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Valerie's pov

As I walk down the long halls of juvie where there are teenage boys and girls everywhere each and everyone with a different story, (my story is complicated so let's not talk about that right now), I can't stop thinking about how, jail is a real pain in the ass there are some cool people here and there but most of the people in here are just assholes and the guards are awful they look like they wouldn't hesitate to fuck one of us and that's not an exaggeration, it's happened before, not to me but to someone else, she's out now though but poor girl.

I don't really have any friends everyone in my sleeping hall is a real asshole. I do have one friend though her name is Alexa and she's cool as heck, all the girls are scared of us because we are the girls that have been in here the longest.

Lately, there have been some rumors about a new guy, and I'm excited we need some new people in here, especially a guy, and if he's hot it's just a plus, I know it might sound weird but yes me and the other girls are staying in the same department as the boys, we aren't as many girls and the person owning this hellhole doesn't wanna spend money on a girls department and tbh I don't think that any of us cares really.

All the boys in here are friends with me and Alexa and all the girls wanna be.

I look down the hallway and spotted a new guy. I guess the rumors were true, he just needs to get a bit closer so I can really see his face, I guess my prayers were heard, because he starts heading towards me and Alexa's table, and let me tell you something, that guy is hot, I look at Alexa and nod his way, she knows exactly what I mean with that, this guy is my new best friend.

I walk over to him and stretch out my hand to say hello, he takes my hand

"hello there new kid I'm Valerie but u can call me Val what is your name," I say with confidence, he needs to know how cool I am

"Uhm my name is Gabriel" he answers in a nervous tone

"cool name I'm gonna call you Gabe though"

"Ohh okay sure I don't mind"

he's still nervous I can hear it in his voice.

"Hey Gabe no need to be nervous as long as you're with my and my pal over there nothing is gonna happen you are save with us," I say while pointing to Alexa

"Thanks, it's just a lot and this is new for me"

"of course, it's totally fine, come with me and I'll give u a tour" I grab his hand and lead him through the many halls and rooms, while we are walking I make sure to never let go of his hand.


Part 2 aayyy, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the changes I made in the writing, I was very annoying when I wrote this 3 years ago and I cringed so much when I read it through, I didn't change too much just the really bad parts.

I hope you enjoy it

Love- Julie

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