Chapter 7

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March 12 6:34am
I wake up and start the routine, like any other day. After I ate my breakfast and went upstairs to look for Jacob. That is when I saw him slowly walking down the side walk.
Wait what, he just stopped walking and is facing my window. He is looking right at me, shoot he just saw me staring. Now my cheeks look like cherries. I went to look out the window to see him still looking with a wait a, a smirk. Grrrr I do not like it at all.

It is now lunch time for me and our school's foo- wait no I wouldn't even count this as food it does not look like it or tastes like it. Anyway while I move my disgusting stuff around you wanna know who I saw, stupid, freaking Jacob. Yep, but so we don't have a repeat of this morning I quickly turn my eyes away fun him.
Yes, the bell finally rang, now I can go to art. Our teacher is awesome, he lets us do anything as long as it relates to art.

The day is finally over. Now I can eat my precious Chinese food I ordered. they should be here right about now. Knock knock. I went to open the door and see...

Cliffhanger *insert groans*
Hello sorry it is short, I will make it longer next time. Now who is at the door, I know y'all probably hate me but hey just think next weekend you get to see who it is or I might be nice and do another chapter tomorrow.
~Cookie Monster aka me

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