Chapter four.

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The party was loud and full this time the strobe lights blinking while a hard base kicked at your chest when you walked in the frat house. Everywhere you looked there were people dancing, drinking and making out. As you made your way through the crowd you looked around the poorly lit room to for Jungkook, instead, you see another familiar face. You squeezed your way through the crowd and smiled.
"Hey Joon!" You greeted him as he looked up from the cup he was pouring a drink into and smiled.
"You're turning into a party girl, aren't you?" He teased and you laughed.
"I guess my mom was right and Malia is actually starting to have a bad influence on me." You said and Namjoon's smile weakened. You took notice, looking around for your friend who would usually be right next to him. You wanted to ask, but you didn't want to make the mood drop.
"So, have you seen Jungkook? I'm supposed to meet him." You said looking around again and Namjoon's brows furrowed.
"I haven't seen him since yesterday night. I don't even think he went to class." He informed you, and you couldn't help but feel a little worried. "But, he could be in his room, the stairs are off limits so there might be someone guarding it, but go ahead and tell them I gave you the password." You raised an eyebrow.
"A password? What are you all, eight?" You laughed and he shrugged. "What is the password?" Namjoon looked down, his cheeks turning a little red.
"It's Crabs, but not the kind of crabs you think, I'm totally not down for STD's." He tried to explain, but all you did was just laugh.
As you spun around and made your way through the crowd yet again to go find Jungkook to your dismay there actually was someone guarding the stairs, but it was probably the last person you wanted to see. What was worse though, wasn't that he was there, no, what was worse was that he had a girl with him, an arm around her waist. If you were being honest with yourself it didn't bother you because it was him, after everything that had happened in these past weeks you were more then over Yoongi. But seeing someone you had spent so much time with looking at another girl the way he once looked at you hurt. You slowly made your way towards your ex, his eyes completely focused on the redhead girl beside him. You were slightly nervous, but nevertheless, you stopped in front of him and cleared your throat. His head moved your way and the smile on his face died down as soon as he saw who was interrupting him.
"Hi." You gave him a weak smile. "I want-" You started to ask to go upstairs but Yoongi interrupted you.
"Y/N, this really isn't cool, I'm with someone." He clutched the girl's waist tighter bringing her body closer to his, she seemed a little bothered by the obvious display he was making out of her.
"I can tell, but-" You tried to speak again and he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"We're over, Y/N, you really have to wrap your head around that and stop coming after me." With that, you crossed your arms and opened your mouth in outrage.
"I'm not here for you, Yoongi." You stated and he gave you a condescending look.
"Really? Oh come on, give me a break, a month ago you thought we were getting back together." He argued.
"A month ago. As I said, I'm not here for you." You argued back.
"Sure, who are you here for then?" He asked now letting go of the pretty redhead and crossing his arms. You opened your mouth to answer but a familiar voice interrupted you.
"She's here for me."
You looked up at the top of the stairs and Yoongi's head whipped around to face the quiet boy that shared a frat house with him.
Jungkook was still, both hands in his pockets as he looked down on Yoongi. You smiled at the boy, he was so hot it made you blush a little. Yoongi looked from him to you and then back to Jungkook.
"Jeon? You're here for Jeon?" He sounded a little outraged.
Jungkook slowly made his way down the stairs one step at a time in an almost intimidating way that made you want to curl up, his eyes never met Yoongi's. As he reached the last two steps he stopped and still wearing the dark glare and cold features he looked intently at Yoongi.
"Is that a problem?" He asked in a dark voice that if you could see, would have probably made Yoongi shiver, just as you did.
Yoongi scoffed again without answering and turned around to face you while he hugged the girl again, he wore an annoyed look on his face that made you shake your head.
As Jungkook took the last two steps to stand next to you and walk into the party, you turned around ignoring Yoongi, bust as you took the first step into the crowd you heard Yoongi whisper.
