26 - Awake

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"Awake? The doctor said it will take some time Taehyung."

"I know mom, but I meant what I said, sleeping next to Jungkook is healing my wolf faster than it should."

"I don't think so Tae.  Yes, he's your mate, but you two haven't mated yet." the Lunas looked at each other and back at Taehyung, he smiled at them, he knew there was no point in arguing.

"How do you feel now, how's your headache?" Luna Jeon asked.

"It's just about gone."

"Okay, but still take it easy, Ok hon?" His mom was still worried.

"Okay. Chin, will you heat this up in the microwave?  Maybe now I can eat in peace." Taehyung handed the now cold plate of food back to the Chin.

"Sure thing hon."  Tae and Jimin sat back down at the island as Jimin leaned over to whisper in Taehyung's ear.  "We need to talk!"  Taehyung giggled as Chin placed the heated plate of food in front of him.

  "We need to talk!"  Taehyung giggled as Chin placed the heated plate of food in front of him

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The Alphas finally made it to the base camp and saw that some had shifted while others were walking around in shorts as shifting destroyed the clothes if done too quickly.  Dongjun, who had left earlier to check on things, walked up to his dad. 

"Things are ready for us to head out.  I told them we would have to hunt for food while we're out here and to keep the campfires to a minimum."  Alpha Jeon nodded as the Steel River guys went to find an area to stay in.  Dongjun caught sight of Jungkook. 

"So, you left your mate to come out here?  Dumb move little bro, dumb move." 

Jungkook sighed, he was so over his older brother. "He'll be fine, he understands."

"Oh really, cause most Omegas are clingier than shit when they first get around their mates.  You better hope no wondering Alpha picks up that delicious scent."  Jungkook was trying hard not to punch him.  His dad picked up on the tension and was not having it, not with all that was going on.  He walked over to his sons.  "Dongjun, I told you to knock your shit off and I meant it.  Now focus!"   

"Sure thing, old man."  With that, he growled, trying to intimidate Jungkook as he walked off.  If Dongjun was honest, he didn't care for his younger brother at all.   He was nothing but competition to him becoming pack Alpha.  That, he wouldn't allow and would do what he needed to make sure his position was uncontested.

Jungkook's dad shook his head and went back to talk to Alpha Lee to coordinate the scout teams.

Jungkook's dad shook his head and went back to talk to Alpha Lee to coordinate the scout teams

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Tae and Jimin went back to Jimin's room to hang out and gab.  They both sat on Jimin's bed across from each other getting ready to talk when someone knocked on the door.

"Yeah?'  Jimin had an irritated look as they were not expecting visitors.

"It's me, my lovies!"  Chin came in with a huge bowl of popcorn and a couple cans of ice cold sodas.

"We love you ChinChin!!"  Jimin and Tae both moved to make room for Chin on the bed.

"So out with it kidney beans!"  Jimin wasn't wasting any time.

"Out with what Min?"

"This whole 'Oh we're Mates' shit.' "  

Taehyung knew this was going to be a long day.  "I told you MinMin, I didn't know till after the panic attack that we were Mates.  It still seems strange.  I mean, God he smells so good, you have no idea!"  

Jimin scrunched his face and rolled his eyes.  "Calm down horn dog, I don't need you going into heat on my bed, that's just gross, okay?"

"Tae honey, everyone kinda freaks when they first meet their Mate.  It's natural, the pull can be overwhelming."  Chin was being the voice of reason, which was badly needed right now.   Taehyungstarted to feel a little better about everything.

"Thanks Chin, because part of me is still a little freaked out over all of this.  I mean yes Jungkook is hot and fuck, he can kiss! but -  OW!!!

Jimin punched Taehyung in the arm, hard.  "You kissed him already?!" 

Taehyung was starting his tomato impersonation again, "I couldn't help it."

"Just give things time Taehyung, there's no need to rush anything."  Chin really was a 'pack mom.'  Taehyung smiled, grateful he wasn't a spaz like Jimin. 

"I will say this Tae bear, thank you so much for calling Deeya on her shit!  I'm so glad she's not coming back."  Jimin switched over to one of his rare serious modes.  Chin couldn't agree more.

"Dongjun won't really reject his Mate will he?"  Taehyung knew some things about Mates, rejecting a mate was one of the worst things that could happen to someone and was frowned upon unless there was a valid reason. 

"Don't worry Tae, they forced their Mate bond. His current mate is better off without him."  Tae and Jimin both understood

"What about you Chin?  Are you mated?"  Taehyung had the sweetest, most innocent look on his face.

"No Taehyung, not yet.  Sometimes it takes a while to find your mate, and if you come across them, sometimes it's not instantaneous.  If your wolf is stressed or simply not interested in mating, it may not notice them right away.  The Goddess has a way of causing things to happen that keep bringing you two together.  Like you and Jungkook for example."

"Really?  I didn't know that."  

The three sat and chatted for most of the day until it was time for Chin to start on dinner for those that were staying at the compound while the Alphas were out scouting.  Taehyung and Jimin offered to help.  They started with chopping veggies for the meals, once the food was ready, the young Omega's prepared plates for the pups and younger kids.  They also took plates to the moms that were there to ease some of the stress of being away from their homes. 

The 2 Lunas were busy talking with the older Omegas to see how things were going and if there were any issues that needed to be dealt with.  They also worked on coordinating activities for the kids and pups to keep them busy during the day.   Bored and wandering pups were prone to get into trouble.  A handful of the older male Alphas had stayed behind to patrol the compound.  Luna Lee being an Alpha, touched base with them for updates and to ensure their needs were being met.  

All the high energy pups wore the two young Omega's out.  At one point, Taehyungmanaged to pull Chin to the side to talk for a minute.

"Hey Chin, can I talk to you later on this evening, alone?"

"Sure, lovey.  I'll stop by Jungkook's room after I've finished everything, ok?"  Taehyung smiled, quickly returning to Jimin so he wouldn't get suspicious.  

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