36 - The Nightmare Ends

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Taehyung had slept through the night.  The Luna's and Chin all thought his heat was finally over.  The Alphas were no longer needed and Tae only suffered from mild pain.  They had taken turns sitting with him to make sure if he woke, someone was there.   Chin allowed Jungkook back in for a few minutes, as long as he didn't touch him.

It was now the morning of the 3rd day.  Taehyung was asleep so Chin stepped out for a minute to start some coffee brewing.  Walking into the kitchen, Chin could smell that Jimin already had a pot going.

"Hey, Chin how's he doing?"

"He's finally sleeping on his own I hope, can you sit with him while I get breakfast started?"

"Sure no problem, I know what to do." 

"Thanks MinMin."  Chin was glad for the break,  Jimin knew what to do for young Omegas in heat as he had helped plenty of times.  Chin tried to contain his laughter at the sleeping Alphas in the dining room. 

But the peace would not last for very long.  What everyone feared would happen with Taehyung's first heat did.  While his heat was technically over, it had triggered his PTSD, which began to play out while he slept.  The Alphas had put Taehyung in a deep enough sleep that he didn't dream, but now that he was sleeping on his own, they dreams had started again.

// Dreamscape //

Taehyung suddenly woke up in a strange room, his head was pounding as he tried to focus his eyes on the surroundings.  The first thing he noticed was that he was naked, wrapped only in a robe.  He began to feel himself burning up; the burning, spreading throughout his body.  His scent was increasing and panic set in.  He didn't know what was happening.  

He tried to move as another wave of heat forced him into a ball, wetness running down his thigh,  reaching down to see what it was, he noticed he had an erection, but it wasn't pleasurable.  He drew his hand back and realized he was in heat. 

Just then he picked up the scent of an Alpha in rut.  Panic turned to fear.  He tried to move again but his legs refused to work.  There was a sound at the door to the room he was in.  It was a growl, low, deep, menacing.

Taehyung let out a loud whimper as Jimin moved closer to him

Taehyung tried to speak but no sound would come out.  He needed his body to work for him not against him.  Trying to move after another wave of heat, the growling outside the room getting louder.  Taehyung felt anxiety building, he needed to get up and away from whoever was coming into the room.  

He sat up, but it was too late.  A large Alpha burst through the door.  Taehyung's eyes went to the large erection of the Alpha, his pheromones were overpowering.  He moved closer to the bed as Taehyung screamed again, no sound coming out of his burning throat.

Taehyung started thrashing on the bed, trapped in the nightmare, Jimin immediately texted Chin.

The Alpha moved closer, red eyes and claws extended. Taehyung knew what was about to happen.  He desperately tried to move but couldn't, there were claws digging into his thighs, holding him down.  He was afraid to look as he clawed at the hands on his legs to break free. 

Chin dropped what he was doing and rushed back to his room.  Taehyung was fighting with something in his sleep, whimpering.

The Alpha was hovering over him now, his face next to his, he felt his hot breath as his tongue slid up his neck not once but again and again.  Taehyung felt something as his gaze shot down between his legs.  The Alpha was trying to force his way and fear overtook Tae as he used everything that he had to scream.  

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