Chapter 12

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March 18 6:49am
Ugh this dude will not stop, he has been walking me to school every morning for the past 2 no 3 days. He has been asking the usual get to know you questions, yay just what I need. Now I know what yall are thinking, why are you annoyed at this boy that you checked every morning for...well I didn't know he would be this annoying! Doesn't he have a life, I mean he is pretty popular he should have things to do.
"Hey",'knock, knock'. " Helloooo anyone home?" Ughh it's him again, when I said he has been walking me to school I mean it from the door to my class. I know what yall are thinking too, awwww that's so sweet and yes it would be if he could shut up!
"I'm coming, I'm coming", I yelled at the door.
"Oh ok", he said there was something in his voice, but I couldn't tell what it was...oh well. I was finally ready and I opened the door to see Jacob in our school uniform(picture at the top). I can't lie he look pretty good in it. No bad Aiysha no drooling over the idiot.
"Hey", he said waving his hand a little.
"Hi", I closed the door and locked it.
"Soo, what do you want to talk about, since you haven't really answered my questions I guess you really don't want to talk to me. Am I right?", he said looking down at his shoes like they were the most important thing in the world.
"What it's not like that at all, well yeah I think you're annoying and all but that doesn't really mean I don't want to talk to you. If you didn't hammer me with all the get to know you questions then yes I would like to talk to..." I faded out...ok y'all caught me I might..MIGHT...have a very very small crush on him.
"So what you saying is you would want to talk to me if I wasn't annoying?"
"Yea sure", we kept walking only a couple more blocks until we reach the school.
"Well then how about I walk you home today and I'll try to be less annoying?, he said and was that hope in his voice? Nah probably just imagining it.
"Ok I'll like that".
I saw the school coming into view.
"Well I'll see you after school in the parking lot?"Jacob said.
"Yea", and we parted ways.
Hey Sry I haven't been updating. I've just been getting sidetracked cuz I got my first boyfriend not to long ago so I sorta forgot I had a book to write, but I'm going to try key word TRY to update much more.
~Cookie Monster aka Keri 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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