Heaven or hell?

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This is my last one shot on this book
I will make another one so it'll be called One shots 2


TAEHYUNG my love, I love you.
I regret everything I did too you.
But if I killed myself would I come to you? Or will I be sent to hell?

I want to come to you...I need you.
I wish too meet you sooner or later.
I hate being by myself watching the snow without you giggling and cuddled against me.

I-I miss you..I need you to come back
I'll treat you like a prince, I-I will.

Am sorry I killed your friend jimin, Am sorry I killed all of your friends.

I hope to see you soon, Come back.
August is almost here, Are you coming back?

I won't be long, I swear you'll see me.
Why did you go in front of me?
Why'd you save me from the police?
Why didn't you let me go?

Tears stained the letter as jungkook wrote, His heart ached and sweat came.

I miss you so much Taehyung.

Am sorry I left you, Am sorry. That you had to save me, How I felt the sadness in your eyes as I held you close..

I felt my sadness as I soaked your shirt
I was bloody, I was miserable, I needed you.

I got released today, I felt happy to see your grave, But somehow I felt empty without you beside me in the train station...

How I got soaked in the rain while everyone was not soaked, My tears are like rain falls, I saw you, But you disappeared. Don't tell me lying.

I felt your presence within me.

I felt you in my heart, I'd visit your grave with flowers and pour my heart out and apologize but that doesn't help to get you back...

I cocked the gun, ready to shoot.

But I was hesitate, The voices. Your voice telling me not too.

I saw a Brown box underneath our bed,
I opened it and that's when my tears brimmed my eyes.

The loneliness now ate me alive, Our pictures our happy pictures...

I dug further in and pulled out a letter from you...I was happy..but when I read it, It smashed my heart...

Dear kook,

Hello my love! You know how much I love you right and never will leave your side? Well, I lied. I had too, I couldn't loose you and be alone, I was the first one too die, And I know because...I will.
I just know I will. If I do.. Can you do me a favor?

Once I am dead, Live your life too it's fullest, Even tho I won't be near you or next to you. I will be up in heaven staring at you and archive your goals!
I love you, And I know you love me too
^-^ I love you so much kookie!

It's the police, I should go now, There here for kookie, I need to save him, But if someone finds this tell kookie, I LOVE HIM! I will always love him! So so so so so so so so much! Bye Kookie and everyone!


I love you, I pushed the letter up to my heart and screamed in agony and pain.

I grabbed the gun and pushed it up to my head, The voices got louder but I couldn't take it, It was too much.

Without you my world isn't functional.
I needed you too rule it, Function it.
And without you, Am just worthless.

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