Chapter 7: Breakups and Codenames

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A/n: the chapter you've all been waiting for :)


           "Bakugo-kun, I-" [Name] gulped as Katsuki's red ruby eyes glared down at her. "There's something I need to tell you and it is very important." He rolled his eyes. "Just hurry the hell up so we can head the hell home." This caused irritation to course through her veins. She sighed before smiling softly.

        "Im breaking up with you."

        Katsuki blinked, furrowing his eyebrows. "What?" His choked. She averted her eyes. "Katsuki- Bakugo-kun, I know of your... "affair" with Uraraka-san, which is why I want to break up with you." She clenched her fists at her sides. "I... I may be seem like a push over to you because I.. I let you do what you want all the time and never complained about anything. But," She rose her glaring eyes up at him.

        "Shouto-kun broke me out of that stupor." She stepped back a bit and rose a clenched fist.

          Her usual bright eyes darkened in determination.

       "I will surpass you and head to the top along side Shouto-kun, and I can promise you that." With a respective bow, she grabbed her things and headed out of the classroom and closing the door behind her. As she did, she felt a tear go down her cheek as she sniffled softy.

        Along with closing that door to the classroom, she had also closed the door to the old memories they had together.


        "[Name]-chan? What are you doing here-?"

      "I know, Urara-chan." Uraraka's smile freezes along with her body function at the soft words that left [name]'s mouth. "Wha...?" She gulped as her heart pounded in fear. "I know, Urara-chan. About you and Bakugo-kun." She smiled. "Don't worry! I'm not here to beat you up or anything. Im not as angry as Shouto-kun was." Uraraka felt tears swell in her eyes as she got on the porch, calling out to her parents that she would be in shortly.

        "[Name]-chan, I..." Tears cascaded down her cheeks. "Im so sorry! I didn't," She hiccuped. "I didn't mean to do this to you at all!" She wailed. [Name] was beyond shocked at her outburst. She continued to sob about how she broke it off a few days ago and that she was really sorry in a blubbering way.

     "U- Uraraka-san?!" She burst into laughter, making Uraraka wipe her eyes again and sniffle. "Wh- Why are you laughing...?" [Name] wiped her tears of laughter and patted Uraraka's head. "Urara-chan, I'm not angry at you. I thought I implied that earlier." She giggled. "I'm just here to tell you that me and Bakugo broke up." Uraraka's eyes widen in shock.

     "You... you broke up with him?!" She exclaimed. "Ochako? Are you alright out there?" Her mother called, worried from the window. "I- Im fine, Okaa-san!" She reassured. Her mother laughed. "Okay, sweetie!" With that, she closed the window with a nice wave to [name]. She waved back and turned back to Ochako.

       "Listen, Ochako-chan. I honestly broke up with him for you."

      Ochako was in disbelief. "For me? [Name]-chan, what does that.." She swallowed. "What does that mean?" [Name] bristled happily. "That means you can be with him now without cheating or hurting anyone!" Ochako felt a pang of something weird in her chest at that fact, but shook her head. "[Name]-chan... you are too nice for your own good."

     [Name] blinked owishly. "Sorry, Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Ochako waved her hands around. "No, no! Your fine!" She rubbed the back of her head. "In fact, I wouldn't be able to go back to Bakugo-kun even if I wanted." She smiled nostalgically.

      "He's probably upset about your breakup and thinks its all my fault."

       Shaking her head firmly, [name] grasped her hands tightly. "Uraraka," Uraraka's eyes widen at the glow that was on [name]'s figure, a halo and angel wings suddenly appearing behind her out of nowhere.

       "If you want to get back with Katsuki, I can help you. I want you to be happy."

      Ochako's eyes watered before she sniffled and nodded, hugging [name] as she wrapped her arms around her waist. "Thank you, [name]-chan!" She nodded with a smile.

       "Your welcome."

Fun fact:

#1: [Name] is actually envisioned to be slightly shorter than Uraraka.


       "Aizawa-sensei, You dont have your bandages on anymore. That's good news." Tsuyy chimed as their teacher walked in. [Name] nodded. "Im glad to see you're doing okay, Aizawa-sensei." [Name] cutely chimed in. "The old lady went over board on her treatment. Anyways, we have a big class today, in hero informatics."

      Hero informatics?

    Denki seemed to start freaking out along with the rest of the class except Shouto and [name].

         Hero Informatics?! Don't tell me it's a pop quiz!

       Oh man, i hope its not about hero laws. Im so bad at stuff like that!

       Aizawa let out a breath. "Codenames. You all need to pick your hero identities." This made everyone jump out of their seat in happiness as [name] clapped and laughed but stopped when Aizawa's eyes glowed and his hair flew up. Everyone who had turned up and immediately turned right back down. 

       "This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I talked to you all about last week. You usually dont have to worry about stuff like this until your third or second year, but your class is different." Everyone was grinning or just plain excited.

      He had shown the ratings on the board, [name] being shocked to see she was in the top three with over 1000 offers. "Congratulations, Shouto-kun! You got the most!" [Name] smiled. Shouto flushes a bit before blinking. "Those are probably because of my father, but... thank you anyways."

      "These hero names will most likely be temporary, but, take them seriously or else--"

      The door slid open dramatically.

      "There'll be hell to pay!" Grinning stood Midnight, the R-Rated hero. The guys such as Denki and Mineta, both perked up in excitement.

      [Name] laughed at their expressions and sighed to herself.

      Today seemed to be getting brighter even after everything that's happened.

     If only she knew what were to happen later.

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