"Hidden Inside" A Free Verse Poem

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I have memories trapped in my mind
In a box hidden inside
The unspoken
That haunts my nightmares

It's the ghosts of my past
That hovers above me
Always haunting
Sending constant reminders through whispers

These are the secrets that will die with me
Hold me in its embrace
As we disappear into the earth
Sprouting a tree of lies and deceit

The truth that I hide
Eats me away inside
Everyday I keep it there
Rotting that part of my mind

Keeping secrets
In a locked cage
Isn't a solution
It's avoidance

I know it's wrong
To have this in me
This entity
That makes me feel like a monster

My actions
That I hold within me

I can't bare to see them outside
Like wild animals they'll tear out the hearts
Of the people I love
And leave them to a slow and painful death

They will destroy parts of me
Change me
Leave me with nothing
Then possess me again to forever reside in my mind

I can't let it win
So I keep it here
In a corner of my mind
Hidden inside

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