"Good luck with that fucking control freak." And laughed. The girl next to him now completely bothered by the boy's attitude. Jungkook stopped in his track, his jaw clenched and his body tensed, you looked back and saw the boy take a deep breathe and close his eyes. You saw as Jungkook turned around and walked in Yoongi's direction, for a moment you were alarmed, what was Jungkook going to do? He didn't seem like the type to fight, but the boy simply stood tall, inches away from your ex-boyfriend and the height difference and body structure compared to his, was enough to intimidate your ex.
"If I hear you talk that way about her again you will meet a side of me that I'm not very fond of showing, then, when you do, my bodyguards who are in every corner of this house will try to pull me away from you with no success while my fist introduces itself repeatedly to your face. Are we clear on that?" He said very calmly and in a low voice. You were shocked. Not just because of the threat, but because you weren't sure if Jungkook was bluffing or actually telling the truth. Yoongi didn't seem to have the same debate, instead, you saw his Adam apple bop up then down again and your ex simply nodded.
"Good," Jungkook answered and turned his back once again to the mint-haired boy while he walked up to you. "Come on, let's go."
You obeyed. Following the quiet boy in the crowd as he made his way to the kitchen where you were last with Namjoon. You were still a little taken back by what had just happened. No one had ever defended you before and for some reason, Jungkook doing it made you feel fragile but also... Safe. It only added to the strong attraction you had for the boy and as you leaned against the kitchen counter biting on your lower lip nervously, Jungkook was pouring beer into two red solo cups in front of you. His jaw was still tensed, his body rigid. He seemed annoyed and the way the black long sleeved shirt hugged his body made you bite your lower lip harder. Jesus was he a masterpiece. When he looked at you and saw the worried and nervous look on your face his features softened, he walked to you and handed you one of the cups, leaning on the middle counter in front of you.
"I'm sorry about that." He said and you looked down, feeling your cheeks burn.
"Thank you." You said too flustered to look him in the eyes. "I never had someone defend me before."
"You shouldn't need anyone to defend you, I'm sure you're capable of doing that on your own, I just really don't like the way he talks about you." He said and you assumed Yoongi had made similar comments on your behalf in the frat house before. You took a sip of your beer, holding onto the edge of the counter.
"He's not wrong, though... I am a control freak." You said looking down. It was way past the days where you felt bad about it, but somehow, it still stung a little.
"If you're a control freak, then what am I?" He asked and you looked up, he had a side smile on his face, his eyes still dark. "Every step of my day is planned, everything has to be done on time and has to be in the right place. I despise any kind of disrupting in my schedule." He told you. You smiled, now you understood why you two related so well and it felt good to have someone understand you.
"I'm pretty much the same, I actually change my toothbrush every 3 months and if they don't have the brand I use, I go around town to look for it." You laughed and Jungkook chuckled. "But, being spontaneous isn't all that bad either. I have had good things come from it." You admitted.
"Like what?" And his question felt heavy. You took another sip from your drink feeling your throat dry.
"I-I mean... You." You looked down again biting on your lower lip. Jungkook was quiet. You looked at him and he was wearing the serious face that he always did, showing no emotion.
"I-If it wasn't for you I wouldn't understand class a-and come to this party, and w-we're friends and we talk, I l-like your company." You tried to explain yourself.
"I like your company too." He said and looked down, something lingering in his eyes, something that resembled sadness.
"Are your bodyguards on duty all day?" You tried to change the subject downing your drink and putting it down on the counter. Jungkook looked up a softer look on his face.
"Oh, they're usually off duty, I lied." And he smiled making you laugh. "But, I can call them, it's no trouble, barely an inconvenience." And that made you laugh harder. Seeing this funny side to Jungkook made you want to smile and never stop.
"I can't see why you'd need bodyguards, with that body I'd say you could take care of yourself." It took you a second to realize what you had said and Jungkook's raised a brow, a different look in his eyes. You were clearly already tipsy and weren't thinking straight with this lean, strong, freaking hot boy with this tight shirt and sharp jaw in front of you.
"That body, huh?" He asked and you looked to the side, feeling the heat in your face. "And what does that mean?"
