Chapter Nine - The Note

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"Hyung? It's me. Is Y/N in there?"

"Uh, yeah. She's trying on dresses."

"I have the crutches, can I come in?"

Jeongguk's head shyly popped in after his question, looking at the floor too scared to look up in case you had been indecent.

"Sure, Guk-ah. I'll just leave you and Y/N to talk. Y/N, if that one fits I'm sure the rest will."

You could only nod as he made his way past Kook, the Maknae holding the door open for him before taking a glance in your direction on the mattress. 

He closed the door behind him and brought the crutches over to the bed, laying them down before taking a seat a little far from your body.

Never once looking up from his hands that were being wrung in his lap from nervousness, the brunette cleared his throat and tried to speak without it shaking. 

"Look — I'm.. um, I'm sorry about what happened in the kitchen. I didn't mean to do that. It's just.. I couldn't help myself. I smelt your pheromones and I just lost sight of myself."

"You what?"

"You smelled like you were turned on? I'm really sorry. It smelled so good that I couldn't take it and I just wanted to tease you. But I'm curious, why were you? What were you thinking about before you came to the kitchen?"

It's then he got an idea and glanced at you looking somewhat hurt; "what did you and TaeTae do together before you came down?"

Your face gave you away, blushing all over again when he forced you to recall what had happened inside that bedroom.

"N-Nothing happened. He just took me to the bathroom and then shown me around a little. But wait.. You said you c-could — " You can't bring yourself to finish that embarrassing sentence.

"Smell you? I'm sure we all did. Didn't you notice everyone left the kitchen as soon as they could? It was because of you."

"Well that's fucking embarrassing oh my God now I can't show my face to anyone." You hide behind your palms, earning a chuckle from the youngest werewolf.

"Why? Nothing to be ashamed of. You just smelt too delicious that it was hard to concentrate — For any of us." 

Making a noise from behind your hands he chuckled again then the bed shifted and his weight was gone indicating he stood up.

Peeking between your fingers you looked in his direction as he moved to stand at your side, ruffling your hair to try and get you to look at him. When you didn't budge, he sighed deeply and lightly grabbed your wrist with his large hands to pull you from your hiding spot.

"Please look at me so I know you don't hate me. I really am sorry."

That sweet, apologetic tone pulled at your heartstrings, letting yourself give in and allow him to free your hands from your burning face.

"There you are," he murmured behind his bunny smile and you couldn't help but smile back. 

"Hi," he whispered while now holding your hands helping you to relax. 

"H-Hi," you stuttered back, biting your lip as your heart thrashed about. 

"Thank you for not hating me." 

Giving your hands a squeeze he smiled one last time then removed himself from your grasp, losing his body warmth. 

"Well um.. so there are the crutches, if you need one of us to help with anything just yell. I guess I'll see you around."

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