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Valerie's pov

It has now been 2 months since Gabe escaped, and I'm unfortunately still here just in a different part of the jail where I have never been before and that's weird because I thought that I had seen everything. Recently there has only been one thing on my mind, how the fuck do I get out of here. I can't take this torture anymore.

I'm sitting in whatever this bed is and just thinking, should I have just kept running? should Gabe have stopped and helped me? or should we just never even have started to run? My thoughts are interrupted when one of the guards comes into my cell. He grabs my arm and drags me out of there. He doesn't say a word but just keeps on dragging me to god knows where, I look around and soon realize that we're on the way to the office, what the hell did I do wrong now.

As we arrive the guard lets go of my arm and the headmaster steps into the room and tells me to sit down on one of the chairs, as she sits down on the chair across the table.
"Valerie how are you doing on this fine evening"
I don't answer because of the fear of saying something wrong
"You aren't the most talkative person ever apparently, well that doesn't matter, it has now been 2 months since you and Gabriel's little stunt, I can inform you that we haven't found him yet"
I smile, thank god he's still out there and not in here.
"So we've decided that you're gonna go to a summer camp"
"I'm sorry what," I say without thinking
She got to be kidding me
"You heard me since you've been behaving well recently, we figured that it'll be a good idea, to let you see some people of your own age, we have been talking to a few camps and you're going to be staying at the camp "Rim of the world" they know about your background so there's going to be someone looking after you all the time, no escaping while you're there little lady"
"Rim of the world huh sounds exciting when will I leave, I can't wait to get out of this hell hole" maybe I shouldn't have said that but fuck it.
"You'll be leaving tomorrow so today you and I are gonna go on a little shopping trip I mean you need some clothes don't u"
"Thanks miss that means a lot"
I can't believe I'm getting out of here
"And if you even think about running away I have a gun"
She takes a gun out of her pocket, guess I won't run away.

The first store we go into is urban outfitters it looks like they have some neat shit in there. I walked around the store and found a couple of cool skirts and shirts, might as well look good. After urban, we go into some other stores and get some other things that I might need.

Right now we are on our way to the food court because we need something to eat we have been shopping for quite a while now turns out the headmaster isn't as bad and boring as I thought she would be, she's actually kinda cool to be around.

After we ate some food we started to head back home, or whatever you wanna call it. As we get closer I realize how nice it was to be away from there, and how I can't wait to get to that camp, even if it sounds lame as fuck.

I'm laying on the bed and my thought starts to go crazy inside my head, I can't believe I'm actually going to leave this hellhole tomorrow, I am so excited though.


Hello you guys, hope you enjoyed part 444444

I know that this scenario is really unlikely to happen but let's not think about that, 14 year old me didn't really know how the world works apparently.

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