Familiar Face, Slightly New Place

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A couple of weeks had passed since that day at the hospital, Saiko was thinking about something.

"To spend as much time with Izuku I could stay here & attend Seiai or she could switch schools halfway through the year and hope like heck she gets into U.A. I think I'll.....". BEEP!

Saiko sent her application form for the most prestigious school.

She sighed hoping she didn't make the wrong move. But on the other end of that was someone who saw this & was very intrigued, sipping on his morning cup of tea. The figure sent an Email back right away.

She looked up only to see an Email back from U.A that read.

Dear Miss Intelli

I would like to inform you that our hero course is currently full. But if you were to drop by our school later today I would be more than to have a talk with you. I'll have someone wait out the gate for you.

U.A High's Principal Nezu.

Saiko's jaw dropped.

Since it was a weekend she went out immediately ran out in a rush not even looking at the weird looks people were giving her. Once she had completed her trip almost 2 hour long trip to U.A. she was standing outside the famous gates gazing up at the colossal building.

"Enjoying the view Miss?" a familiar voice came.

Saiko turned around to see a frail man with unmistakable hair

"Y-yes I am thank you Sir. Its an honour to meet Sir" Saiko returned feeling her nerves getting the better of her.

"Please call me All Might, I take it your Miss Intelli? All Might Replied

"Ah Yes S-Saiko Intelli of Seiai Academy" She Answered.

"Hmmm so your the one Nezu's talking about" He told her intrigued why she was here.

As they wandered through the corridor towards his office Saiko tried striking up a conversation with the former Symbol Of Peace.

"All Might my boyfriend is a pretty big fan of you. He strives to be just like you." She told him.

He chuckled "Your Boyfriend sounds like an exceptional person Miss Intelli."

"Izuku certainly is..." She replied.

He coughed "Izuku as is Young Midoriya?"

She nodded.

"I'm one of his teachers & he didn't even tell me he has a wonderful girlfriend such as yourself, I'm going to talk to him later. He mumbled only just loud enough to be heard.

"Anyways we're here" he stopped & opened the door.

"Greetings Miss Intelli. Please Have a seat said a voice sitting in a chair."

She quickly sat down. The chair then spun around to reveal a small mammal the Saiko had never seen before.

"Welcome to U.A. High. Tea?

After a couple of minutes of asking why she wanted to attend Nezu asked her something out of the blue.

"Have you played chess?" he asked pulling out a chess set.

"A-A few times sir." She replied not really understanding why it was important.

Once the chess board was set they got to playing. Hours went by. Since Intelli had been drinking tea she was able to keep up better than most others due to her quirk.

Thats what she thought until.

"CHECKMATE AHAHAHA" He started laughing maniacally.

"Anyways Miss Intelli. I agree to let you join this school. If you want to join the hero course your required to repeat the 1st year & you have weekly lessons with me."

3 times. Thats how many times Saiko Intelli had been stunned today.


"Great you'll be in Mr Aizawa's class" Nezu told him while pressing a button on his desk to call a teacher

"Shouta. Mineta's replacement is here"

A moment later screaming could be heard from the dorms.

"I shall escort you over to the dorms myself as we already got your stuff sent their."

Once they had arrived on the door Nezu told Saiko to knock on the door. When it opened a mop of green hair appeared in front of her.

"H-Hell- Saiko?" Came a voice she knew to well

"I-Izuku?" Came a shocked Saiko.

"The Principal" interjected Nezu. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I'm Back. Happy 2020 Y'all

Not sure how I feel about this part.

But hey Shes now attending U.A. so thats cool.


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