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No one's P. O. V

Living in space is cool right? It's not
Find out yourself, this story has a happy ending...
-Top jungkook (He's older in this one shot)

Taehyung wakes up in a blanket, he sighs looking around him he sees a young male, pale skin, black eyes and red hair wearing a space uniform..
"Hello." The person says coldly, taehyung nods and looks around again
He gets up but gets pushed down making him groan

"Don't get up." The male said and gave him pills for his migraine taehyung thanks the male and looks out the window but the windows surrounded
In black with the polluted earth that had greyish things covering it no one lives in earth anymore that's why there's a whole space circle up in space
Since there are 1,00,000 people who lived

"What's your name?" taehyung asks
The male looks at taehyung and nods
"Jeon jungkook." taehyung smiles
And gets up walking to the door "Hold on!" he looks back seeing a present in the olders hand "Oh whose this for?"
The older looks at the younger and smiles weakly "Its for...jin" taehyung smiles and skips out the door

"See you again jungkook!" taehyung yells making everyone on the motherboard look at jungkook with there brows furrowed "what? It's not me whom yelled look at him." jungkook retorted and slams his apartment door close, taehyung who skips down the halls of the motherboard sees another ship running out of gas, taehyung wide. His eyes and went to his dad (His dad's the motherboard owner)

Taehyung pants and smiles at the others but then ran to his father
"Dad!" taehyung's dad looked at him and smiled "There you are my little sneaker." taehyung smiled as his dad ruffled his hair "Dad, there's another motherboard out there running out of gas." his dad froze and looked at the others before nodding, the others went back to work and located the motherboard.

-Down on earth-

"What big fat boss!" jimin yells onto his oxygen mask and slaps yoongi's head
"Hey!" yoongi stops and also jimin stops as they see another motherboard
They looked at each other and smiled
"I'm win!" jimin giggled and runs to the motherboard while yoongi chuckles
Walking to the motherboard

"It works! Yoongi get your ass up here!"
Yoongi grunts as he falls into the mud
"Damn mud!" yoongi runs onto the motherboard and smiles touching the walls of the motherboard "Let's get this baby started! Engines started let's blast this off to space!" yoongi sits as the co-pilot and stares at jimin but asks
"Do you know how to fly one of these things?" jimin stiffs and smiles.

"I do, just press thi-" The motherboard went blasting into the skies making yoongi sigh as he goes back and stares at the skies while jimin is screaming and holding onto his arm rest and sometimes even fainting, yoongi and jimin look at the milky way but then there gas ran out "Shit!"

They ran over to the motherboards screen panicked written on there face
Motherboard is out of gas, motherboard is out of gas. Yoongi sees space suits and a idea went inside his mind "Call the other motherboard NOW!" jimin did as told and pressed on the button a couple times and that's when taehyung saw them they waved at taehyung and pointed at the motherboard that they were on and wrote help! 'Our motherboard is out of gas!'

-Jungkook's P. O. V-

I lock my door and put the keys onto my pocket then the sirens started blaring I looked at everyone whose running to the front of the mothership
Running and seeing taehyung I run to him "What's going on!?" I yell making him look at me "There's another. Motherboard out there!" he yells and puts the space suit on

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