Anomalies and A Much Needed Talk

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*Knock Knock Knock*

Izuku woke in the middle of the night to see who was knocking. To his surprise it was Saiko.

"Izukuuu I need to go too the bathroom since I wasn't shown it. "

"O-oh Okay Saiko" He helped guide her & stayed outside the door to walk her back.

Inside the bathroom Saiko was impressed. But heard someone muttering.

"That bitch.....who the fuck does she think she is putting her paws on my man like that. First day here and she can't keep her hands off him..."


Saiko got out of there quickly.

"U-Ummmm Izu d-do you think I could borrow your bathroom tonight?"

"Why is Saiko doing something wrong?" He asked as she pulled him along quickly and shut his room door.

"Someone was in there mumbling about... about how I was being close to you. I-I'm Scared Izuku." She said looking up at him on the brink of crying. He pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay Saiko, I'm not going to leave you ever." He whispered as she cried into him.

After she had calmed down she gripped his shirt

"I-is it alright if I sleep here tonight?" She asked looking down so red you could see it in the dark room.

"I-if you want b-but I only have a single bed." He said equally red.

"THAT'S FINE." she said louder than it was meant to be.

He hopped into bed with her not far behind and slowly faded from consciousness.

When he woke up too the sun peeking in through the curtains he whispered. "That was a weird dream." when he tried to move he came to the realisation "That wasn't a dream..." looking down Saiko had both arms around him in a bear hug & was drooling on his shirt slightly.

"Mmmmm let the kids get there food Honey...." she mumbled in her sleep. Izuku was having a malfunction this early in the morning. "K-kids... H-honey..." he muttered in shock. He nudged her awake. It was time for his training, Once awoken to the strawberry that is her boyfriend Saiko remembered what happened last night and turned red as well. "Saiko I need to get going for my training so I thought I should let you know." He told her.

"D-Do you think I could come?" she asked

"W-Well....Why not. Meet me downstairs in 5 minutes." he told her.

With that those two got ready for the day and headed outside towards the forest. Izuku texting someone while intertwining hands with Saiko.

"Why are we going all the way out here Izu?" she asked.

"Ah my mentor told me to practice out here to cause less damage."

"I see" she replied looking round.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA!" a voice called out

They turned around and saw none other than All Might approaching

"A-All Might Saiko replied shocked."

"Ah Miss Intelli nice seeing you here, So this is the person?" He asked, looking at Izuku.

"Yes." he replied looking determined.

"All right then." He said "Sit down Miss Intelli I have a story to tell..."

They sat there for a few hours discussing One for All and Izuku's story.


"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE BULLIED BY THAT TEMPERMENTAL BLONDE! Do you know how worried I get when i see UA on the News..." She said looking down.

"Miss Intelli. It was my decision to have Young Midoriya not tell a soul. So please do not be mad at him." He told her gently. "Now." He said facing the two of them. "How long have you been together." he said looking at the blushing couple...

After they got back from training Saiko was out of breath.

"Midoriya. Can I speak with you" came a cold yet soft monotone voice.

"O-oh yeah Todoroki." He said going off with the half and half teen.

In Todoroki's room the boys sat down.

"Have you noticed the girls acting... Strange lately?" he asked sipping on some tea

"Not in particular. Though when Saiko went the Bathroom last night she did say she heard someone mumbling and cursing about her." He said. Todoroki rose an eyebrow

"Waking you up and in the middle of the night & a first name basis huh." He smiled looking at his friend. "It's a good girlfriend you have there."

Midoriya blushed "T-todoroki i-i-its umm not like that you see I'm the only o-"

"I'll stay quiet Midoriya you have my word."

"Thank you. Shoto. And about that other thing. I'll keep my eye out.

Midoriya left.

"Shoto huh. Thank you for being my friend Izuku..." Todoroki sat there happily.

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