Chapter 2: Traveler

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He was in Dover Delaware, a few hours from home, he could either fly the main road en route to Pleasantville or he could fly over Delaware bay and get to his New Jersey town faster. Ford glided over the land and gazed down at the fields and houses he passed as he did a few loops and twists in the air. 

Birds squawked at him in terror, finding the man in the sky strange and weird, humans didn't just fly about. His white boiler suit uniform was tied around his middle to allow the cool wind to flow over his body gently. While the soft but tough feathers on his neck and arms, and down his ribs made him more streamline in the air. He looked down, watching his shadow fly over the grassy meadows and cement roads "Whooooo Hoooo!" he cried, giggling as he put his arms up like superman, he knew it was silly to be so immature but goodness he deserved some happiness for once.


Stan kicked his heels into the sand as he swung on the swing set, a small container of chips in his hands, even after all these years the metal swings had held against the oceans current and waves, rusting away as the ocean breeze and water battered it black and blue. He gazed at the empty seat beside him, imagining his brother sitting there, nose in some nerd book, maybe even mumbling dorky science words.

"What's taking you so long?" he asked, the seagulls squawking at him as he picked at his lunch. He grumbled and threw them on the sand, The gulls fighting and squabbling over the wasted food as it settled on the ground. Stan sighed as he watched them, every time he thought of Stanford he'd lose his appetite, and he had become far too skinny because if it. His mother had tried to get to him to eat more, heck, even his father had to force food into him at some point when his weight became dangerously low.

"You're going to waste away, Stanley, please eat" his mother insisted as he pushed away yet another meal away,

"I'm not hungry" he mumbled, his Pa throwing him an apple as he made to leave the table,

"Just eat this, please, for your mothers sake"

Stan sighed and took a bite as he left the table, most likely to head to down to the shop to wait as he did every night. Later that night Filbrick found the half-eaten apple by the cash register and his son fast asleep on the floor by the door. He put the apple in the bin and covered Stan in a blanket before he switched off the light, and went back upstairs.


Stanford gazed at the Bay as it neared, the beautiful blue water glittered in the sunlight and he swooped down to put a hand a few inches into the water; the water spraying up behind him. It was cold, salty and amazing, and made him feel so free. He smiled, laughed and flew up higher, watching his reflection in the water as he glided over it.

"I've had the highest mountains

I've had the deepest rivers

You can have it all but not til you move it

Now take it in but don't look down

'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ey

I'm on top of the world, 'ey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, 'ey

Been holding it in for a while, 'ey

Take it with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I'm on top of the world"

The words came easy to him as he sang. They had had speakers all over the facility as playing music increased worker activity according to the boss man. Stanford had enjoyed singing along to some songs as the scientists poked and prodded him, he had gotten used to it after a while, the pain. His tolerance for it getting stronger the more he grew.

"I coulda gave up then but

Then again I couldn't have 'cause

I've traveled all this way for something

Now take it in but don't look down

'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ey

I'm on top of the world, 'ey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, 'ey

Been holding it in for a while, 'ey

Take it with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I'm on top of the world"

Ford flew through the air happily, chuckling as a flock of geese scattered as he zoomed passed.

"And I know it's hard when you're falling down

And it's a long way up when you hit the ground

Get up now, get up, get up now

And I know it's hard when you're falling down

And it's a long way up when you hit the ground

Get up now, get up, get up now"

He shot up into the clouds, the higher altitudes making him feel giddy as he looked down at the coloured landscape below, all fitting together like a patchwork quilt. He closed his wings and fell like a stone, laughing as his stomach flipped and flopped in distress. At the last minute he unfurled his wings and shot across the rest of the lake like a bullet.

"'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ey

I'm on top of the world, 'ey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, 'ey

Been holding it in for a while, 'ey

Take it with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I'm on top of the world"

He was almost home.

The buildings swooped passed his eyes, familiar and homey, the beach set in his sights as he neared it. He used his genetically altered vision to zoom onto the swing set, his eyes widening as he saw him. There, was his brother, gazing down at the seagulls as they fought over some soggy chips. He looked far too skinny and was watching them sadly, feet scuffing the sand.

Stanford landed near him, quiet as a mouse and sat down on the empty seat, "Hey Stan, long time no see huh?" he said quietly. Stan's head turned around so fast Ford was quite shocked he didn't get whiplash, "S-Stanford?" he asked, his voice quiet and strained as his eyes raked over his brother. Ford nodded "I missed you" he said, giving him a small smile.

Stan leapt of the swing and hugged him so tightly that Ford started crying. They fell off the swings and onto the sand, "I missed you too" Stan choked.

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