"W-well..." You stuttered. "I mean, you're, you know... Strong and... Fit." You tried to keep a straight face while saying that. Jungkook only seemed to enjoy the way you were struggling with your words.
"Fit?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, muscular a-and I'm sure you have a six-pack." You blurted out, your eyes bulging slightly. "I mean! N-not that it has an influence on being able to defend yourself, although it might because when you have a strong core you have better balance a-and, just like in ballet it makes your movements stronger..." You looked at the floor putting a hand against your forehead clearly feeling stupid for babbling and making a fool out of yourself.
"Would you like to see it?" He asked and you shot your head up, your face now fully red, you were sure. You opened your mouth but nothing came out. Jungkook laughed, a whole body laugh that made his shoulders bounce. You squinted at him, he was making fun of you, but soon you smiled and laughed with him.
"I'm sorry, it's just nice to see you get all flustered, it's quite cute." He took the cup up to his lips, but never took his eyes off you. Was he... Flirting? You licked your dry lips and his eyes followed the movement, the darkness returning to his pupils with something else with it.
"Would you like another drink?" He asked in a husky tone that made all the hairs in your body stand. You nodded gently, unable to speak.
Jungkook took two steps towards you, stopping mere inches away from your body and you held your breath, the closeness making your heart beat rapidly in your chest. He never tore his gaze away from you as he took your cup and extended his hand behind you, making his body almost touch yours while he grabbed another bottle of beer and poured the liquid into the red cup. There was a weird feeling about it, it was as if you belonged to him and your body reacted to every little thing he did. He put the bottle down next to you then lifted the cup to your face, you bit on your lower lip to hold back a whimper from him being so close. Jungkook's eyes caught on the movement, and time seemed to still, his pupils blew wide. The danger in his eyes was so explicit, almost as if he was familiar with seeing your body react making the air feel thick around you both. Everything came crashing down when you two were interrupted by a loud drunk voice.
"Wow! Look at that! Jungkookie and Y/N getting up close and personal!" Hoseok laughed while he and Jimin came into the kitchen.
Jungkook's jaw clenched, the air leaving his nose in an angry manner. He took a step back, leaning against the middle counter once again. You felt cold now, even if his body wasn't touching yours it was like it was emanating warmth and you yearned for him to come back.
"Hi, Hobi, hey, Jimin." You said with a shy voice.
"Hey, Y/N, how was your date with Taehyung?" Jimin asked while he poured a drink into his cup. You bit your lower lip, eyeing Jungkook, that put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head at Jimin.
"I-It was nice, b-but we decided to just be friends." You said more in a rush then you expected, for some reason there was a huge part of that that wanted to reassure Jungkook that you weren't seeing anyone else.
"That's why he was so upset, makes sense, I get it, you're freaking hot," Hoseok said is his drunk demeanor.
You blushed, the way he spoke so bluntly about it made you shy.
"Dude, look at Kookie, he's not liking you prying on his girl like that." Jimin laughed elbowing Hoseok. You waited for Jungkook to correct them, for him to protest, but he was silent, a serious and very not friendly look on his face.
Jimin and Hoseok also went silent when they noticed Jungkook didn't seem to find it funny at all. They both shrugged and said goodbye before going back into the party.
You both stayed silent for a while, you were looking at the floor too embarrassed to look up at him.
"You wanna get out of here?" Jungkook's voice made you look up. You blinked a couple of times, opening your mouth to say that his room was here, but, looking at his face and how uncomfortable he was only made you shut it.
"Yeah, I do." You answered and he grabbed a bottle of vodka and took you by the hand, guiding you out the door. His hand was warm and firm, it felt so right as if you had held it a thousand times.
The two of you walked down the sidewalk for a couple of minutes in silence, it was nice. Jungkook would take a sip from the bottle and pass it on to you. It was a few minutes later that you felt a shiver roll down your body because of the wind, or maybe the vodka. He noticed.
"Are you cold?" His voice sent another shiver down you.
You nodded.
Jungkook stopped walking, looking around, it was when he noticed a Wallmart store right at the end of the block that he looked at you.
"Come on." He said and you followed.
