to talk all night.
"A suit." You laughed.
"Ah, I wear them sometimes, but they aren't actually comfortable." He admitted.
"What If, I just ran down and walked to you?" You asked.
He was quiet for a few seconds and you could see him duck his head, even if you couldn't make out anything.
"I'd get in the car and leave." And you wish it didn't hurt you as much as it did.
"It wouldn't... Change anything." You finally answered his earlier question. He seemed to understand and was quiet.
"I have to go now, I'll wait for the meeting, goodnight, Sir." You said with a sad voice. You heard him sigh and saw him bring his other hand up to his face.
"Goodnight, sweetheart." And the lump in your throat only got thicker as you finished the call and watched him get in the back seat of the black car as it drove away. 

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