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Valerie's pov

Today is the day, I'm finally gonna leave this hellhole, I can't wait to maybe feel like a normal girl again.

I'm eating breakfast with the rest of the inmates and apparently, all of the people here know that I'm gonna go to the summer camp, how they figured that out I really don't know, but I can definitely sense the tension in here, everyone is looking at me like I'm some god that they all worship but I'm not complaining.

After I'm done with breakfast the headmaster comes into the room and grabs me by the arm, she drags me out of the cafeteria and out into the hallway,

I guess it's time to leave.

She drags me down to my cell and starts talking to me, she starts talking about how all this is going to work and if I'm being honest I'm not really listening to her that much, but I'm pretty sure she said something about me having to go on some of the trips, that the camp is in charge off, fuck my life I guess, but at least I'm not going to be in here.

She finishes talking and says that it's time to leave, it's finally happening, I'm getting out of here. I grab my bags and some guards help the headmaster escort me out of the prison and into a car, the headmaster sits down in the car with me and tells the driver to start driving.

after about half an hour in the car, I see a sign that says. "rim of the world" I guess we are here now, the car stops, and a couple of buff looking guys start coming closer to the car, I guess these are the people that are going to look after me, I step out of the car and one of the guys grab my arm, and lead me into the office where they announce, that I have arrived, the other guy grabs my bags, and one of the guys from the camp leads me to the cabin I'm staying in.

As I enter the cabin I see a girl sitting on the other bed there, I guess she's my roommate, the men leave the cabin and lock the door.

I start to introduce myself to the girl sitting on the bed but she doesn't really seem to care, so I just give up, I guess she isn't the most talkative person out there, but neither am I so it's fine.

I can't wait to actually feel like a normal girl again.

The rest of the day at the camp nothing really happened, besides me and my roommate talking a bit, her name is Zhen Zhen, she's cool I like her, I've also met another guy named Dariush, he's kinda stupid but he's kinda funny so it's okay. There's also Alex, he's extremely shy but I think he fancies Zhen. The food here is okay its at least better than what I'm used to.

Today we are going canoeing, I really don't want to but I have to do it, or I'm gonna get my ass right back to jail and I don't want that, no one besides the camp workers and Zhenzhen know about my background, all the other people here are just afraid of the guys following me around, they are also kinda scary but I'm starting to get used to them so it doesn't matter.

As I hop in the van that's gonna drive us to the lake my guards tell me that they trust me enough and that I can go there alone, but I'm gonna get my ass beat if I just think about trying to escape, and if I'm going, to be honest, I actually kinda like it here and I don't want to leave Zhen.

The ride down to the lake only took a couple of minutes so that was fine, as we arrived the instructor there told us that some kid shit the canoe so I guess we ain't gonna do that, I might just go for a swim instead. As the instructor keeps talking I spot Zhen leaving the crowd and going up the mountain, I also see Alex following her, I decide to sneak away from the crowd and follow after them. I keep following them and bump into Alex, we both lost Zhen and can't find her and all of a sudden Dariush pops out from behind the tree and tells us. about the massive shit, he just laid. All of a sudden Dariush starts dragging Alex out to the edge of the mountain, he says something about wanting to help Alex with his fear. I yell at him to stop cus I can see the fear in Alex's eyes, I also spot Zhen running over to us and screaming at Dariush, all of a sudden there's a voice behind us that tells Dariush to let go, I turn around and



chapter 5, ayyyy

hopw you liked it

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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