Chapter five.

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Three months ago. Jungkook's Point of View.

The first time I saw her was when I was pledging for the fraternity. She had swollen eyes, hair waving while she walked down the stairs, all I could think of was "Why is this beautiful girl crying." And when my eyes wandered further up, I saw the boy leaned against the stairs, no bother whatsoever on his face, just a calm look of relief. She didn't see me, I don't think she was paying attention to anything to be completely honest, all I know is that my eyes followed her out the front door, the smell that followed of a light Vanilla.
"Sorry about that, but, so, what do you think?" Namjoon, the leader of the fraternity was in front of me, still trying to convince me to pledge. I looked out the door again and back up at the boy.
"I'll stay." Was all I said, no emotional to my voice.
The second time I saw her was at a party about a month after that at another fraternity. I was forcing myself to interact with people just like my psychologist had recommended, but my anxiety was already giving in. It wasn't until I saw her seated outside on the bench, body struggling to stay up from how drunk she was that I saw myself walking. First I just stood behind her, she was counting something and I was curious, she heard me shuffle on the grass and turned her head, she smiled, a drunken and sweet smile.
"Hello, stranger." She tried to speak.
I couldn't answer her, I couldn't look her in those lidded drunken eyes. So I was quiet. She still noticed.
"Are you drunk too? I know, I kind of drank on an empty stomach because I skipped lunch today to watch a lecture." She continued speaking. "It wasn't on my schedule and neither was this party, but I think I might have lost track of things a little." She looked forward again. Involuntarily I walked a little more and sat down beside her.
"I'm Y/N by the way, who are you?" She asked. Biting on my lower lip I looked down at my feet, closing my eyes, I could smell her, she smelled of alcohol and Vanilla.
"I'm nobody," I answered her, heart beating loud in my chest.
"That's an odd name to give a child." She said in a serious tone and I chuckled. I was surprised with myself. Looking up, I finally took in all of her.
The way her lips were slightly swollen, her eyes shining and hazy because of the alcohol. Her cheeks flushed and her hair falling onto her shoulder.
"I'm really drunk, nobody."
It was noticeable and a sudden worry came over me.
"How are you getting home?" I asked and she looked at me, eyes meeting.
I swallowed hard but didn't look away.
"I'm waiting for my friend, she's actually inside making out with someone, so I have to wait, I'm too drunk to walk." She pointed into the frat house.
"I'll take you home." I offered and she bit on her lower lip.
It came like a punch to my gut, the sudden urge to watch her whimper, squirm and moan beneath me. I couldn't really make sense of it, but it was here.
"I don't really know you." She stated and I nodded, looking away for the first time.
She took my silence as an 'ok' and we both went quiet for a while.
"But, I'm really tired, so..." She started and I pulled out my phone, texting Seokjin, my head of security, lawyer and counselor. "Can you take me home?" She asked in a low, innocent voice.
I felt all the hairs in my body stand, all at once, her voice, the way she had looked when she asked, I could feel my body going hot, I really wanted this girl.
We waited in silence for the car to pull up. They were always around, so it didn't take long.
"Oh, you must have called a fancy uber, that wasn't necessary." We both got up and when she took the first step she tripped, body coming straight into mine and on impulse I held her up, arms wrapped around her body. She looked up at me, eyes unable to focus.
"I'm so sorry." She said and I saw as her eyes got heavier, closing while she remained in my arms.
"Fuck." I cursed when I noticed she had fallen asleep. My security came out of the car, and I raised a hand, stopping him from coming further. "I got her."
Wrapping a hand under her knees, I picked her up in my arms, her purse dangling down as I made my way to the car.
I sat her down at the edge, closing the door and going around to open the other side.
"Where are we going to, Sir?" He asked and I went quiet. She never gave me her address.
