Lesbian lovers

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Jeongguk stared at taehyung with her jaws clenched her girlfriend was talking to a boy while smiling

❝you seem sad what's wrong?❞
Jeongguk looked down and huffed

❝them! Them is the problem!❞
Lisa and Jennie smirked and nodded

Taehyung looked around and saw jeongguk glaring at her, she gulped and looked somewhere else she felt someone's breath on her neck

She looked and saw jeongguk, she saw how her lip ring moved making her..
Wet. ❝D-Dont do that..❞ taehyung whimpered as jeongguk smirk

❝Look at how mommy dominates you❞
Jeongguk demanded her voice full of domaince. Taehyung shuddered

❝W-wet, Please mommy touch me❞
Jeongguk touched the red pantie her hand stopping at her clit taehyung suppressed her moans and looked at her book gulping ❝Ms. Kim are you alright there?❞ taehyung nodded

❝Shh babe look what happened now❞
Jeongguk smirked rubbing harder.
Taehyung moved away making jeongguk loudly growl.

❝Ms. Jeon sit down!❞ jeongguk stared at taehyung and taehyung only, growling
The others gulp because they knew about their relationship jeongguk looked at everyone and growl louder
❝Don't look at my girlfriend! Look away piece of shits!❞ all of them looked away

Not daring to look, jeongguk looks at the teacher and smiles innocently
The teacher only gulp shaking ❝M-ms. Jeon..i-❞ jeongguk glares at her

❝Kim taehyung.❞ taehyung nodded waddling next to jeongguk. Jeongguk smiles and kisses her blonde hair
Taehyung looks at her boobs by accident she let a small moan

❝Needy I see? What about after school❞
Jeongguk holds taehyung's tiny waist
❝You look cute in those babe❞ the principle coughed jeongguk looked at her father and groan. Kissing taehyung
taehyung looked a the class in embarrassment and smiled

The whole class cooed but soon stopped as they saw jeongguk coming into the class. Taehyung looked at her panties and sigh ❝my Gucci panties.❞ she mumbles looking at the teacher


Taehyung sat down on a bench waiting for jeongguk. She took her cute phone case full of jeongguk photos and smiled
Jeongguk looked at her girlfriend and frowned as she saw her smiling at her phone she sat next to her and looked at her ❝What are you looking at?❞ taehyung looked at her and smiled

❝Whom of course?❞ taehyung mocked
Throwing her hair back the students looked at her in awe making jeongguk growl in possessiveness pulling her waist closer to her. ❝Tae.Why.did.You.do.that?❞ taehyung looked behind her as she saw the girl that wanted to take her girlfriend away
IU. ❝Oh hello❞ taehyung looked at IU
And smiled bitterly.

IU looked at the couple in awe and giggled ❝Guys are cute UwU❞ taehyung looked at jeongguk confused before shrugging ❝We are lesbian lovers I guess❞

Short chapter Am so sorry I have a lot of chapters to do in Millionaires

I will try and do many one shots in one day but can't because of school...

Goodbye lovelies ✓

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