Chapter Six - Mint Chocolate Chip

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Unbuckling the collar with ease, nothing like how you struggled with putting it on, Tae waited to feel the leather slip from his neck before taking it from your hands and tossing it on a pillow; removing himself from between your legs next. The loss of his body heat making your thighs feel empty and incomplete.

He stood holding out his arms, pursing lips in annoyance at the same time that he had to stop in the middle of something he was quite enjoying.

“Come on beautiful, let’s go see what they bought since we can’t continue our fun.”

Reaching out your hand, he scooped you up a bit too sudden making you gasp audibly. The boxed grin on his features brightening his face as he watches you with amusement.

Giving you zero chance to say or do anything else he started walking out of his shared bedroom and down the hall to reach the stairwell. Descending the steps while making sure not to bump you on the railing as he went.

Faint voices became louder as you approached a new room you haven’t seen thus far. 

Actually you have yet to see anything on the bottom floor of the house so you were a little more than curious to say the least.

The guys piled into the living room, carrying assortments of bags and groceries while Taehyung stood there holding you close, letting you get a good look at your new surroundings.

Everyone started to gather in the kitchen so Taehyung followed, sitting you on the counter before turning to help Jin and Yoongi put away the groceries that went in the fridge or freezer while Jungkook and Namjoon handled the pantry items. You could only sit and watch, giggling when one of them would start arguing with the other over useless things like going too fast or not stacking right. 

Once everything seemed to be in their proper places, Yoongi rubbed the back of his head and leaned his back against the counter beside you, resting elbows on the surface behind his torso. 

"Because of you I had to get up early. I’m not happy about losing sleep— You owe me." 

His gorgeous onyx eyes flicked to your face making you stiffen when he caught your gaze. You could tell in his eyes he was gentle but that aura he puts off is massively intenidating. Not to mention he's too damn good-looking for his own good, it makes trying to talk to him let alone look at him a challenge.

"I-I’m sorry," you started, confused when he quietly slipped you a candy bar making sure no one noticed then pushed off the counter to leave without taking another glance at you 

Turning the candy over in your hand seeing a piece of paper folded around it you smile to yourself at his soft side, getting ready to open the note when a voice broke you from your train of thought.

"What are you smiling at?" 

"Nothing?" You quickly hid the candy bar in your hoodie pocket as you look up to find Jeongguk approaching; realizing everyone else had already left the kitchen. 

He paused at the refrigerator and slung the door open, checking out the goods they bought. His eyes doing a quick scan over before he moved onto the freezer section.

"Ah! They got ice cream!"

Happily pulling out the carton of mint chocolate chip, he grabs two spoons and tosses you one before grabbing a bowl for you to share. Scooping an adequate amount into the bowl before slapping back on the lid and chucking the icecream back to where it belongs. Then leaning on the counter with his forearm to take a spoonful of sugary goodness he indulges himself contentedly. 

Following his example you take your own spoonful and bite into the creamy dessert a little more cautiously.

You get halfway finished when you accidentally drop a piece on your thigh, Kook’s reflexes being too fast for you to handle because he was over and between your legs scooping it up with his warm tongue before you had the chance to reach for a paper towel.

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