You both got in and it took you a while to understand what he was doing until he stopped in front of a coat rack, asserting through the many jackets and hoodies.
"Jungkook... What... You don't need to..." You started to protest.
"What?" He asked without even looking at you. "What size are you?" He was a little drunk and fuck, did that only make him look even more gorgeous. His hair a little messy, his cheeks slightly flushed and his lips a little swollen, he was a god.
"Jungkook, I have money... A lot actually." You stated in your own drunk haze. He didn't even react, didn't seem to care at all.
"I want to buy it for you." He said and took out a black plain hoodie putting it against your body and observing. It was big enough that it stopped mid tight and you were wearing a dress, so it looked as if you were wearing nothing underneath. He wanted to buy it for you and the way he had said it made you blush and accept without a word. "Perfect." He said and smiled, a lazy drunken one that had your heart fluttering.
"What about you? Aren't you cold?" You asked and he shook his head. "Oh, come on, at least buy one to match with me." You said taking another black one off the rack. "Please?"
The way he looked at you made you swallow hard.
"Ok." He said simply and he took the hoody, turning his back and walking towards the register. As you both waited in line you looked at the oversized hoodie, a pout forming on your lips with how plain it was, he looked back quirking an eyebrow.
"What is it?"
"It's so plain." You said and he chuckled. Jungkook looked around an saw a kids painting kit, four different colors, a crayon set and a coloring pad. He took it and put it on the runner in front of the cashier. "We can personalize it." He said and you couldn't help but smile.
He paid with a black card, and you wondered exactly how much money he had. As you both made your way out of the store, two black plain oversized hoodies and a coloring kit you wondered if it was safe for him to walk alone being someone with so much money.
"Hey..." You started. "Is it safe for you to walk on your own?" You didn't want to intrude, but it was a question that you just needed to ask. He hummed, already understanding your concerns. Looking up at you there was a devious smirk on his lips, one that had you wanting to squirm. And he nodded towards the road, a little behind you both. Your eyes followed and you noticed the black car with dark windows driving slowly a little far back. Your mouth opened in awe.
"Technically, there isn't any true danger." He started saying as he walked slowly towards you, the vodka bottle in his hand swaying beside his body. "But, they don't care, they follow me around." He shrugged. You nodded, pursing your lips.
Silence installed again, and you felt a need to change that, as you both walked you saw a park a little ahead, smiling and walking a little faster towards it.
You didn't look back as you made your way towards a children's swing, sitting down and now watching Jungkook walk lazily towards you.
"Push me, Kookie." You teased and he clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he put the bag down onto a picknick table along with the bottle. Jungkook slowly made his way behind you, everything he did was always so tense and you wondered if it was because you were into him.
Two hands touched your lower back, you closed your eyes, goosebumps covering your skin. His hands lingered there for a while before he slowly pushed you, your body swaying forward on the seat.
"So..." He started. "You went on a date with Taehyung."
There was a loud thump in your chest, why was he asking? Was he jealous?
"Y-yeah, last Friday." Your voice was low. "But it wasn't for me." You finished.
"Why did you go then?" He asked, a seriousness to it.
You shrugged.
"I wanted to explore my options I guess, but I had my head wrapped around someone else." You admitted.
Jungkook hummed, you imagined he was nodding.
"Did you kiss him?" And you put both feet on the ground, stopping the swing as you turned your head back to look at him.
"No." You answered. Jungkook eyes never left yours, there was so much weight in them and you just couldn't understand why, it was as if he was possessive, but at the same time sad. Angsty.
"I don't want to kiss him either." You reassured.
He looked away for the first time, biting on his lower lip nervously.
Your body shivered again and you coiled. His head whipped towards you and he took in your form.
"Come sit, you're shaking." He said, his voice a lot lower now.
You got up from the swing, sitting across from him in the picknick table. He took out the hoodies and you put it on, the fabric soft and warm against your skin, Jungkook did the same, only, it fit him perfectly.
You took the bottle and took a long take from it, the vodka burning down your throat as you cringed.
