11 - ER [The Next Morning]

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Tae slowly began to move as it started getting brighter on the other side of his eyelids. He figured it must be sunlight. At least he prayed that's what it was.  As he tried to move a little more, he felt sharp pains in his wrist, hand and head. He remembered being trapped inside the nightmare and began to panic again, the heart monitor beeping.

"Hey, Tae it's ok, I'm here I'm here, you're alright."  Tae felt a warm hand rub his shoulder as he wanted to melt into the voice. He didn't bother to turn his head to see who it was coming from.  He slowly opened his eyes and soon Kai and Seong came into focus at the foot of the bed.

"K K Kai?  Seongii?"  Came a soft and raspy voice.  Tae winced at the pain and dryness in his throat from the screaming he had done last night.

"Hey pup."  He could tell from the look on his brother's faces that something had gone terribly wrong the night before. "Seong, go find mom and dad."

Seong squeezed Tae's foot and left the room to find their parents.

Tae tried to sit up but felt a firm yet gentle hand on his shoulder holding him down. Without looking, Tae gave a groggy reply "I'm fine Nam, I just want to sit up."

"It's me Tae..."

Tae's eyes widen as he slowly turned to where the voice had come from. It was Jungkook. Tae just stared in his eyes for what felt like hours.  The Alpha gave him a warm smile and all Tae wanted to do was wrap his arms around him and not let go, but he didn't know why.   

Tae grabbed his head with a painful frown on his face.

"Tae you ok?"  Kai moved closer to his brother, pushing Jungkook out of the way but not on purpose, at least not this time.  

"Y-y-yeah, where am I, what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Kai asked suddenly shocked.

"N-n-no.  I want to go home, I don't want to be here."  

Just then the rest of the family came in along with Jimin.  He looked at the group and gave them a pained look.  "I want to go home, I don't want to stay here!"  Tae's voice pleaded while looking at his parents.  Tae's mom quickly went to her son and gave him a hug which caused him to start crying again. "Please mom, I don't want to stay here."

Jungkook's heart was breaking at the sight of Tae's crying.  He wanted so much to pick him up and just get him out of the hospital and someplace where he could feel safe.  But he couldn't.

"I know Tae, but you need to stay for a few days."  His mom was rubbing his back trying to get him to calm down.

"Why?  I can stay at home and Kai and the others can take care of me there, I don't want to stay here!" Taehyung started panicking again, his heart rate increasing.

"Hon, you need to calm down!"  The Luna was now getting firmer with her young son as he continued to escalate quickly.  

"No!" Tae yelled, startling everyone. " You don't understand, I won't stay here, all they do is sedate me, I won't go back to that dream, I won't!"  Tae was now screaming in between hard sobs.  

Jungkook had had enough.  He quickly made his way back to the Omega, gently pulled him away from his mom and wrapped him in a hug to the surprise of everyone in the room. 

"It's ok, Tae, calm down. Just breathe ok, I need you to just breathe."  Tae buried his face into Jung's neck and slowly started to calm down while having a death grip on the sides of his waist.  Jungkook gently rubbed Tae's back helping calm him down even more.  "It's okay, It's okay" the words practically a whisper that only Taehyung could hear.

Everyone just stared at the pair for a moment, surprised at how the two reacted towards each other.  Especially since they hardly knew each other.  

Jungkook realized the room had fallen silent, he looked at the others as they were all staring at the two. " I-I think someone should stay with him until he's allowed to go home."  Anything to get the focus off of him.

"I'll stay." Jimin was the first to speak up.

"O-Ok, that sounds good."  Replied Tae's dad who had been closely watching the interaction between the two.  "Alright," he said a bit more firmly.  "Jimin, you stay with Pup {their family's nickname for Taehyung}.   Your mom and I need to head back to Steele River with the current rogue issue that's popped up.  Kai, Namjoon, you two go with Jungkook back to Moon Ridge and see what you can do to help.  Seong can you stay with Jimin?"

"I can for a little bit, I really need to get back to the University to check on something."  Seong really wanted to find out what was going on with his brother, it was more than just his wolf being suppressed and he knew of only one person he could ask.  His mentor.

Jungkook wanted to stay but he was not about to oppose the Elder Alpha leader.  Before he released the Omega in his arms he gave Tae a tight hug and whispered to him again;  "You'll be ok, alright?  I'll be back up as soon as I can."  Jungkook wanted to kiss him but held himself back yet again.  Taehyung shook his head and turned his gaze down towards the bed.  Before everyone left they each gave Tae hug.  Kai gave him his customary bear hug which caused the small male to yelp slightly.  "Bye Kai Bear, love you."  Tears starting to form in Tae's voice again.

"See you later on Pup, love you more."  Kai leaned in and gave Tae a kiss on the forehead and followed Namjoon out of the room.

"I'll try to be back up with some food for you guys if I can." Said their mom. "You need anything call me on my cell. Jimin hon, thank you so much for everything" She gave Jimin a tight 'mom' hug.

"Ok mom." Seong spoke as he stayed behind for a bit.

With that, the others left to take care of issues. Jungkook was the last to leave but not before he and Tae locked eyes again.  Jung gave him a warm smile and left with Kai and Namjoon.  Seong and Jimin looked at Tae who was glancing back down at the bed.  He looked so exhausted and broken.

"So what was all that with Jungkook?" Seong asked, seeing that his brother was spacing off.  "Tae!"


"So you want to explain what's up with Jungkook?  He seemed to be the only one able to calm you down. And last night he wouldn't let anyone, not even Kai touch you after you passed out. He actually growled at us when we got close to you..."

Tae avoided eye contact as Jimin held his uninjured hand, squeezing it slightly to show his support.  "N-n-nothing, he's just worried like the rest of you I guess." Tears starting to well up in his eyes again.

"Hey it's ok Tae Tae," Jimin rubbed Tae's back as he let out a deep sigh.

"Hey, Tae. There's nothing here that's going to hurt you ok?"  Seong spoke with a softer tone. 

"I need to head to my office but I'll be back when I can, ok Tae?"

Tae wiped the wetness from his eyes. "Ok, thanks Seongii."  With that Seong left.

Tae had relaxed a few minutes later slowly pushed away from Jimin but still couldn't make eye contact with him.  "Min Min, will you stay with me while I sleep?"  

"Of course Sweetcheeks, that's why I'm here.  I'll lay here with you, I'm exhausted too"  and with that, the 2 Omegas curled up on the bed.  Jimin being careful of Tae's injuries they held each other and closed their eyes, letting sleep take them over, finally.

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