Serious business.

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When the deities were sitting and enjoying their smoothies, someone gave them a pamphlet.
"What is this?" Gaurav peered at it.
"Some advertisement." Siddhant wondered.
"I'm eager to know." Vasudev adds.
"Yea, looks interesting." Rafaai says.
"The chosen Maath, aka the CM, hereby invites you to the satsang and meeting of Swami Charan at the city's mall." Gaurav read.
"Waw! Swami Charan." Vasudev laughed. "But when will the satsang start?"
"At 7pm." Gaurav replied.
"We definitely know him." Siddhant adds. "So we should you know, pay him a visit."
"Yes. We should hear what he has to say." Rafaai said. "And then correct him after."

Swami Charan is a baba who claimed to be God, yet corrupt the scriptures and rituals to suit himself. Also he have claimed that they have done many miracles. Charan is married to someone named Ganga, and has four sons with her.
Now these deities will meet him, and listen to what he has to say.
However, time flew fast, and the satsang started at 7 sharp. This middle aged baba was already sitting amongst his devotees, and so were the four deities.
"My priye Bhaktajano, I'm so happy that you are here for Satsang. Hari Om!" He says. "Tonight for satsang, my devotees will sing bhajans and play the instruments while I help you in your problems. I have reincarnated for you all. So come one by one and talk to me. Bring your prasad too."
"Baba, tell me. Is taking away someone's life is bad." A man asked.
"It is not good nor bad, devotee." Charan said. "Like I have said in the Bhagwat Geeta--"
"As I said??" Vasudev repeated what Charan said with a query.
"The body does the action, not the soul. So Yea you can, and still get moksh." Charan concludes.
There was then a murmer in the crowd.
"Baba has such a unique approach to things." They said.

"You're putting things out of context!!" Vasudev stood up. "And how dare you give it another meaning. The mode of ignorance leads to madness, don't you know!!"
"Who are you, balak?!" Charan asks.
"I'm a person who won't let adharm happen!" Vasudev declared.
"Sit down, and be quiet." Charan smiled. "Balak."
"I'm not a Balak. But Balaji. And let me speak." Vasudev says. "Yes it is said that body does the actions and not the soul, but it doesn't mean that one should kill people. It means that our material bodies are bounded by Karma, emotions, duties and operations. The material body responds to the material emotions, and that is known as human nature. Killing is wrong of course, but it is fueled by corrupted and wicked emotion and also bad mindset. Yet the soul lies in the self which is Prabhu Ansha. Our Atma moves from body to body like clothes."
"Hey! Who are you to teach me." Charan fixed his eyes on him.
"Accha, you're right. Speak guru Maharaj." Vasudev says sarcastically and then took a seat.
Thereafter a crying woman confronted Charan.
"What is it, Putri? Tell me."
"My husband had thrown me out of the house." She cried. "Now I have nowhere to go. What would my Maayke log think of me!"
"Oh my dear." Charan became sad. "I shall help you, Putri. By guiding you, sheltering you and also nurturing you."
"You're so merciful, baba! I thank you."
"But where is it?"
"Putri. One must help me feed mankind. Hence a little charity is needed." He says.
"I...don't have anything on me, Prabhu!! Forgive me!" The woman cried more.
"Will you let my children starve." Charan asks. "Accha."
"Just still help me, Prabhu!!! I beg you! I have nowhere to go."
"I can't see my devotee in pain." Gaurav thought.
"Putri, my other devotees had denoted a lot of money to me, and look where they have reached. I as Parambhrama, say if you feed the children, then you will succeed."
"I told you, I have lost everything! How would I pay you."
"Dearest, there's always a Samadhan to the Samasya. Just tell be how much would you pay me in the future, when you get back on your feet." Charan suggests.
"B....but baba!"

"Chachi." Gaurav let the woman in his arms and wiped her tears in a nurturing way. "Don't cry chachi."
Now Charan twisted his face in disgust.
"I'm homeless!!" She hugged Gaurav. "I don't have anything!! I, I don't have any money! No shelter!"
"Dear, that's not true." Gaurav stroked her head, and then looked at Charan. Thereafter Siddhant and Rafaai came to help.

"Do you have any shame! Insulting a woman in front of people!" Gaurav scolded him. "Don't you know Gods are worshipped wherever a woman is also worshipped and honoured. They are Shakti!"
"Balak. We have a pay first system. My devotees will give to charity, and then I will solve their problems." Charan adds.
"So we must pay a price to get knowledge and obtain welbeing!"
"Well balak, there's something called guru dakshina."
"Yes. The sages haven't asked for it, but they just expected it because it is a custom and an act of gratitude." Gaurav says. "But people like you have used to to gain wealth for yourselves under the name of charity and God. Bhagwan doesn't want wealth, what will he do with it?"
"No, that's enough of you!" Gaurav declared. "Dearest chachi. Tell me what happened. This Charan Swami is mute now."
"How dare you mute me." Charan grumbled.
"Mute! And stay mute." Gaurav commands. "I'm Gaurav, chachi. Now tell me."
" husband...have left me!" She said. "Because I'm unable to have children... I'm barren!"
"Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!" Charan jumped out of his skin.
"What happened Swamiji?!" One of his devotees asked. "But you're Sri Bhagwan."
"I didn't know that this Jeev is like this." Charan replied. "A barren woman is seen as inauspicious. She have tainted the place. I order my devotees to do yagya to cleanse."
Hearing what Charan said, the woman clung more to Gaurav and buried her head in his chest.
"She is not favoured by Santaan Lakshmi." Charan adds.
"How do you know that?! Have you met Devi?" Vasudev asks. "She
does not shun any of her devotees."

"How dare you judge this lady!" Rafaai adds. "Judge if you wish to be judged in the future."
"Who can judge me, balak." Charan chuckled.
"Soon you will see." Rafaai says.
"It's called Karma." Siddhant completed.
"Anyways, does without fault and sin is the worthy one to cast the first stone." Rafaai concludes.
"Chachi, go back to your parents house. They will understand, because after all they are family." Siddhant suggested. "Family should support you."
"I had enough of you four obstacles. This is my satsang and my devotee!" Charan raised his voice. " "Get out!"
"Gladly. But we're taking Chachi with us." Gaurav said.
Moreover, the deities left with the crying woman, and Charan told his followers that they were acting that way because of the illusion of Kalyug. Then the woman dropped down at Gaurav's feet and began to cry.
"You're Sakshat Bhagwan!!" She exclaimed while clasping her hands.
"What are you saying." Gaurav lifted her up and wiped her tears once again.
"My Bholenath!"
"Don't cry, dear."
"I thought baba was going to help me! I saw God in him once." The woman said. "He has so much knowledge. And also he had inspired many,"
"Dear, I find this is like Mithyanand ka Nathak." Vasudev adds.
"You mean Nithyanand?" Gaurav chuckled.
"Yes. But he's Mithya (fake)." Vasudev replied.
"Chachi, I will carry you home." Gaurav says.
"Thank you, Gaurav ji. And thank you all."
"You don't need to thank us." Siddhant says. "What he did to you was wrong."


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