"Have you ever dated?" You asked him and he took the bottle, drinking with you.
"Ah..." He chucked. "Yes, I have, once." He had this gentle smile on his face, one that made you want to kiss him. "We met in high school, lasted right up until I entered college. " He stated.
"So, one year?" You joked and he laughed, a little more then he would if he were sober.
"Yep, the whole one year of High School." The conversation flowed between you two as you both got drunk in the park. You found yourself sitting on the grass, leaning against the pick nick table seat.
"Then when she found out I was a virgin she made me promise I'd only have sex after marriage." You were telling him about a story with your mother.
"Wow, your mom seems very... Conservative." He was now comfortable and relaxed beside you, the bottle now halfway through.
"Well, my father left when I was very young, so instead of losing her mind and falling into a hole of depression, she kind of made these rules. Everything had to be perfect, everything was planned out, even my sleepovers at friends hose in middle school." You told him. "It wasn't all that bad, though, it thought me to be organized and safe."
"There is nothing wrong with safe." He said. You smiled and nodded, looking down to the hoodie that kept you warm.
"Jungkook, we didn't customize our hoodies." You said with a very disappointed voice.
He didn't answer, instead, he pulled the bag from the table and let it fall onto his lap.
"Here you go, child, have fun." He said giving the kit to you and laughing.
You gave him your tongue, opening the package and going for the paint while Jungkook grabbed the pad and a black crayon.
"What if I did yours and you did mine?" You asked looking at his hoodie.
"Show me yours, I'll show you mine?" He quirked an eyebrow.
You blushed, tapping him on the shoulder and he opened his arms leaning his head back on the wood.
"Go ahead." He said simply.
You were drunk, you wouldn't deny that, but you were also very much aware. In a brave move, you shifted, straddling his legs and sitting on them. Jungkook's eyes shot open, looking at your choice of seat and his eyes grew darker. You opened the red pain, biting on your lower lip and trying to ignore his very intense stair. As you drew a very cricked heart with your fingers, you went pack and dipped it in the pain, then back to the fabric.
"How come this set doesn't come with a brush?" It was more of a rhetorical question.
"Because they want you to make a mess." He said, the velvet and sensual tone to his words. And you looked up at him, the familiarity to his voice making you furrow your brows, you brushed it off resuming your very bad painting skills on the boy's hoodie. As your fingers pressed into the fabric, you felt his toned chest underneath it. Hard and firm. Your mouth went dry, you really wanted to put your hands under his clothes.
When you were finished you had a paint dirty hand and a drawing on his shirt. It was a red heart with a blue cookie painted inside of it. There was no other color than red, green blue and yellow.
"I'm done!" You stated with happiness. He looked down, a soft smile on his lips.
"This is a masterpiece."
"Oh, shut up..." You giggled. "Your turn."
You moved to get out of his lap, but his hands met your waist, keeping you firmly in place. You let out a small gasp, his hands grabbing tighter on your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"There, that's better to reach." He said.
You were hot, your whole body, you were almost completely seated on his lap, and you could feel his tones tighs underneath you, it took everything in you to not move your hips or whine.
As Jungkook slowly maneuvered his hand on top of the fabric and into the sets of paint you held your breath, his movements were slow and careful, his hand never touching your body, just the fabric. He never looked at you until he was finished, eyes flicking up to see the glossy way your hooded eyes watched him. It could either be from your drunken state or the very perceivable arousal.
"What do you think?" He asked and you finally looked down.
There was a flower, the way he had used the colors had turned it into purple and pink, it was so well painted that it made you open your mouth, it was beautiful.
"Jungkook..." You looked at him, there was a shy glint in his eyes. "Is there anything you can't do?" You asked and he chuckled underneath you. "You should paint for my thesis." You suggested and his eyebrows raised.
"I could sketch you." He said as he grabbed the black crayon again and the pad.
"Oh, no, I don't know how to pose." You said shyly and he shook his head.
"Nonsense, you look beautiful just like that, don't move." He said and his hand started moving over the blank page. As he moved his hand you bit your lower lip feeling your cheeks grow hot an red, you were shy, so you looked away.
