12. Training of a Different Kind

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12. Training of a Different Kind

When I said I had a lot of work ahead of me, I definitely wasn't lying. Ross left Bane alone most of the time, mainly devoting his time, energy, and patience to me. I wasn't sure whether to feel concerned or flattered by this.

Regardless, we were cooped up in our apartment all day, every day, spending most of the time trying to make me make eye contact when talking to Ross, or not hunch over like I had a hump on my back. At first I thought he was setting me up like I was going to talk to royalty or something.

I've got to listen to him, though, I told myself repeatedly. He knows what he's doing. If it worked for him, it can work for me. Despite sometimes losing my patience with Ross, I had to remember that he knew what to do for interviews. After all, he went through this experience not too long ago. I had to trust him. It would seem kind of stupid to ignore his advice.

For the first few days of prepping, I didn't see Demi, but Regina stopped by one day, just to get measurements for Bane's outfit. I had a feeling Demi would do the same for me soon. Sienna was giving tips as well in addition to Ross, which was nice. I didn't think Sienna would know much about being interviewed, but she had a good idea about stage presence. She was District 1's escort after all, so she was on camera when reaping day came. She gave me tips of her own: pretend the camera isn't there, don't look nervous, walk out with a confident air.

Confidence was key.

There were only two days now before interviews, three days before the Games themselves. It was weird, saying the Games were so close. Sometimes I still felt as if this whole thing was just a vivid dream I thought was too good to be true. But I knew I wasn't dreaming. Nobody could dream up this kind of experience.

It was the middle of the afternoon when Demi barged in, carrying a dress bag. She's going to show me it? She whisked me away to my bedroom, locking the door. She set the bag on the bed.

"Going to have a fitting?" I laughed, eyeing the dress bag curiously.

"Yes," she said. "But you aren't allowed to look."

"No fair," I whined. "It's my dress; I should see the real thing!"

"I want you to get a first look when everybody else does," she retorted. "Now, strip."

"While my window gives people a good view of me?" I eyed the window warily.

"Then close the blinds and flick on the lights!"

A little eager to try on the dress, I shut the blinds and Demi flicked on the lights. I stripped down to my underwear.

"Okay, close your eyes, and I'll guide you into the dress," she said. I closed my eyes, trying not to peek, though it was really hard to resist temptation. "Step slightly forward. That's it, now the other leg."

I bent over, grabbing the fabric beneath my fingers. It was a strapless dress. Already I liked it, I liked different. Demi helped me shrug it on. It felt a little big, mainly around where my breasts were. It felt roomy, and I hated dresses when they felt roomy.

"How does it feel?" Demi asked.

"Big," I groaned.

"No worries, that's why I have pins with me. Now, don't fidget while I make the adjustments."

I stood statue-still as Demi poked the dress with pins. I could feel a few as they pierced the dress. I was trying to picture me wearing the dress even though I didn't actually see it yet. I wasn't sure what makeup I would have on with it, but I knew for a fact it'd coordinate with the dress. My choker obviously would be around my neck.

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