Chapter Fifteen - The Drive

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You could almost recall the feeling of relief when the front door opened and Namjoon casually strolled into the room. The look of confusion set deep on his face creasing his brow when your body collided with his; knocking him off balance a whole two steps backwards into the door frame as you squoze him as though he's been gone for years.

Unsure of how to handle the situation, or if one of the pack members had said something to you that he'd need to handle, he cautiously rubbed between your shoulder blades waiting to see what was wrong. He took just a moment to pause, allowing your body heat to seep through the back of your shirt, his icy fingers warmed by the passing second until the two of you jumped apart by Seokjin's booming voice. The older male had bounded into the room scolding everyone and everything in sight like it was his life's mission.

Joon opened his mouth to retort⁠—to remind his subordinate of who he was yelling at until the others had come flying in as well, Namjoon's previous look of confusion now contorting to that of pure bewilderment. Full brow pulled all the way up to his hairline as Joon attempted to read their hectic energy that he unknowingly walked into.

"One at a time, I can't understand if everyone is speaking at once." Namjoon silenced the room immediately, his eyes shifting over to Hoseok who remained by Jooheon, both appearing guilty for whatever reason now that he had returned home.

You watched while the two of them just stared at each other for a while as though having a secret conversation⁠—Namjoon and Hoseok⁠—their eyes occasionally shifting or a slight brow twitch before Namjoon nodded and sucked his cheeks in with a set jaw to Hoseok.

"I'll go pack.. I suggest the rest of you do the same. That goes for you as well, Y/n." He used that alpha tone.. you hated that alpha assertion, it always got under your skin.

"I'm sorry'wut?" You stumbled over the words as they fell from your mouth in a jumbled mess, your brain working faster than your mouth at that moment. You looked to Hobi for clarification, but Tae gently tugged you to his side by the back of your dress, giving a slight head shake in reference to not argue.

"Make sure you bring a change of clothes, and at least something to sleep in along with whatever else you'll need for the night," Joon added as a second thought while walking past the group to head upstairs in long strides.

"We're all going?" Jungkook asked with a head tilt while he turned to face both Hoseok, and Jooheon, who coughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. Jooheon's awkward stance visibly showed how uncomfortable he'd become by the passing second.

"Can someone please tell me what is happening?” You sighed when no one offered any explanations, growing impatient. “First Namjoon is missing, and now he's not? Then we're all going to some mystery place?" You spun to Taehyung before he could slip away, almost missing how the maknae asked again, 'so we're all actually going,' as the rest of the pack filed out of the room quietly speaking amongst themselves. 

"Don't worry, beautiful, you can ride with me. I'll fill you in." Jooheon offered, moving to lean his shoulder against the wall, his arms and legs crossed leisurely within the new stance.

"Like hell she is," Hoseok scoffed, setting his glare onto you. "You're riding in my car. Namjoon will probably freak out if you're with Jooheon."

"We're splitting cars?" Jimin's honey voice broke the tension Hoseok created with his guest, your head whipping around to look for the blonde in shock. Jimin had apparently remained behind to move by your side and you'd been so focused on Hobi that you'd never noticed. Hoseok's only reply to that was a short, 'mm,' as he's so busy sorting through a duffle bag propped against the couch that he’s barely paying attention.

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