The beginning.

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In the heavens, there was a divine discussion amongst important Godhheads about the affairs of their devotees. Especially the younger generation..... For them, the children are everything! The older people had already gained virtues, and developed an unshakable faith. But these teens nowadays. They are influenced by many things which turn them away from the right path.

So now there were Shiva, Jesus, Vishnu and Buddha, all having the conversation on how to help and inspire their young followers. Within their conversation, they were however glowing in majesty and divinity, yet they were above vanity.
"These days, our followers are forgetting about their values." Shiva says. "And then they're some have forgotten us."
"Yes Mahadev. Only some. They don't even know what is said in the Geeta or Ramayan." Vishnu sadly said.
"And some are using my quotes loosely." Buddha added. "I have shown my devotees to be at peace but they still loose their cool."
"So as Karma. They use Karma loosely." Vishnu said.
"They use my name loosely. Like for profanity." Jesus added. "In vain."
"So bad."
"But Narayan, you're right. But we can always gather them." Jesus replies. "If we have to leave the rest of devotees to attend to one, we would do it."
"Yes!" The rest agreed.
"Yada Yada hi dharmasya." Vishnu perfectly stated.
"Yes Glanir bhavati bharata." They smiled in recognition.
"But one thing." Buddha asks. "Why are our followers quarreling about which religion is better. And we're here in heaven having a good time. Knowing what one of us is going to say next."
"So strange." Shiva adds.
"So what are we to do?" Buddha asked.
"We should descend as exchange students!" Vishnu suggests.
"That's a great idea." Jesus agrees.
"We should." Both Buddha and Shiva also agreed.
"But we will descend in one school in particular." Vishnu said. "This school is full of atheists who are dealing with social and psychological problems."
"They need us. We will definitely comfort them."
It is settled. The deities are going to descend to help their young devotees! And give them comfort.

"I love to be near my devotees." Jesus said.
"It feels good doesn't it? I too love it." Vishnu added.
"Yes! Whoever they may be. Danav or Manav, Shudra, Vaishya, Brahmin or Kshatriya." Shiva smiles. "I cherish them."
"We're all bhakt vatsal." Buddha happily said. "All of us are sharing the bliss of meeting devotees."
"Yes, always." Jesus adds. "I really love to meet them. And especially when I sit and eat with them."
"Darshans are always fun to do. I was always yearning. And they were also." Vishnu reminisced.

"Mahadev, the poem that ypur avatar Adi Shankarcharya had written. The Nirvana Shatakam. Is it the same Nirvana I teach about?"
"Maybe so, Sakyamuni(Buddha)." Shiva replies. "Nir Vahana means the formless voice."
"Oh I see. And nirvana, which is heaven, is also formless."
"Moksh too." Vishnu added.
"Heaven is always eternal and formless." Jesus said.
"Yet our followers can attain it, and hear the formless voice if their minds are cleared." Vishnu says. "Agreed?"
"Agreed!" The three happily exclaimed.
"Ok, Devtao let's descend." Shiva suggests.
"We should study the society and their beliefs too." Buddha suggests. "It will be fun."
"Of course it would."

Afterwards, Shiva, Jesus, Vishnu and Buddha went to earth, and disguised themselves as young adults. All wore jeans and simple t-shirts, nothing extravagant. Furthermore they became bombarded by this multicultural city, which was filled with vibrance, colour and sheer bliss. The state was cosmopolitan and multi religious. Hindu, Buddhists, shikhs and even Christian. Everyone was living together with no division.

"Waw! This is so beautiful!" Shiva remarked. "We must definitely explore!"
"And take many pictures." Jesus pulls out a phone.
"What. We have to blend in."
"Right Yeshu. Many of our devotees owns one of these." Vishnu agrees. "And I want one!"
"Of course Narayan. We should all have one."
"Well I want one of those!" Buddha pointed at an ice cream vendor. "An ice cream cone."
"Yes! Let's go. Then we'll explore." Vishnu said.
"Wait! Hold up!" Shiva stops them. "We need names! We can't be going around telling people we're Devon ke Dev Mahadev, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Shree Hari Vishnu and the Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus."
"You have a point."
"Well my name will be Vasudev." Vishnu smiles.
"And mine will be Gaurav." Shiva insists.
"I'll settle for Rafai." Jesus adds.
"And my name will be Siddhant."

"We will all be exchange students." Vishnu declared.


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