"Hey, I said don't move." He chuckled.
"I'm shy, I don't feel like I'm a good model." Your voice was almost a whisper.
"You really look cute when you're shy." He gave you a side smile, one that made you even shyer as you tried hiding your face in your palms but made your heart flutter and beat violently in your chest.
"Hey, come on, little muse, let me finish, I'm almost done." He said as he pulled your hands away from your face.
You allowed him to finish his sketch, your cheeks certainly a dark hue of red. When he finished he looked at it, a tender look in his eyes.
"Can I see it?" You asked and he shook his head. "What, why not?"
"I want it just for myself." He stated and that made your heart thump in your chest.
"But, I'm the model, I'd like to see." You argued.
He shook his head again.
In a childish, but excused drunk way, you tried taking the pad away from him to see, but his reflexes were sharp even drunk and he pulled away.
You opened your mouth to protest but he threw the pad over the table and rested both hands on your hips.
"There, now you'll have to get up to see it." He laughed a hot, warm and comfortable laugh that you wanted to hear forever.
You threatened to get up but he held you down firmly on his lap, the way his hands gripped on the side of your body, made you gently roll your hips.
"Fuck..." He cursed under his breath. It sent a hard wave of arousal through your body.
Jungkook looked at where you were seated, only a few inches away from where you would make him feel good and you slowly inched up on top of his center, your need already taking the best of you.
Jungkook gulped, you watched as his Adam apple bopped up and down and he was suddenly looking at you, taking in your lust struck features.
"Beautiful..." He whispered is a raspy voice. And you involuntarily rolled your hips again, this time feeling the way he started to harden under you with a low groan.
You whined a little louder when you felt him, resting both hands on his shoulders and clutching the fabric under your nails. The sound of your whine only served as fuel to him as he pulled your hips to grind over him again, there was a hard sting of pleasure that shot right into your core, you felt yourself get wetter and wetter under your lace white underwear and Jungkook certainly noticed.
"You're making a mess, beautiful." He said in a low voice. It almost made you cum, it was so familiar. "If you keep grinding on my cock like that, you're gonna make me lose it, sweetheart." And you stilled. Every inch of your body felt cold, even under the hoodie. Your heart suddenly beating fast in your chest, a cold wave going up your spine. He didn't seem to notice, no, he was too drunk, his head too clouded with arousal and while you were still seated on top of him he just looked down at where your bodies almost connected.
"W-what did you call me?" You asked and he looked up, his eyes drowning in lust.
"Sweetheart." He said and there it was again. The cold going down your body.
No, it couldn't be. No, no, it was your head playing tricks on you. You must just miss him, no, this wasn't real.
"S-say it again, please?" You asked in a weak voice. He didn't take it as anything other than lust.
"Do you like it when I call you sweetheart?"
It was him.
You closed your mouth looking at Jungkook, looking straight into his eyes, taking in every single detail of his face, of his smile and it all made sense.
The way you felt like you knew him, the way he seemed familiar, the way your body reacted to him. His interest in you, his awkwardness in the beginning.
'I have trouble looking people in the eyes and talking to them.' You recalled him say, that was why he needed the blindfold, That was why he didn't let you take it off, yet... Here he was, fooling around with you with no care in the world. You were shocked and in a fast swift mood, you got up but didn't have a tight hold on your body so you fell beside him, accidentally hitting the bottle of Vodka on top of the seat and it tilted over you, wetting your hoddie and making you gasp in cold.
Jungkook acted quickly, taking the bottle and stopping it from pouring even more.
"Shit, are you ok?" He asked as he got up and extended a hand towards you. You took it, getting up and trying to dry out the very large wet spot that made the paint smudge all over.
You were sad, you were hurt... You couldn't think straight.
"Take it off, I'll give you mine." You were just moving, you couldn't look at him, you were ashamed and upset, there was also a part of you that was glad and relieved, but you needed to organize your thoughts. When the hoodie made it's way past your head you watched Jungkook tug his hoodie off, his shirt underneath riding up and exposing his very strong V line and the beginning of his abs, ones you've touched before. You shook your head, how could you be thinking such a thing right now? He finished taking it off and looked at you, now noticing how serious you were.
