An Interesting Experience

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"Saiko!!!" Came a voice familiar only too Saiko's ears, She turned around beaming "Mitsuha!!" She ran to greet her friend and hugged her.

"It's only been a couple of weeks since you left, but it feels like it's been years," Mitsuha exclaimed.

"I know I've missed everyone, how are they?" She asked Her only for Mitsuha to snicker.

"Same old same old, only less restricted. Your Dad came by and tried to get the principal to force you back to Seiai but he couldn't."

Saiko pursed her lips. "I see, Anyways we aren't here for school. We are going on a double date, Well I am at least."

Mitsuha slightly flinched at the topic of date.

"He won't mind my... eye will he?." Mitsuha asked being self conscious about an accident that had her lose an eye.

"From the interactions i've had with Shoji, He is a gentle giant.

Mitusha squealed "He's just my type Sai!"

"Uhhhh" Saiko and Mitsuha turned around and saw Izuku and Shoji standing there. Immediately Saiko's old friend lit up like a strawberry and hide behind her former classmate. Izuku stepped forward and whispered

"Whats this about?"

Saiko sighed. "Mitsuha has a thing for Shoji and wanted to hang out with him."

"Ah. I understand. But do we need to be here?" He whispered feeling like they were intruding. Saiko turned around to Mitsuha only to her surprise, her and Shoji were gone. Saiko pouted

"Jeez the nerve of that girl!" She then sighed.

"Hmm isn't this the same mall as that time we had Karaoke?"

Saiko then had a flashback to when she tried to kiss Izuku, and looked at the green hoodie she was wearing whilst twirling her hair.

"Izuku how about we go to Karaoke later? She asked blushing and looking away. He grinned at her.

"Of Course!"

He grabbed Saiko's hand and started wandering the mall.

"We also need to shop for the trips coming up." Saiko is looking around and see a swimsuit store and immediately stops. Izuku stop and looks to see where shes looking and goes bright red.

"U-um if you want to go you can I-ill just stay outside!" he said while trying to contain his stutter.

"I-I want your help..." She whispered also near glowing.

She dragged him towards the store and started going through the shelves going through and grabbing different one. For a while Izuku sat there trying to say what he thought of her swimsuits.

"I-its nice"

"It suits you alot"

"I think its right"

Until she came out in a black two piece with a white skirt add-on.

Izuku blushed and couldn't speak. Saiko blushed and knew this was the one, and immediately changed and paid for it. Before Izuku knew what had happened they were sitting in the food court.

"I'll take two nice bowls of.... The Yukihira Ramen" Saiko ordered and returned to her table. The chief came out placed the bowls down and ripped of his headband "Happy to serve!" and returned to his store. Then proceeded to eat while talking about little things. This was and ideal date for them.

"So you wanna go to Karaoke next?" Izuku asked. She pondered it for a moment before nodding, She then gazed behind and dropped her chopsticks and got up from her seat and running past Izuku. He turned round and saw her awkwardly approach a group of girls. Then it clicked those were the ones that attended the exam with her. Thats when suddenly they all looked in his direction and point. Izuku still not used to being the center of attention turned back around robotically "Please don't come over. Please don't come over." He begged to anyone listening. Thinking enough time had passed his heart rate had calmed down and just when it had he heard Saiko's voice and the footsteps of her former clique approaching.

"Izuku" She cooed into his ear. "

"Y-yes S-saiko" He stuttered a reply without turning round, he could hear her friends giggling behind them.

"I know how you feel about people, but would it be okay if my old friends came along with us to Karaoke?" She asked in a soft tone.

Izuku being the smart kid he was knew there was no escape without disappointing Saiko.

"O-okay." After he said that he was immediately rushed by 4 girls into a bone crushing hug. And he knew what bones being broken felt like. Saiko coughed and the girl clambered off him. Saiko then proceeded to cling on Izuku's arm claiming him as her property.

"Introductions ladies."

The Short Blue haired girl went first

"I'm Suzue of Seiai's 2nd year class. Nice to meet you." She bowed

A caramel blonde went next

"I'm Lilith, Pleased to meet you.." She then curtsied

After the others went through Izuku learned that Suzue, Lilith, Hina, and Lulu were all former classmates of Saiko's. Izuku tried to introduce himself but all the girls, including Saiko started giggling.

"Izu I'm pretty sure most of Japan knows you."

They talked amongst themselves for a while

"We were going to go to a Quirk training gym but then ran into Saiko." Lulu stated but as soon as the Izuku heard the word quirk he grew stars in his eyes. "Saiko Saiko Saiko, Can we?" She sighed.

"Alright. We all can do Karaoke another time. I owe you for the Swimsui- THAT STORE." Saiko caught herself but badly and the girls suddenly grinned.

"Say Midoriya- Don't you think Saiko has an amazing body." Hina said a little louder than she should've prompting both Izuku and Saiko to light up. "ALL RIGHT LETS GO GUYS" Saiko nearly yelled.

Outside it was absolutely massive, Izuku had always seen the building but never went since he had no reason. 

Once inside Izuku went to change into more workout gear. Izuku was the first out and did light stretches. Then all five girls came and while Saiko wasn't really going to do much she was thinking of use a tranquilizer gun into her arsenal so it could help her for offensive capabilities. So as they all went around spending time for each girl the main event all girls had been waiting to see. Izuku to be honest had been wanting to go a little all out too. Powering up full cowl and dashed of destroying the training dummies with various punches kicks even a few air blasts. He even managed to get airborne and take out some drones. All before coming to a stop and panting slightly. When he turned around he saw a small crowd had gathered and were spectating him. He waved in embarrassment before walking back. Thinking about how today had been a good day. While everyone complimented him and made imitations of how fast he was, but one thing that made him smile was a little kid looking at him with the same shine Izuku always had.


I'm back. With Exam Study time coming up expect maybe a few chapters coming out.

I want to explore more of Saiko's story in this fic. I know chapters are short and I'm trying to drag things out. After reading alot of Light Novels im getting a good idea of pacing.

Next time is going to be I-Island. Or well the I-Island beach episode ;)  

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