The Meaning of Friendship

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As Saiko crept closer towards her dorms she grew nervous about how her classmates might react to her. As she opened the door she saw all her classmates sitting around their common room when she entered all the girls eyes locked onto her when

"LADY SAIKO ARE YOU OKAY!?" One girl told her.

"We were getting worried about you." another said.

When they finished expressing their worries about the girl she explained

"I was out with a boy." When it clicked in her head what she just told them she got flustered. "H-He was helping making my day a little brighter."

"You were having a bad day?" A new girl asked joining in conversation.

Saiko looked down at the ground.

"You all failed the test thanks to my lack of combat strategies. From the bottom of my heart I'm deeply sorry." She apologised to the girls.

All of 2-A stood the with jaws aghast

"W-what happened to you Sai?" A girl with white hair asked her in a shocked expression.

"What do you mean what happened to me. All I did was talk to oh...." She finally realised what had gone wrong. "All I did was talk to Izu-Midoriya from U.A. he enlightened me on how to be a better hero & person."

"You mean the green haired kid from the sports festival?"

The girls looked intrigued. So over the next hour Saiko explained what happened.


Saiko looked at her phone.

"All right ladies story times over for today." she told them while getting & and wandering into the hall.

Once she reached her room she went inside & sat on her bed reading the message that was presented on her phone.


Good Evening Intelli, I reached my dorm room safe & sound just like you asked. I don't have anything to do so if you want I can talk for a while.

Saiko typed in a reply


Izuku. I want you to call me by my first name.


But I haven't known you that long...


I don't care. You helped me so I want you to call me Saiko.


Okay S-Saiko

Over in U.A's dorm Izuku was slightly red sitting in the common room.

While in Saiko's room she was wondering how he stuttered while texting.


Thank you. Now What are you doing on Saturday Afternoon at 1pm till 7pm?


I don't think I'm busy why?

Saiko's plan had fallen into place


I was wondering if you wanted to spend some more time together?


Of Course Intelli I enjoyed our time today

Saiko felt a tug in her chest but didn't know why.


Meet Kiyashi Ward at 1.30 Don't be late.


Ok I'll be there. Looking forward to it Saiko. Now I'm tired. Sorry to cut it short Saiko.


It's okay you get some sleep. Goodnight Izuku.

Saiko then dug her face into her pillow & squealed with delight. She was going to see him again. Every time she thought about him she felt a tug in her chest something like butterflies. After settling down she began to think why does this happen whenever she thinks of him. Every minute of today was amazing for her. Saiko gears started turning and she came to the conclusion.

"Is it possible I like Izuku Midoriya. Even though iv'e only known him for one day...." she muttered to herself.

Unbeknown to her a couple of the girls were outside her door when she said that, when they ran back to the common room. Whisper shouting.

"Miss Saiko has a crush of the guy from the sports fest, the one she talked to today."

All the remaining girls were curious about this. That's when their class clown decided to come up with a plan. 


I Decided to post this today instead of next week. 

Next chapter is going to be their date.

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