I grabbed her purse and searched for her phone, quickly noticing it didn't have a code I just tapped on the navigation app and saw the saved addresses, one was titled "Home" and it was near the Frat so I gave out that one, I knew it was invasive, and looking at her sleeping form before deciding to go through her phone, I clicked on the calendar app. She was very organized, almost as organized as I was, she had even put in an entry on the lunch she had missed, making the decision to not go through her pictures to maintain her privacy I looked at the apps she had, no dating apps, no games, no social media, it was mostly organizing apps, calculator, texts and notes. As the car drove off, her body moved and fell to the side, her head resting on my lap and she made herself comfortable. My body tensed, I hadn't been this close to another female in a while, but for some reason I didn't want her to get up, to move, I wanted her there. The whole way to her address I looked down at her, she looked peaceful, she was so beautiful and I could smell the Vanilla stronger, it was a perfect smell for her. Y/N... That was her name. When the car stopped, I lingered for a while, watching her on my lap, I could never have a girl like this wanting me, I could never be able to look her in the eyes and tell her how beautiful she was. No, all I could ever do is watch from afar, but I felt somewhat comfortable with her.
"Y/N..." I called out her name. It felt like I've always known it. She didn't move, lifting my hand, I slowly touched her head, fingers gently coming down to brush her hair, she whimpered into the touch, body moving slightly and I pulled my hand away. "Y/N, we're here," I said and she blinked her eyes sitting up slowly and looking around.
Without saying anything, she grabbed her purse and opened the door, I quickly took her phone and texted myself before deleting the text.
"Hey, your phone," I said and she whipped her head back, not looking at me and grabbing the item from my hand before getting out and shutting it.
I watched as she made her way into her building on struggling legs, disappearing from my sight moments after.
The third time, I didn't really see her, but, heard about her.
It was at the frat house, I had come down to grab coffee and go back to my room when I heard her name.
"But Y/N was ok, I guess." I heard the voice say and I slowly made my way to the living room watching Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi drinking beers and talking. "I mean, I know that I was good for her." He stated condescendingly.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes and the three heads whipped in my direction.
"Jungkook! Hey, join us." Hoseok said and I shook my head.
"Whatever you say, kid, I'm just here giving tips on how to make girls go crazy," Yoongi smirked at the boys who laughed.
"Oh? And how exactly do you do that?" Yes, I was irritated. No, I didn't know why.
"I fuck them hard." Was all he said and I took a few steps in, taking a sip from my coffee.
Let me be clear about one thing. I was no virgin, quite the contrary, I had been with my fair share of women, but I had one obsession and that was... Making women cum. I had two different women in the past that I solely saw to make them cum, nothing more, I usually got off to just that and I was satisfied. So, I knew what women felt like, sounded like and looked like when they came.
"So, when these women cum..." I started and Jimin and Hoseok looked at each other, finding my sudden interest strange. "How do you notice?"
"They moan." Yoongi said with 'duh' look on his face.
My eyebrows shot up, this was indeed amusing.
"Oh, and that's it?" I asked and the boy was quiet.
"Y/N use to scream when she came." He lifted an eyebrow.
The sudden mention of her name made things slightly different.
"Only screamed?" I asked again.
"Well, yeah, what else would she do?" He asked, irritated and it was my turn to smirk. Something foreign for me.
"They shake. They clench. They choke on their moans, body convulsing and back arching, their eyes roll back and their mouths open, they squeeze so hard and get wetter and wetter. You can hear their heartbeat increase, you can see the flush on their cheeks, that... That is what else they're supposed to do." I finished. Jiming and Hoseok mouths were slack and Yoongi's looked irritated. "It's quite an art, you should try it sometime." I said before taking another sip of my coffee and walking away, back into my room.
I felt suddenly turned on, the idea of making her do all those things, cumming for me, just for me. It was... It was tempting and was making me a lot more turned on then I expected.
The fourth time I saw her was one day before I couldn't really take it any longer, I had to have her. She was in line a coffee shop, I stood right behind her, she looked back but never lingered, 'she didn't recognize me.' I said to myself. No, she was too drunk that night to remember who I was, but she was here and I was so close to her again, leaning in a little, I opened my mouth but nothing came out. 'Shit' I cursed mentally, 'Why can't you stop being a pussy for once?' I asked myself. As soon as her smell lingered around me I found myself immediately turned on. It wasn't just the smell, it was what I associated it with. I wanted her, I needed her. Fuck, I would go wild if I couldn't touch her. As we made our way down the line, she ordered her coffee and walked away, I was left trying to control my breathing as I got my phone.
