A happy ending

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❝Hey! Pervert come back!❞ a male in his 20's yelled, a male in black clothes rushed to his side and groaned ❝sorry sir.❞ The male looked beside him

-Taehyung a gangster, his bodyguard jeon jungkook both chased the man whom stole taehyung's GUCCI bag
But seemed he has gotten away. They both panted as they ran to the car

❝What am I going to tell dad?❞ taehyung mumbles. As soon as they got there taehyung's dad waited, coming to their view taehyung gulps. ❝Ah sh-❞
His dad opened the door and pulled him by his hair not harshly but enough for the male to groan

❝Did you know me and your mother was worried sick about you!❞ taehyung kneels before coughing ❝Well  sorry father. Sometimes I cannot get here in time!❞ taehyung yells getting up.

Tae's mother tried stopping him, but he never listened. In the garden that's where he was found. But he didn't come until it was afternoon. ❝Tae?❞

Jungkook knocked on the door, He waited for a answer but no one answered he wanted to wait but it was no use, no one was saying anything.

You raise me up, so I can see mountains.
You raise me up, so I can stand on water.

Three entire years later.

Taehyung sighed, yes he ran away from home. He was far, very far. He always did miss someone..his sister and jungkook.

Taehyung went out of the car, looking at the driver before tipping him a 20$ cash he looked up at the building smiling.

❝Taehyung?❞ he snapped his head to the source and found jungkook. Jungkook hugged him not letting go, he nuzzled his face into taehyung's neck.
❝Never let go again..❞

Taehyung looked at the building before stepping away. ❝Am sorry?❞ jungkooks heart fell as he stared at taehyung he chuckled awkwardly before smiling

❝Its me..jungkook.❞

Taehyung stared at him for awhile his eyes going blank. He shook his head before staring again.. ❝Kook?❞ The gangster smiled before crushing jungkook with a hug ❝Kook, you look big!❞ jungkook smiled

❝And that is how I found mommy.❞
The 30 year old jungkook said looking at hae-an and yunnie.

❝Did you and mommy do the..ah~❞ taehyung and jungkook looked at the little girl in yunnie's lap and gulped

❝Well uh..You see. That's for adults not little ones like you❞ jungkook picked up the little girl before pecking her nose
❝Same for you 13 year old boy❞ yunnie rolled his eyes ❝Am a teenager..hello?❞

Taehyung laughed before pecking yunnie's cheek ❝Bed time.❞

As soon as the kids were tucked, jungkook looked over at taehyung and smiled. He pulled tae's waist and kissed him ❝The kids..You pervert!❞ jungkook sighed walking backwords to their bed

❝We aren't going to do anything. I'll just kiss you hm Princess?❞ taehyung blushed hiding his face in his hands
Jungkook smirked before leaning down to kiss taehyung's lips ❝Strawberry lips❞
Jungkook mumbled kissing his lips

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