"The Lab"

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James is a tall 6'1 male with scruffy, black yet well maintained hair, hazel eyes with a hint of green more dominantly in one eye but hardly visable. He was also dressed in a white lab coat, black hoodie, long sleeved t-shirt beneath, ripped black jeans and some fairly expensive shoes. He also carried a standard issue pistol that he kept hosted behind him on his belt at his tailbone under his hoodie. This was a standard protocol and necessity of his company known world wide as "Energy X Corp." Specialising in the creation of energy forms and weaponry with its own stable and self renewable power as most weaponry was more dominantly energy based.


James was in a research company developing the ability to create artificial power with making its own natural power such as lightning or water and much more. He was involved with generating lighting and wind and attempting the creation of an artificial storm. This would generate a very large amount of power and would make a huge breakthrough in their technological advancements.

All was normal an going well, they had multiple breakthroughs and had much success. But when all seemed to be at its pinnacle of progress, that is when all went south. The power serge hit with few to no protocols in place for such an even, every containment unit was breached and all the heavey doors lowered due to the protocol put in place for a containment breach however, the sudden loss of power caused the doors to stop the majority of the way down, leaving enough room for a child to slip out but no way a fully grown adult could fit.

The continent box was large and took up a large space of the room. This box began to crack. The box made of reinforced glass with three layers. Began to crack, incapable of sustaining it's form against such a mighty force, the storm withing was raging out of control, the six other scientists were panicking trying to shut it off or escape, however James was not afraid, he knew there was no chance at escape so he did the one thing that entered his mind at the time.

Withing the split second it took for all this to transpire and the eight seconds the glass held. He stood in front of the breach and as the pure uncontained power was sent at him he began to absorb and disperse it just as humanity had evolved to do and this is what James had an affinity for, he had an uncanny ability to absorb large amounts of energy and dispurse but also convert a portion of it into a force that he can manipulate. However this was a force far too strong for him to handle and he was blown backwards and there was a large explosion.

All went black and all sounds faded into nothing as James fell into a peaceful rest. Undisturbed by the outside forces.

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