"Seokjin, we need to talk." Was all I said as I made my way out the door and looked for her, just seeing the back of her body walking away from me.
I soon realized that the vanilla was from a body wash when I saw Yoongi leave with it lingering on him. I would not allow him to smell like her, no. So I stole the bottle she most likely forgot there. I didn't like him, not one bit. At every given opportunity he was telling others how annoying she was annoying, how she was a control freak. I for one didn't want her name even to leave his lips and found myself glaring at him or scoffing. She deserved better, she deserved being treated like a queen, and I was going to give her that. My way.

I knew there was a big chance she'd say no.
But it was the only way I could do it. It was the only way I thought of persuading her, and the only way I could do it without feeling anxious.
"So, how did it go?" I looked back at Seokjin while he sat down in front of me in my office. He looked down, clearly upset.
"She walked away." He said and I bit my lower lip, shaking my head.
"Fuck." I cursed.
"You know, there are other ways of doing this, Jungkook, maybe just ask her out." He suggested and I shook my head.
"You know I can't do that." I argued. "I'm not normal Seokjin, I can't even continue a conversation without feeling like I'm going to pass out, I can't look people in the eyes without feeling a need to run." I admitted.
"You're talking to me just fine, Jungkook." He stated.
"Yeah, but I'm comfortable with you, I trust you and know you, I know you won't judge me." I lowered my head. "Fuck, I really wanted her."
He got up and tapped me on the back before leaving.
I had given up, locking myself in my room again and avoiding people like I always did. But then I saw her again, leaning against the wall at the frat party, my heart was beating violently in my chest. Maybe Seokjin was right, maybe I should just ask her out. I started to make my way down the stairs when I saw Yoongi approach her and she smiled, making me stop midway. I watched as they talked, watched as they made their way outside, I looked away when they kissed, feeling irritation spread across my body and I shook my head.
I heard when they went into his room, heard her fake moans from my room, heard every single word from their argument and when I heard her getting her things I opened my door and watched when she left. Her back against the door. How could she allow herself to be hurt like that, how could she sleep with such a bad lover and a bad person?
I closed my door, unable to look at her any longer without feeling the urge to talk to her and I made my way to bed, laying down and sighing.
How come she had such an effect on me? I barely knew her. It was stupid teenage crush that's what it was.
I got lost in my thoughts when a few minutes later my phone rang.
"What?" I answered when I saw Seokjin's name.
"She said yes." He sounded excited over the phone.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked.
"Y/N... She just called, said she'll do it, I'm meeting her tomorrow at the coffee shop." He explained.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Holy shit.
I tried to control my breathing, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Ok... Make sure she knows enough, don't tell her anything about me." I said before hanging up.
This was it, this was the first step.

She had signed the contract. Now, all she needed to do was come. In more ways than one. I sat at the hotel bar, I had a perfect view of the lobby, water in hand and foot bouncing up and down anxiously. I already had gotten the text saying she was on her way, and I was going crazy, maybe I should back out. Maybe I should just call it a day and say something came up. I shook my head.
But then... There she was. In her pretty black dress, looking flustered and nervous herself, her cheeks slightly red and it hit me how bad I wanted them to be red for me, how bad I wanted to make her shake. I watched as she made her way up, waiting another agonizing forty minutes before I got up and made my way to the room.
I stood at the door. What if she hadn't put on the blindfold? What if she hadn't followed the instructions. I bit on my lower lip and tried to breathe.
"Fuck it." I cursed under my breath.
As I unlocked the door, I slowly made my way into the room and sure enough, there she was, fully bare for me and with the blindfold on.
I felt myself get instantly hard at the sight, her body was perfect. Her skin looked soft, and she was shaking slightly. I tried to control my own body as I watched her.
"Get up." I said with more control over my voice then I expected.
She obeyed. Such a good girl, fuck.
I walked closer to her, her smell invading my nostrils and making it all too hard to not just bury myself in her.