"Here." He said, extending his hoodie to you. You took it without looking at him and put it on, the strong scent of his cologne invading your nostrils and it smelled exactly like him. The Stranger, you closed your eyes, taking in the smell, tight pain in your chest.
'Intimacy.' His voice came into your head, he didn't want to fuck you because of intimacy. He didn't see intimacy with you, not as the stranger and not as Jungkook and the reality just started hitting you hard.
"Is everything ok?" He asked and you finally looked into his eyes.
His eyes. These eyes. The eyes you wished you could see before but he didn't allow you to.
Why did he approach you out of all people? Why did he offer to tutor you even after the sessions? Why did he ask you to go with him to the party, even if you canceled on him afterward?
"I think I want to go home." You said and there was something different in his eyes, he looked insecure, self-conscious.
"Ok." He said, grabbing the ruined hoodie and putting one hand in his pocket. "I'll take you." You said nothing, instead watched as he grabbed his phone and texted someone.
Soon the black car that followed you both pulled up in front of the small park. You followed Jungkook as he opened the door for you and allowed you to slide in, coming in right after.
He didn't say anything to the driver, it wasn't the same one that usually took you to your meetings, nor was it the same car, but it was all settling in.
You both were silent in the car, the strong scent from his cologne and the alcohol swimming in the small confined space of the car.
As the driver slowly approached your apartment complex, Jungkook finally spoke.
"I'm sorry if I did something to make you uncomfortable, I know it's no excuse, but, I'm drunk." He said, and somehow that only made things worse.
You nodded.
"I'm just tired, don't worry." You lied. And you knew he caught on, even if he said nothing to argue.
As the car stopped you lingered in the back for a while, you feared that if you left, this was the last you'd see of him, and now knowing what you knew, all your feelings came crashing down on you. You were madly in love with him, with the quiet, sweet but serious boy and with the demanding, stern stranger. The fact that they were both the same person make matters worse.
"Goodnight, Jungkook." You said before opening the door and hopping off, making your way in long strides to your empty apartment.
As you got in, you pealed the hoodie off, the air in your lungs coming out all at once as you felt your heart beat angry in your chest.
Why? Was all you could ask yourself. Why didn't he tell you? How could he? But at the same time, you knew why. He had social anxiety. Everything had a very good and plausible explanation. You threw the hoodie on the floor of your bedroom and sat on your bed, in the dark. Trying to calm yourself down.
It took you a good ten minutes before the urge of crying left you, now organizing your thoughts.
Jungkook was The Stranger. Ok, that was settled, and even if it was something as simple as a pet name, it was all the other pieces that started to fit that made it make sense.
How had he chosen you? You had two theories, one. He either saw you at the frat house and felt interested in you or two, he saw you on campus and felt interested.
That still didn't explain why you specifically, why not Malia or any other girl that could have made their way into the frat or campus had been chosen.
Why had he decided to tutor you if there was a chance you'd recognize him? Or ask you to the party? Those where the questions that you didn't have answered to. But the question that you wanted answered the most was...
Did he want you just for fun? Or did he want you for you? You shook your head, sighing out loud as you felt it start to throb, your body stilled for the second time when you heard your phone vibrating on the floor.
You let your body fall to the floor, crawling towards the sound, and when you took it in your hands and looked at the caller, your heart started beating violently in your chest.
'Unkown caller' You knew it was him. Just like you always knew.
You got up, without answering the call and walked towards your window, being careful not to move the blinds, and when you peaked, there he was, standing against the car, phone to his ear. He was still in the dark, but this time, you could make out his features perfectly.
"Fuck..." You cursed desperately. You were tempted to answer, you were so torn. But this time, you muted your phone and watched it ring until it stopped, him taking the phone away from his ear and looking up to the window. He shook his head and put the phone inside his pocket before getting in the same car that got you here and driving away.

