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Valerie's pov

It's the morning after Gabe arrived and I'm really tired, last night him and I stayed up late and were laying on the roof, we just talked and we actually became really great friends. he also told me what he did to get in here, I didn't tell him what I did, it's too long of a story and not enough time. We actually stayed up there for so long that we almost got caught, thank god we didn't.

I step out of the thing that we call a bed, I wake up Alexa that's still sleeping and we go to breakfast.

the breakfast is the same as always, fucking boring, I'm starting to get really tired of this place I really wanna get the hell out of here. Actually, Alexa and I have been planning an escape we know this place in and out, the only reason we haven't done it yet is that we need other people, and all the others in here don't deserve to get out of here.

But after last night I think that Alexa and I have found the last person we need for our plans, the new kid and my new boy bestie Gabriel.

Alexa and I have been planning this for a while, we have always made sure that whenever we got tasks it'd be in different places so that we would know where we could escape from and where we couldn't.

I look after Alexa and she caught my eye flirting with Gabe, what is that bitch doing. I run-up to her and tell her that I need to talk to her
"Alexa what the fuck are u doing you know that Gabe is my boy toy and not yours"

I see him from the corner of my eye slowly backing up, I guess he didn't want to be part of this.
"Gabe huh"
"Yeah what about it answer my question"
"You know that you don't own the people in here right"
She's getting on my nerves right now.
"Gabe deserves better than you"
"You're catching feelings, baby girl"
What the actual fuck is she talking about
"No, I'm not what are you talking about"
"Oh Gabe is my boy toy, not yours Gabe deserves better than you bla bla bla"
I wanna punch her in the face right now I'm not catching feelings and I definitely don't sound like that, so I did it I punched her in the face, and believe me I don't think I've ever hit a person that hard before and I'm in jail so that says a lot.
She's quick to punch back and all of a sudden were fighting in the middle of the hallway, in the distance, I hear Gabe telling me to stop and as he pushes to the crowd of people watching us, I hear the pain in his voice, and as he gets close enough he drags me away from Alexa. We run away from the scene of the crime so no guards can find us.

As we run I realize that it's time, we need to escape and it's right now.
"Gabe turn that way"
He does as I say and soon enough we're outside and I see a lot of guards running towards us, cus of the fight before I don't have much strength left, but I still keep on running just not fast enough.

The guard behind me catches me but I tell Gabe to keep on running and he does as I say, I see him running off into the distance and I realize that maybe I was catching feelings and that hurts because I'll probably never get to see him again.


Part 3

I don't know how to feel about this part, but whatever i hope you like the new and upgraded version, and fint it better than it was before haha.

Love- Julie

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