"Did you follow the instructions?" I asked seeing the way her hair was shining.
She answered and I swallowed hard, she had addressed me as Sir. Just the way I asked and It sounded perfect coming from her lips. I wanted to make her cum multiple times, I wanted to hear her, see her, do it all to her, and I wanted to ruin any other man who tried to touch her in the future.
And I did, each time my cock twitched harder in my pants, each time I felt like I was going to say 'fuck it' and fuck her right there, and when she started begging me to fuck her, I had to hold onto my sanity, it was very much close to running away, instead I ignored it and continued.
I was proud of myself, but I was more addicted to the way her body answered to me, to the way she sounded when she came - and I assure it was nothing like that night with Yoongi - I was addicted to her smell, to her taste, to the way her body convulsed when she came, the way she trembled and begged for me. I was completely addicted to her. And when I was done I watched as she could barely even move. I gave her water, my erection hurting inside my pants, it was a rare recurrence, I'd usually feel satisfied without having to cum myself, but with her It was painful.
I saw her threaten to take off the blindfold and my body stiffened.
"Don't". I said, getting dressed and trying to be quick.
"You... You're not going to fuck me?" She asked innocently, her voice weak. I took a deep breath.
"No. My only wish was to give you pleasure. I told you." I said and I watched as her body slowly curled, biting on my lower lip.
"Yes, sir." Was all she answered.
I didn't know what to say, I could see how upset she was. I would see how the realization of it all suddenly came onto her. Jesus, fuck. She was supposed to leave happy, not upset, I slowly felt my own anxiety start to creep into me, fuck, I needed to leave.
"You're free to stay if you'd like, if not, your driver will be waiting out front for you whenever you decide to leave, the rest of your payment will be transferred first thing in the morning." Was all I said before storming out.
I made my way down to the bar again, sitting and asking for a drink. I was hoping she would stay, I was hoping she would be ok with it.
But I was wrong.
She came running into the lobby, eyes red and full of tears as she dropped the key and ran to the car.
Fuck... Fuck, if I didn't do anything I wouldn't see her again.
I took out my phone and texted her.
I hope you enjoyed tonight.
And all I could do was hope to see her again.

When I saw her in class I was scared.
My whole body feeling tense, my anxiety creeping into me. I couldn't keep my eyes away from her as she sat down, Namjoon, my frat president sitting a few moments later next to her.
What if she recognized me? Jesus, I needed to breathe. Her eyes met mine and I felt a shock go through my body, the memory of her whimpering self under me, her body so mine. I felt myself getting hard in the middle of class. I looked back at the front, what was happening to me? I was getting aroused just by looking at her.
I tried my best to pay attention to class, but I couldn't, it wasn't as if I needed to, but not being able to was fucking with my head.
It got even worse when I heard my name being called from my room later in the day and when I was making my way down I saw her in the kitchen. Her eyes again, those eyes, meeting mine and she shyly looked away.
I heard Hoseok's voice and walked in the kitchen, stopping but a few feet away from her.
I barely acknowledged the boys in the room, trying hard to control my breathing. When Namjoon introduced them, she extended her hand and I just looked at it.
If I touched her, would I break? If I felt her skin against mine again, would I lose control? She threatened to pull away and I grabbed her hand, shaking it firmly.
I looked at her friend and back down.
"Jungkook isn't a man of many words." Hoseok said.
It didn't bother me that people noticed I was quiet, but it bothered when they made fun of me. And worse, in front of her now. She looked at me and my eyes met hers again, It was so weird how I never felt like looking away, I wanted to get lost in them.
"It's ok to not like to speak, sometimes words are too distracting." She defended me. I felt like smiling, but instead, I just looked at her, I was probably eating her alive, but I didn't care. I just wanted to look at her.
"Hey, Kook, why don't you take Y/N to the back garden and try to organize the ribbons for the fair, you know it's mandatory, so, chop chop." Namjoon said. Fuck, stay alone with her in the back? Jesus, I was fucked.
We were silent for a while, I could barely hold myself when I noticed she smelled like the body wash. She was going to be the death of me.

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