You woke up feeling like you could die. Not only were you hungover, but you were emotionally shaken. You checked your phone and your heart hurt in your chest when you saw the number of texts you had.

Unknown Number.
I called you last night.

Unknown Number.
Should we settle a date for you to meet up with my representative?

Unknown Number.
I really wish you'd call me back, or answer my texts.

Sorry if I did anything last night, I got carried away.

I hope you slept well.

I'm really sorry, I feel like I did something wrong.

Text me back when you can. Please.

You whined and buried your face in your pillow. You didn't have the strength to deal with this, not today. You decided on not getting out of bed, you occasionally got up to either go to the bathroom or grab junk food from the kitchen, and Malia was sure not to ask questions when she saw the look on your face as you made your way back to your room. You turned off your phone and stayed in bed, putting your earphones on and binge watching a tv show on Netflix. Anything to get your mind off things. You did the same things the day after, Malia now making you cupped ramen to at least feed you something other than cookies and crackers. She still avoided asking questions, but you knew soon that peace would go away.
It wasn't until Thursday came and you woke up so late for the fourth time and you decided to skip class again that Malia decided to do the last thing you wanted her to do.
She knocked on your door and you just grunted.
"Hey..." She said while she opened the door slowly. "There is someone at the door for you." She said and you sighed, getting up and wondering who it was, as you slipped on your flip flops and put on a cardigan, you walked to the door and opened it, only to feel your heart up in your throat.
"Jungkook." You said his name in a weak whisper.
He was standing in a gray hoodie and dark jeans, his hair messy and his face slightly flushed.
"Hey..." He said in a nervous voice. So different from the Stranger behind the blindfold. His hand was in his pocket and in the other he held a bag. He looked down, it was as if he was struggling to say something. "Look..." He started and you bit your lower lip, holding your body.
"I don't know what I did that might have fucked this up..." He started and you felt a lump in your throat. "But, I just wanted to apologize. And if you don't want to speak to me again, I understand. I don't know what's bothering you... I wish I did so I can help, but since I don't, all I can say is... You need to get up. You need to come back to class, nothing is worth putting away all your hard work and dedication you have this far." Your heart swelled. The tenderness and care in his words made you want to close the small space between you two and hug him, tight. Tell him how you felt, tell him he didn't need to hide from you. But just like him, you were insecure. So you nodded, he shook his head, clearly accepting defeat and he handed you the bag.
"Here, I thought you should keep this." He said and you took it. His hand made it's way back into his pockets like he always did.
"Thanks," You said as you looked down.
It wasn't that you didn't want to talk to him, you just weren't ready to accept that he didn't want you as anything other than a contract. A session. Maybe a fun thing every now and then.
He nodded your way and turned his back walking down the hall looking utterly disappointed. You closed the door and rested your forehead on the cold wood, sighing. You decided to look at what was in the bag and as you pulled out the black thick fabric you saw the flower. He had painted it again, this time in so much detail. It was stunning and you couldn't help but feel special. As you pulled it open you looked at it for way too long, tears started streaming down your eyes slowly.
"Y/N?" You heard Malia call, but didn't look back, instead, you held the hoodie close to your chest and allowed yourself to sob for the first time since Friday.
Malia silently wrapped her arms around you, you both slowly slid down to the floor, and you don't know how long you both were there, you in the arms of your best friends as she silently comforted you. When you calmed down, she pulled away wiping the wetness from your face and brushing the hair away.
"Listen, I was quiet for a while because I saw that you needed space, but, I really need to know what's happening so I can help." She started and you felt like you could cry all over again. "I can't stand to see you like this." You took in a deep breath and decided to tell her everything. While you told her, she helped you walk to the couch and she listened without interrupting, when you told her everything, you rubbed your face tiredly.
"So, it was Jungkook the whole time... But isn't that a good thing? You're clearly into him." She said.
"That's the problem, the last time we had our... Thing... He said that sex required intimacy and it's not even about the sex, it's about him not seeing me as someone he could have intimacy with, just... You know, a name on a contract."
"Oh, please Y/N you can't be that dense." She said and you furrowed your eyebrows at the offense. She noticed your confusion. "It's so fucking clear that he likes you, and not in just a Christian Grey gets a kinky girl to slap kind of way." She started. "He's asked you to spend more time with him with the tutoring, that was so obvious, and the way he looks at you? Like he could crumble at any second, or like you hold all his power." She continued. "Also, Namjoon told me that he asked about you several times, he saw him sneak into Yoongi's room and steal that body wash you left at the dorm." You put a hand over your mouth. The body wash. Of course, it wasn't a coincidence at all. "And this?" She said while she took the hoodie into her hands and looked at it. "This isn't something that someone who has no intention of getting real with you does, no guy, not even quiet app boy Jungkook."
You closed your eyes, you really wanted to believe everything Malia was telling you, but you couldn't be sure without actually hearing it from him.
"I need him to tell me, Malia, yes, with all my control freak ways and methodic head, I need him to tell me, I can't live with a 'maybe', I need to be sure." You told her and she nodded.
"When did you say you two were meeting to sign the papers?" She asked.
"I didn't, I still have to schedule it." You said with a sad voice.
"Text him, say you want another session, one last time before you sign off, confront him, and if he doesn't give you what you want, you bail." She said.
It wasn't the best of ideas, but it was something, It was a way to corner him and make him give you the truth, one way or the other. You got up and grabbed your phone, turning it on and hearing the notification bell go off as your phone was spammed with texts and missed calls. Malia did a face.
"He's whipped." She said.
You didn't even read the texts, instead, you clicked on 'Unknown Number' and started typing.

"Can we meet one last time before it's over?"

The reply came faster then you expected.

"Yes, tomorrow. Same room, same time, looking forward to seeing you."

And you now had a meeting with The Stranger.
No... Now you had a meeting with Jungkook. 

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